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Abbreviated magic

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:36 am
by RyukaAscendant
So I've been considering something. And I'm wondering if what I do isn't simply an abbreviated form of the ritual cutting the performance out. I raise a circle and my energy simultaneously but skip the step of opening the gates and move straight into the invocation/ chant and release the energy through this portion until all energy drawn has been sent then I drop the circle. Has anyone else experimented with this or have any advice?

Re: Abbreviated magic

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:31 pm
by SpiritTalker
I experiment with everything in the circle :mrgreen:

Since the elements are the building blocks that move thought forms from the drawing board to materializing, I feel they need to be acknowledged for balanced energy. A short sentence is enough, no long speeches needed, as long as the mind grasps the purpose. They know who they are. It's our own mind we convince by formally calling. A circle is like an energy support for manifestaion. And balancing the energy we kick into the universe is practical to a positive outcome. It doesn't have to be formally opening the door, as long as the mind grasps that these forces are present and under the soveigrnty of the over-seeing deity-force you accept.

I've found when I cast circle, or lay a compass, it sets my mind into the proper creating frame work to make magic go. And I'm a lazy cuss so embrace short cuts. But only so far as the long-form is fully understood within my inner mind. A chain of mental pictures is easier to me than words, because I think in pictures. Words however, set the thought into the physical realm. So I use them sparingly, with forethought and backed by pictures.

Short answer is I don't call anything into the circle because I know it's already there. In my body all 5 elements are present or I could not exist in the 3-D realm. Deity is everywhere and every thing. As long as I acknlowedge this awareness as reality when I center, I'm good to go. I have to know it and own it. If my brain is just not firing on all pistons, or im distracted, then I have to do things the long way, and act-out each step. So being aware of my own status determines a lot of how I do stuff.

And more directly related to your inquiry, I have a simple spell format I've mentioned elsewhere that requires no tools or materials, but I have to be mentally prepped & totally focussed. It works. I raise energy, pulling up a visualized blue mist that I sometimes can physically see. It swirls around me; I think of my goal momentarily and feed the image into the spiral; I imagine feeling as though it is already past tense and accomplished and feed this into the spiral as well; then I say it is so 3 times in positive affirmations and feed it into the spiral. Then lift the spiral and let it go into the ethers, thank the universe for responding, and forget it.