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A tree in a temple vision

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:07 pm
by Akairyuu
Hi everyone, I just thought I'd share a vision that posted on another forum that I had while meditating a few nights ago.

The vision started by having me stand at what looked wall of energy (Orangey-red/yellow) or force field by I then walked through the wall only to end up in floating in a vast, open void/space. It then turned out, however, that I stood below what looked like a bridge that I had leapt from leading into a large castle/temple in the distance. I could see a large open arch on the side of the castle, which I then walked towards.

As I entered the castle, I was then in a large courtyard with a garden of many plants, bushes, trees and flowers. In the middle of the garden was a large, glowing tree, very pretty. It was then that my vision change slightly to show me merging with the tree, like I was the tree. The tree was acting like our main column of energy that links each of our chakras, you know like the tree of life diagram.

So to sum up, the whole vision, to me, showed me escaping from what looked like the confines of a temple bridge before walking up to the temple and becoming the spiritual tree in the centre of the temple. If I were to try and interpret this, it looks like I had gone a small journey to find my spirituality (tree) after focusing too much on the material/body (temple).

I should add that whenever I now invision the tree aligning with my body, even with a quick visualisation I feel empowered and filled with energy :)

Re: A tree in a temple vision

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:59 am
by SpiritTalker
It sounds like self empowering experience. Do you have questions about it? Did you want kibitzing? Your personal experience is, well personal, and your experience is delightful. I'm sure you're excited. I have just a word of caution though, that frequent sharing could cheapen the experience, and undermine future results. That's just spiritual common sense. What is given by the soul is meant for ourselves & not the public. There is a personal journal section where you can record your experiences, & if people are intrigued they know where to look.

Re: A tree in a temple vision

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:19 am
by Firebird
I feel trees are important teachers.
I lead a particular meditation called becoming the oak. Once fused to the oak we listen for messages.
In your merging can you sense if the tree has any wisdom to impart to you? You don't have to share that, just putting it out there.
Bb, FF

Re: A tree in a temple vision

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:28 pm
by Sarina
There is a book called, The Modern Day Druidess by Casandra Eason that you might enjoy. She goes into some detail about the importance of trees in spirituality. I have been physically healed while resting in a pine grove. Trees are amazing!

Re: A tree in a temple vision

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:13 pm
by Shekinah
There is consciousness resident within trees. They are perhaps the most noble and Holy life forms on the planet taking only what others cannot use and giving so much to so many. It is a grand experience to go beyond tree hugging to actually merge psychically with the spirit in trees. (The Green Man)