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Cat acting strange

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:15 pm
by YanaKhan
Hey, everyone.

I have a question. Haven't ever had this problem. Recently, as in the past week, my cat is acting very strange. She's been with me for nearly 5 years now and this is the first time she's acting peculiar. When I come home from work, she starts meowing as if she wants to warn me about something. She usually sleeps in my bed and recently it's been a struggle getting her to calm down if I'm not in it. I mean, if I sit on a chair or on another bed, this seems to bother her.

At first I thought it was because I started a new job, I'm out of the house quite a lot and she's not used to me being gone for such a long time. But it's just so weird. I consulted a vet, this isn't normal behavior - if she's mad at me, it would be different - she would pee in my shoes or do something similar.

She's spending a lot of time in the wardrobe, like really wanting me to open the door (this is where I keep my runes, but it hasn't happened before) and also staring at the wall and scratching it, which she has never done before. We have been in the same flat since December, so it's not a presence, I don't think.

What do you guys make of it?

Re: Cat acting strange

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:38 pm
by SpiritTalker
My 3 Cats like a predictable routine. Every day we all eat breakfast then regroup in my recliner. Stacked, each in our "right place" at foot-rest, lap, &'arm-rest or head-rest if there's a territory dispute. God help us if I change the routine & grab my iPad to start typing before each has found their spot. The yodeling tells me I'm not doing it right.

Your change of routine may have disrupted the eat, nap, play, cuddle, eat & nap schedule. She may just be expressing her distress & not telling you off. A heavy dose of Catnip can reset the makes cats forget everything.

As for staring & scratching or meowing, it's possible a fly that was being stalked 72 hours earlier disappeared off radar at that area of wall space so is being watched for ... & never mind that the fly, like Elvis, has left the building. My male cat stalked an absent Elvis-bee on the window sill for 2 days, just staring at the window & not out of it, & making the nick-nick-nick hunting sound every so often like he'd spotted the prey...but nothing was there. If I hadn't chased the bee myself I wouldn't have known what the cat was doing.

There's a fortune of cat toys in this house that were secretly stashed because they hide toys. Behind doors & in the closet is prime treasure hunt real-estate as well as under the recliner. Unpopular toys are left behind the toilet to die ... a cat equivalent of burying it in the litter box.