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Different types of dreams

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:06 pm
by Tiger

Over the past year, I have become fascinated with my dreams and I have noticed that I have different types of dreams.

The first type is based on something that has entered into my senses in the days prior to the dream.
It may be something I have seen, smelt, tasted, touched or heard. By becoming more aware and in the moment I am beginning to be able to work out if the dream is based on a stored memory of something I have experienced recently. This is quite fascinating to learn how much my brain actually stores that I would never think it would bother with, but it does.

The second type is symbolic.
Most recently I dreamed of a tiger and also of crashing waves. Both of these are symbolic of feelings and emotions. Fear and emotions washing over me. These are things I must overcome.

The third type is precognitive. Events that are yet to happen or an insight to an event. Sometimes information pertaining to an upcoming event that I need to know.
The last one I had like this was preceding a major earthquake. The dream did not show me this but it did show me that our Cathedral would be requiring new leadlight windows. It required more than that after the earthquake hit as it was badly damaged but the dream was indeed indicative of upcoming major damage.

Is there any other types of dreams that you are aware of that I may be missing?

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:52 pm
by corvidus
I’d add: dreams of past lives, dreams which are actually astral/mental body projections, lucid dreams and, if you keep a dream journal, dreams which form a subconscious narrative.

The last one is most interesting to me, that there is a retained dream-memory which is like an alternate life while we sleep!

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:09 pm
by Tiger
Oh, thank you Corvidus!

I had completely overlooked the subconscious narrative.
That would be the same type of dream where you enter back into it and you pick up where you last left off?
An alternative seemingly parallel? existence.

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:58 pm
by Tiger
I am not sure how to label this type of dream but I will try and explain it the best I can so maybe someone else can put a label on it for me? Would be very much appreciated.

I somehow managed to enter into a very good friends dream. Her dream was about her past and it was about an event and experience that took place for her. A rather unpleasant one.

I woke up one morning after a rather disturbing dream about a very good friend. In the dream, I was on a boat with her and her dad and then after a bit, a dark curtain was put between me and what I was viewing. I was still able to feel and the feelings were horrid. Every now and again the curtain would drop and I would view something else. I could feel the boat rocking with the waves.
The next morning I rang my friend and told her about my dream. She asked me a number of questions and then told me she had had the exact dream and the dream was actually something that had happened when she was a child. She was positively freaked out about what I told her I had seen and felt.

Past event. Shared dream. Actual events. What type of dream is this?


Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:09 pm
by SnowCat
As far as I know, we have the ability to visit the dreams of others in the astral. I had that happen once, many years ago. It seems to happen when something important needs to be relayed.

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:34 pm
by SpiritTalker
Telepathic too, maybe. My former college room mate & I frequently shared dreams and later when living hundreds of miles apart, we still do; going on for years. :roll:

I had a one of a kind (for me) dream in my teens before I was a trance-channel medium, in which I'd received a down load in one night of a series of lessons that was channeled later when I learned how.

I occasionally have dreams in which my guide & I attend lectures. The lecture-halls are huge & always packed. Of course the crowd could just be an effect of the dream state, but I've always felt it was real.

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:34 am
by Tiger
SnowCat wrote:As far as I know, we have the ability to visit the dreams of others in the astral. I had that happen once, many years ago. It seems to happen when something important needs to be relayed.
Is it possible that it was needed as part of her healing?
She told me that she had always tried denying that day and her family did as well. She thought it was all in her head up until this point, years later.

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:35 am
by Tiger
SpiritTalker wrote:Telepathic too, maybe. My former college room mate & I frequently shared dreams and later when living hundreds of miles apart, we still do; going on for years. :roll:

I had a one of a kind (for me) dream in my teens before I was a trance-channel medium, in which I'd received a down load in one night of a series of lessons that was channeled later when I learned how.

I occasionally have dreams in which my guide & I attend lectures. The lecture-halls are huge & always packed. Of course the crowd could just be an effect of the dream state, but I've always felt it was real.
I have had dreams of healing temples and rooms and wondered the same thing.

Re: Different types of dreams

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:40 am
by corvidus
Tiger wrote:Oh, thank you Corvidus!

I had completely overlooked the subconscious narrative.
That would be the same type of dream where you enter back into it and you pick up where you last left off?
An alternative seemingly parallel? existence.
Yes, though it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same dream-scene. I’ve experienced this most profoundly when it comes to dreams including my family members. In these dreams it seems we’re always looking for something, working on some project, or running from something. I have my own interpretation for what they mean, but there is a startling coherence to the story-line, which has been going on for well over a decade :)