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Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:52 pm
by Bluerose31
I became Christian today after a discussion with my parents and them expressing to me they needed me to become Christian again. It was very painful but I know I did what I had to do. I will always love the Goddess and the God. I will always love Hecate. I will always wear my hematite necklace, which symbolizes Hecate. Ill wear that until the day I die. Has anyone else had to become Christian or a born again Christian? I will stay on this website because it is beautiful to me and I love pagans. Blessings.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:17 pm
by SpiritTalker
I can relate to your difficult decision, and an act of love to relieve your parents worries is not to be sneezed at. Anyone can be any religion or none at all and still honor the Earth, and practice craft-wisdom.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:44 am
by planewalker
I think that people get too hung up on titles and labels. You be who you need to be. In your heart of heart's, you will know who you are. Moral is moral. Reaching a hand out to help your fellow beings is an act of a good person, not a Pagan person, Christian person or atheist person. A good person.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:29 am
by Lord_of_Nightmares
Hekate can always be seen as another aspect of God. But your beliefs are yours to work out. I've seen many Catholics worship other gods and still go to church, consider themselves good Christians. (I recall one woman who worshiped Kali did this.) I also tend to think that magic and Christianity aren't mutually exclusive.

Again this is for you to work out.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:05 am
by barker
I hear from the God voice. He has said numerous times that all religions are Christianity, ie it is them and they are it. Just different angles at Christ. There are differing practices, but the spirituality aspect is always uniquely one's own.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:23 am
by Shekinah
The path you take is of course your decision alone and you alone will reap reward or consequences. Nice to respect parents but questionable to allow them to dictate your path in life. The rewards of the path you choose should reflect the goals you seek. How deep do you want to delve in the great mysteries of life and the Divine? Do you wish to become a walker between worlds opening portals to dimensions of Spirit or is that more then you seek? Choose well dear friend time is not on our side.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:53 pm
by Bluerose31
SpiritTalker wrote:I can relate to your difficult decision, and an act of love to relieve your parents worries is not to be sneezed at. Anyone can be any religion or none at all and still honor the Earth, and practice craft-wisdom.
Thank you for saying this :)

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:54 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:I think that people get too hung up on titles and labels. You be who you need to be. In your heart of heart's, you will know who you are. Moral is moral. Reaching a hand out to help your fellow beings is an act of a good person, not a Pagan person, Christian person or atheist person. A good person.
You are right Planewalker :)

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:55 pm
by Bluerose31
Lady_Lilith wrote:Hekate can always be seen as another aspect of God. But your beliefs are yours to work out. I've seen many Catholics worship other gods and still go to church, consider themselves good Christians. (I recall one woman who worshiped Kali did this.) I also tend to think that magic and Christianity aren't mutually exclusive.

Again this is for you to work out.
Thank you for these words :) Then maybe I can still be Christian and worship Hecate.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:56 pm
by Bluerose31
barker wrote:I hear from the God voice. He has said numerous times that all religions are Christianity, ie it is them and they are it. Just different angles at Christ. There are differing practices, but the spirituality aspect is always uniquely one's own.
Very interesting!

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:00 pm
by Bluerose31
Shekinah wrote:The path you take is of course your decision alone and you alone will reap reward or consequences. Nice to respect parents but questionable to allow them to dictate your path in life. The rewards of the path you choose should reflect the goals you seek. How deep do you want to delve in the great mysteries of life and the Divine? Do you wish to become a walker between worlds opening portals to dimensions of Spirit or is that more then you seek? Choose well dear friend time is not on our side.
Thank you for your beautiful and wise words. I do not know if I will be able to stay on the path of Christianity. I feel at some point I will be lead back to Hecate in secret. I love Hecate a lot and paganism.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:56 pm
by planewalker
Let the secret be what you hold true in your heart for yourself. There is no reason you have to tell anyone what you believe. Not saying something is not the same as lying. Freedom of religion is after all your Constitutional right.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:15 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Let the secret be what you hold true in your heart for yourself. There is no reason you have to tell anyone what you believe. Not saying something is not the same as lying. Freedom of religion is after all your Constitutional right.
You are right Planewalker. It is a Constitutional right. I need to remember that.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:11 am
by PhoenixRising
My response may seem a bit blunt compared to others here, but no harm or disrespect intended toward anyone.
Has anyone else had to become Christian or a born again Christian?
No. I've never had to become anything or been made to believe anything that my heart wasn't in. When you're a kid, your parents may be able to drag you to church and mane you spend an hour or so a day with Bible study, but you believe what your heart wants you to believe.

I know you're parents mean well, as do most Christians. Most Christians believe in hell, and believe that anyone who doesn't believe what they believe, or believe in the way they believe, will go there to burn for eternity. Some Christians are practically militant in their beliefs and pushing those beliefs on others. Your parents apparently are part of the majority who believe in hell, and naturally want to protect you. What does the Bible say about hell? THE BIBLICAL TRUTH ABOUT HELL

But like I said, they mean well. No parent wants to see their child suffer, and many Christian parents believe that's what would happen if their child does not accept their beliefs.

But it's ultimately your path. If you're a grown adult, follow your path, and be tolerant of others' paths. If you're a kid, you can still follow your path, but you may have to go through the motions to keep yourself in your parent's good graces. But remember, your path comes from your heart, no one else's. Just like a Christian's relationship with Jesus is a personal one, so is your path in your beliefs...a personal path.

In any case, may much love and light come your way.

Blessed be! <3

Re: Christianity

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:00 am
by planewalker
One my follow their own path, yet for a time, keep it only within their heart. They may want to ease their parents concerns, especially as they get older. A parent worries about their child's well being. The child may be 1 or 71. A child my also worry about their parents well being. If a couple hours a week, of mummery that is rather meaningless to you, is all you have to pay to lighten the burden of a parent, to just recognize all they have given you, it is a small thing to have to do. You can worship whoever, or none, as you please, and it makes not a rat's patootie playing stand up - sit down - getting exercise now, mumble mumble Amen. La-la-duf,de ferble la-la-la Amen. See you next week folks. Shake hands all around and congratulate ourselves about being such wonderful people. I've done much harder things in my life for lesser reasons. Just saying.