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Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:28 pm
by blue_moon
... i actually am looking for one...

I am so sure somebody recently mentioned a spell jar at the entrance. I just can't recall who posted it and now i am not even sure if it was here or in a book... i wanted to read it again because i don't remember what the author actually called it.

A jar at the door. Coins are beeing added when found and can be taken if needed. The constant movement of the money reactivates and enhances the power.

I want to give my home that well of abundance and hope to teach my middle son to respect money. We would set up the jar together and attract some wealth to our home.

Maybe it was here after all and someone can help find that post.

If not i will just have to mix it up.

Re: Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:34 pm
by casnarl
This sounds like a great idea, I'd sort of like to do it as well. Do you think if I started one now I could accumulate tuition money (about $3000) by September? :lol:

Re: Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:52 pm
by corvidus
I bet you could :)

Re: Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:52 pm
by blue_moon
Who knows ;)

I stuck to "give me what i need" past year. That worked really good. But it feels like unexpected costs are plundering my bank account and i really only get the minimum i asked for - so now i wanted to change strategy and ask for a little growth.

Re: Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:51 pm
by casnarl
It can't hurt to try, right?

the IRA thing my parents had for me they only had enough for 4 years, but I still have a year or so to go because I couldn't get all the classes I needed when I needed them. So they're kind of mad at me so I figure I'm gonna be on my own for the next year tuition wise. So really I'll need about $6000 :lol:

I think that might be asking the universe for a bit much I might be better off just applying for a scholarship under my major :P But if the jar worked that'd be amazing!

Re: Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:20 am
by blue_moon
You can do bouth - i would!

I'm browsing the pages... just can't find that magick well...

Good correspondances for abundance are:

Waxing Moon
Rising Sun (morning)
Rice (uncooked)
.... there is so much more that can be used!
(Ginger, all spice, pumpkinseeds, cloves, pine...)

Thursday is the right day to make this well.

Today is tuesday and i will use the power (more energy and courage of Mars) of the day and the shining sun and start.

I cleaned out my tiny entry, washed down the walls windows, stairs and door and redecorated.

Since it was an active spell i didn't cast a circle.
I used water, charged it with abundance, cleansing energy and love. I added a mixture of soda and vinegar, a drop of peppermint for luck, jasime oil for harmony and love and bergamotte for happiness and Joy.
I cleaned ot the space, washed everything down and set up a white candle. I carved the witches rune symbole Harvest anf placed it in the black vulcanic sand my mother collected in spain. I surrounded the candle with salt, crushed eggshells, cinnamon and basil and burned some incencense.

Re: Money jar spell at the door

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:21 am
by blue_moon
Mr. Cat was watching me...

I cleaned down the stairs sweeping out bad energy. The classic "with my broom i Sweep away all negativity that comes my way".
A green bottle, a spined little cactus for protection, crassula for abundance, the golden pig, insence holder. A new suncatcher made from seaglass my daughter collected and a clear quartz to empliphy the energy of the sun.
Actually i never really realised the windowsil was green. Of course i knew! How perfect isn't it?

Then i opened the door. Swept out the dirt and energy and down the stairs. Let in the air

Wind of change i welcome you
Out with the old and in with the new
I welcome abundance and prosperity
Happiness and joy may come to me.
There is a big planter right in front of my door. I will empty it out when it gets warm and plant something in there, burrying the remains of insence and candle and some eggshell-basil-cinnamon powder.