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Unseely spirit guide

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:30 am
by Deerstep
So, I have this friend. Who's been 'around' a while.
Her name's Jean. Every time I 'see' her, she has short fire-engine red hair, a denim jacket or a plaid shirt and ripped up jeans and scuffed up pants. Fairly sure she's a lesbian, but she's never told me.
A while ago when we 'talked' last, she said she was Unseely.
I'm a little unsettled. I have a guide who is definitely a Neighbor. Sometimes she's got good ideas, and helpful criticisms. Sometimes, not so helpful. She can be pretty brutal. Sometimes, she'll pick fights with my other guides.
Her voice is definitely one of the stronger ones, and sometimes I really don't feel like talking to her. But, I don't want to insult her either. After all, I consider her a friend. She's been a lot more laid back of late (maybe my recent boost of confidence has something to do with it), but I'm not sure.

Ideas? She's the only fae I've ever worked with. My other two guides are very, very different. She sometimes says that I 'made her' and that 'we're the same'. What in the world does she mean? Every time I ask, she clams up and just smirks at me.

Re: Unseely spirit guide

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:44 am
by SnowCat
My first impression is that she's a Redcap. I'm not sure what she means by you "made her." I would be very cautious in any interactions with her.

Re: Unseely spirit guide

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:52 am
by StarryWater
She sometimes says that I 'made her' and that 'we're the same'. What in the world does she mean? Every time I ask, she clams up and just smirks at me.
Some may say it is a thoughtform. It is a concept in the occult. You mentally create an autonomous being to share your mind-stream and it helps you in different ways. Sometimes it is intentional, and other times people are not aware of creating them. This view tend to insist it is all in your head, or at least not like a real spirit. (Thus the "you made me", but such a suggested correlation may be based on misunderstanding.)

I experience something similar, but I am not a fan of the toughtform-idea. I tend to view it in my case as independent and autonomous - not just created by me. It is more like a spirit to me.

Your situation reminds me of my own. My spirit say similar things and I personally interpret it with regard to a higher love uniting us. "We're the same" because at the highest level, we are united by love, but down here we have different bodies and we have to discover each other. The fact that the being is mysterious and does not answer is because the answer can not be understood by ordinary human ways of thinking. It is an invitation to transcend popular notations of reality - to enter the mystical - in order to experience the answer. That she say you "made her"; that in my case would mean that I attracted her, because I am of the same essence and we balance each other, no matter how difficult it may be for me to currently grasp. She came because we match. (The love perspective may not apply in your case. For it to apply, there should be some element of true benevolence to it - my guess.)

But from time to time I put this explanation aside. I tend to view it like this because I have been into much eastern philosophies about realizing the true nature of the self, which aims to transcend the way we ordinarily view reality and ourselves.

Edit: I edited and added.

Edit: added the following:

If she believes you have a shared purpose, then your other guides may not be invited to the party. They may not be suitable for that purpose. Maybe you have to discover what purpose and decide if it is in your interest. In my case, some other influences have been excluded because they do not belong to our purpose.

Edit 3: Yes, I would also be cautious. Not because she would necessarily be evil (you know best), but because her purpose may set you in another direction. Not that she necessarily would like to fool you, but you yourself have to pay attention to the matter and decide.

Re: Unseely spirit guide

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:07 pm
by Kassandra

Every spirit isn't necessarily a "guide," not a good idea to automatically assume it is.
