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Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:42 pm
by RyukaAscendant
So I've been curious has anyone ever come across or made a spell that is effective at allowing you to visually perceive spirits/ fae and other entities? I've opened my third eye twice over but I would like to see the truth rather than feeling in the dark.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:57 pm
by SpiritTalker
Moon light & full moon rites can develop the psychic senses. Simple, light trance shifts awareness to open the Sight, and clear quartz crystal ball gazing seems to stimulate it too. I know that the solitary form of drawing down the moon - staring at the moon & drawing in the energy to center - will aid trance, and trance boosts Sight. Each of these would take some practice, and the willingness of the Others to be seen.

Seeing people who disappear in the blink of an eye - now you see 'em, now you don't - engaged in their own persuits at the grocery store, crossing the road right in your face, etc., can startle. I don't suppose it ever gets old, not really. Extending a friendly or cheery "howdy" is usually well received. Bossing and demanding, not so much.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:51 pm
by RyukaAscendant
Not looking to influence them at all. I'm just trying to open myself further and bring magic into my everyday life. I toyed with the idea of a cleansing of the eyes or maybe a salve but couldn't find anything that would really do the trick.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:27 pm
by SpiritTalker
It's a frequency or vibe you become sensitive to, like seeing previously unseen colors when you switch on a "black light" ultra violet lamp. Heck, if the other kin want you to see them, you won't be able to miss 'em :)

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:39 pm
by RyukaAscendant
Lol I'm well aware but, to be honest I want to know what it was that used to watch me in the night I want to see what the things are that come at me. I don't have many problems any more but seeing what is troubling will make it easier to confront and resolve.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:04 pm
by SpiritTalker
That's understandable. I think short gazing exercises with a small crystal would be helpful in loosening up the "muscles" you'd use for seeing Fae & spirits. It doesn't have to be a large crystal.
Just look into the center of the sphere and relax. It's OK to be slightly out of focus because you're not looking "at" the stone, just into it.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:29 am
by RyukaAscendant
SpiritTalker wrote:That's understandable. I think short gazing exercises with a small crystal would be helpful in loosening up the "muscles" you'd use for seeing Fae & spirits. It doesn't have to be a large crystal.
Just look into the center of the sphere and relax. It's OK to be slightly out of focus because you're not looking "at" the stone, just into it.
I never thought about using a crystal ball in that way. Although a mirror or gazing bowl might also work if that's the case. Another thing to add to my list of wants I guess.

Any stones or wood you think might help draw them? I know hawthorn, thorn woods, and iron will repel them from stories and the like. But anything that might draw them in?

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:20 pm
by T'a Nuk
When we were small my Grandmother taught us how to gaze into a candle flame or embers of a fire to enter a heightened awareness. I found that I would often witness Others on the periphery of my vision. When I tried to look upon them directly, they would simply blink out, so I learned to control my focus. I don't know if we were drawing them to us or simply witnessing happenings on another frequency. I was never able to communicate with this method, the only time I think I was able to draw them in was through the dreamtime. This would take a couple days to prepare for, but I was often rewarded for my patience with a brief message or vision.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:43 pm
by SpiritTalker
I love rocks, so that's always my first choice; crystal is all purpose, and amethyst, or for some folks hematite, open the psi sense. A black mirror or black bowl with plain water, and catching Moon's reflection or a candle if it's cloudy, will work too. A black mirror is easy to make by spray painting the back of a picture-frame glass, letting it dry 24 hrs between coats of paint, and then framing, glas-side facing you. Smudge with mugwort and moon lite bathe.

Dandelion root, or mugwort leaf call spirits; mugwort also aids clairvoyance, as does yarrow flower. And if you want to indulge, you can brew a weak tea, honey optional. Keep a glass of water untouched along side you or sit near a stream. The presence of water aids the psi abilities.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:01 pm
by RyukaAscendant
Interesting well dandelion is common around here. I typically burn sage for smudging purposes and I like the mirror idea, I really don't want to try to find an old silver mirror though it would be cool.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:08 pm
by SpiritTalker
Heh heh dandelion is everywhere, it seems. Well, just dont sage smudge when you want to attract spirits since it's used for clearing away spirits... don't quote me, 'cuz it's been a while, but if I recall rightly (squints one eye) cloves & cinnamon as incense attract good energy, (switching eyes) Juniper berry too.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:43 pm
by Firebird
T'a Nuk wrote:Grandmother taught us how to gaze into a candle flame or embers of a fire to enter a heightened awareness. I found that I would often witness Others on the periphery of my vision.
that's cool your grandma taught you that :fairy:
I've found a similar experience when gazing at the crystal ball, or even just the lawn or plant in the distance. Stuff appears on the periphery but cannot gaze directly upon them. Although recently at my moms in the backyard things were flitting about but couldn't get a defined form. Some were dark like a shadow and others were white-ish or opaque, and smaller than the dark ones.... Still think some or one of those was the neighbor who had just passed and was hanging around.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:55 pm
by Myrth
To see through the veil I must enter a trance-like state. Staring into a campfire or fireplace and meditating is one way. Or drumming while meditating. But I really have to go in deep before I can. It doesn’t happen with regular daily meditation for me. There has to be something extra, a fire, drumming (or both).

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:19 am
by barker
Meditating on a flame for 20 mins at a time... let it burn every thought you ever had... doing this left me with 110% psychic vision in space,. It's scary because I can see people's spiritual intentions in my memory too, now. I can tell what is up with anyone within 15 mins. Somehow, they do not sense me knowing this, it is a little bit precarious.

Re: Visually piercing the veil

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:27 pm
by Doktor Avalanche
I am surprised no one here mentioned finding a rock that has a natural hole in it to gaze through the moonlight to see the fae & spirits. This is classic, traditional faerie lore!