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Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:48 pm
by Cipher
Hello, all! From what I've noticed around, I think the only other thread about otherkin specifically talks about it in the context of the fae? Anyway, I am otherkin myself and happy to answer questions anyone may have about it; if you're 'kin yourself, want to know more, or just want to talk! As long as we're all respectful to each other, I welcome any response.

Otherkin is generally defined as identifying as/believing oneself to be nonhuman in some nonphysical way. It is an identity label based on personal experiences, and can involve a mixture of psychological or spiritual beliefs. One common (but not the only) spiritual belief is that the person had a past life as a nonhuman animal or mythical creature (from wherever a mythical creature might live, on this plane or another) - for example a dragon or a wolf; they then believe that this past life still influences who they are in the present, showing in things like behavior and mental self-image, aspects of themselves that they do not choose or control. They may also experience past life memories.

I am what you would call fallen angelkin. Now, I have some personal spiritual beliefs related to this, so it is not exactly the same as what some other people believe, but it is similar in vein to things like angel incarnates, soul shards, and past lives. I believe in what I call a "shared soul", that my soul exists simultaneously as my human, current self and also my other self, a fallen angel. I believe my two sides exist in balance. Another way of explaining this from a different perspective would be to say that I believe my fallen angel self IS my shadow self.

*Disclaimer: By no means am I asking you to believe in angels or fallen angels the way that I understand them! We all have a variety of beliefs, and I simply want to offer the chance for those curious to ask questions and learn more about what I and people like me personally believe about ourselves. I have held this identity for approximately 5 years (although I only began interacting with the community 3 years ago), and it is based on experiences from throughout my life. I keep a record of everything I've written and reflected on about it, which is saved to a word document currently sitting at around 21k words. If you ask me a new question, I welcome the opportunity to add to it!

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:39 am
by theFeeLion
*waves* I'm curious to know how you found all of this out. Was it a gradual discovery or a bit more of a sudden realisation?

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:39 am
by Cipher
*waves back* Some people I know experience kind of a sudden realization, but for me it was kind of a mixture. We do refer to whatever series of events, be they gradual or sudden, as an awakening. I say my awakening really started in late 2011 or early 2012. This is when I first became aware of all of the things in my life that seemed to be building to this point, and is marked by an event that caused me to start thinking more deeply about my inner self.

For me, the turning point in my thoughts began with this quote by Mark Twain: "But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest?" This quote hit me on a deeply personal level. Imagine, in place of the name "Satan", that you overheard someone saying this about you, and that all of it was extremely true and fitting. That's the kind of feeling I had when I read this for the first time. After that point, I started noticing more and more things about myself - strange phantom sensations of body parts I did not have, going back to when I was a child. Ways my thoughts skewed my perception of certain aspects of fallen angel (and specifically Devil) lore. Even the characters and movies I felt paralleled some part of myself. All these little things combined until, around 2013 or so, I started having these thoughts that were like "it's almost like the devil and I share a soul?...but nah, that would be ridiculous". The thoughts and experiences didn't go away, and I stopped laughing and took it seriously.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 8:18 am
by SnowCat
I identify as Otherkin. I was a member of a bipedal feline race in the days before Egyptians began worshipping cats. I have identified with feline ways for most of my life. I had some very vivid revelations a couple of years ago.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:40 am
by Cipher
Hey! Nice to meet you as well. I also get a lot of feelings similar to felines. I believe one of my "true" forms as a fallen is that of a quadrupedal being similar to a sphinx (or more accurately, most similar in lore and structure to the Sumerian lamassu, or other old animalistic hybrid styles of angels).

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:14 pm
by SpiritTalker
@cipher - do you feel the current embodiment is your 1st as human? What is the value of being human now that you're here? How would you make the best of the opportunity? Some other-kin have mentioned longing to go back...ever have that? I'm just wondering in my head, not trying to be Nosey.

I can remember as a 4-5 year old staggering my parents by telling them in all sincerity that they weren't my real parents; so years later I assumed I must have been relating to a past life memory. I never earned my wings though. The Earth has such diversity in life forms.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:27 pm
by SnowCat
My deepest desire is to return to my feline form. I think that's why I'm a bipedal cat in the astral.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:39 pm
by SnowCat
My deepest desire is to return to my feline form. I think that's why I'm a bipedal cat in the astral.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:50 pm
by Cipher
@SpiritTalker: As far as I'm aware, yes. Who knows why me, why here, why now; honestly, they're not questions I try to concern myself with. I don't believe my soul would ever live simultaneously here as a nonhuman creature, simply because the lore of the devil in particular and fallen angels in general are simply so tied to the story of humanity. Theoretically, there's still the chance that I've simply lived many lives as a human and have always existed in balance with my other self, or there's also the theory that since the world right now is in a state of turning point with humanity, technologically and environmentally, as it has never quite been at before, there's also the chance that that's why I'm here now, existing in the in-between space. Lots of theories, very little solidity for any of them, so I try not to let it keep me up at night XD

I don't have much, if any, longing to go back. I think it's more because I know my other self is doing just fine on his own, I'm still over there doing my job, I still have all my friends in that life. Every now and then I get some odd moments of longing, but I don't seem to have as much of that as some other people I know.

Edit: since you asked what I think I believe my purpose as a human is here, honestly I'm not sure (and again, not something I worry over). If I have a purpose, it's the one I make for myself. Or perhaps I'm here as a second chance at redemption or free will for my other self. I want to use my love of writing and language to reach out to others, though, so that's been driving my life.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:07 pm
by SpiritTalker
Another poster here had said he too believed himself to be an angel and he had a sense-of-mission ... But then he didn't actually spend much time engaged in his mission but was side tracked by a very human ego as if the human-part was the shadow self; sort of the inverse of what you've described. It's an interesting perplexity of balance. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:04 pm
by Cipher
You're welcome! And ha, yeah, I've met people like that too. They're unfortunately pretty common in the spiritual community in general.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:55 am
by theFeeLion
Sorry for my delayed response! I really appreciate you doing this thread and explaining a bit for me :)

I'm still in the process of figuring things out for myself at the moment, so having you explain your experience has been really helpful for me. I think I am/have been fae at some point. I know I was chosen as the living embodiment of Itzpapotl (and then sacrificed) in a previous life and I think that may feed into that fae connection too, but as I said I'm still not 100% certain.

Re: Otherkin Q&A - Nonhuman past lives and similar

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:10 am
by Cipher
That's fine! Happy to help :D

It can definitely take some time to figure yourself out. If you haven't already, I recommend journaling about your past experiences and maybe some meditation on them as a starting point.