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Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:05 am
by LC
I try to study and practice every day, but life is life and crazy stuff happens. I’m worried that I am not doing enough and it looks like I am not devoted and not thankful. I know my questions are showing how insecure but these have been on my mind for awhile.

Re: Practice

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:37 am
by Kassandra

Hi LC. I think you should lower your bar and tweak your schedule. If practicing "every day" is not working for you, then maybe dial it down to practicing two hours one day a week, like maybe on a Saturday, or other day when you have free time. Then increase it to two days, then maybe three. Or, just practice on an as-needed basis only. Who is the "it looks like" you are worried about, who do you feel is watching you? lol I don't even "practice every day," and honestly don't know any witches who do. People have bills to pay, lives to lead.

And don't minimize the events of your mundane, Earthly life. The "crazy stuff" is the stuff that makes you you, the interactions you have with others, the achievements and setbacks you experience, the life lessons you learn from those achievements and setbacks. All this goes into your witchcraft practices. Your practice and your life are all one, though you seem to see them as separate. They are all you. The mundane informs the metaphysical, and vice versa.

I assure you, there is no Witchcraft Authenticity Police that are clocking how many hours you practice daily. Lighten up on yourself, and enjoy. Tweak your schedule to accommodate your practice. Start small. Manage your time, that's all. It's like budgeting your money. Money and time are both just forms of energy, containers of potential. Tweak that potential into what you want it to be. Sometimes you have to budget for less in one area, so you could allot more to another area. No big deal. :wink:


Re: Practice

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:21 am
by corvidus
Well said Kassandra :)

The most difficult part is to keep a balance between “heaven and earth”
If the earthly stuff is overwhelming, take the time to work through it without worry.
Same with the heavenly stuff.

Re: Practice

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:32 pm
by SpiritTalker
Yea, there's no quota. Daily "practice" is in observing the small things & stopping for 30 seconds to inhale/exhale/ground when the craziness abounds. It's in being aware of craft-wise connections within the mundane. Some days it's just tidying the altar if you have one, or whatever puts us in touch with our Craft Nature.

Certain things like astral constructions, positive affirmations, grounding/shielding and meditation skills improve by daily practice. A 10 minute routine can accomplish a lot. Appreciate your surroundings. Extend the spidey-senses to greet & meet the spirit of the place where you are. Leave offerings.

The spiritual practices are every day to-do’s and the magical is as-needed.

Re: Practice

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:05 am
by LC
Thank you all. I’ve always been told I have to do this and that every day in the religion I grew up in. I worry that the Goddess will reject me if I don’t do things right. Last night I was having an anxiety attack for 30 minutes. I was looking through the board and found the prayer forum. I wrote a few down and I started to feel better and calmed down.

For subject of spells, I am just trying to find anything and everything. I am not sure where to start or what to try. I’ve gotten some altar supplies yesterday and looking for more today. I’m reading all I can find. But is there a certain way spells has to be said.

I know it is silly, stupid, and probably gets old. I finally found peace, happiness, and I am following a path that has always called to me. And I just want to show my thanks to the Goddess, and see what I am capable of. I know I need to work not trying to do and feeling like it needs to be perfect.

Thank you all so much for all your advice, suggestions, and posts. I am so glad I found this site and the supportive members.

Re: Practice

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:53 am
by SpiritTalker
Dont just follow a path. Explore it. :)

Re: Practice

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:16 am
by planewalker
Don't get yourself upset. If you want to "practice" every day, you can put a sphere of protection around yourself. Say a Thank you I'm alive prayer to your Goddess. There are little things you can do. Move the dust motes in a sunbeam. Anything to practice your concentration.
I will also join in on the voting and say that the only one you have to satisfy is yourself. I don't think your Goddess will feel the least bit put out if you don't get into something you feel you must,but you just flat out do not have time for. I think your Goddess would be happy if you go through life happy, and healthy, with a view to helping people that need it.
You can stop an anxiety attack if at the start of it you recite odd numbers out of order. Basically, you're getting both brain hemispheres to work the same problem. As to why it's odd numbers that work, got me. It does work.

Re: Practice

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:18 pm
by LC
The odd numbers out of order is a cool idea. Sadly I would be trying to think of what numbers are odd.

Re: Practice

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:22 pm
by planewalker
That's part of breaking the progression of the attack. Just think of numbers that can't be evenly divided by 2. You're left hemisphere has the numbers and your right has to be original.