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Energy Draining

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:55 pm
by Calypsomoon3
I am trying to learn about how I can learn what’s draining my energy and how to stop it. Last month I broke up with my boyfriend. Prior to us breaking up I had an entire month where I felt overwhelmed, anxious, and just like something negative was coming.

When we broke up I assumed it was my gut feeling that he was cheating because it literally went away once we broke up. However since we’ve broken up despite me being happy, protecting my energy, and even taking more time for self care I have entire days where I wake up completely drained and in a mental fog.

I am unsure what could be draining me, but I know it is a much different feeling than when I exert energy and get tired. I feel like something is mentally and physically draining me, however I am unsure what. I am curious if anyone has any suggestions on how I could find out and stop it from draining me. As I am completely unable to focus on studying or practicing my magic when I am drained like this.

Re: Energy Draining

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:43 am
by planewalker
The first thing to do is make an appointment with your Doctor. I won't go into the different things it could be, but there could be any number of things. I'm figuring that your about 21 years old. The last of your full growth is just done. If you have a tight budget like most students check with your schools Health Services. Try the mundane before you worry about anything esoteric.

You could also visit the introduction section and give us some background.

Re: Energy Draining

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:24 pm
by corvidus
Sometimes fatigue is a result of giving up unhealthy things—relationships, food, etc. during this period the energy body and physical body are rebalancing themselves. That’s be my first guess.

Re: Energy Draining

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:23 pm
by Tutmosis
Im with Corvidus on this one. The emotional energy youve been dealing with is probably overwhelming you.

Id recommend continued prayer to your god or goddess to find comfort and resolution.

Re: Energy Draining

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:55 pm
by RyukaAscendant
Two thoughts;

1) a minor form of induced depression brought on by the poor ending of an increasingly bad relationship.

2) you have some sort of aetheric leach that fed on the negative energy from your relationship but is now feeding on your energy to create that negative emotions it was feeding on.

First talk to a councillor or psych if you're still feeling it try a cleansing of your self and home.

Re: Energy Draining

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:07 pm
by LC
Sometimes after a relationship you are tired. Your body and mind were keyed up for so long that it is relaxing and trying to get better.