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Not quite sure what this skill is... any ideas?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:00 am
by moonlass
I have this weird ability when I am around people to sort of feel my way through all the troubles and feelings that people are experiencing to see the true nature of their soul. It literally feels like I'm touching their very soul as it would be without the burdens of the world masking it from them. Along the way I also pick up on a lifetime of burdens and can determine precisely what is needed for them to lift these burdens and return to their purest selves. This is both a blessing because I know it can do much good in a world full of pain and a curse since afterwards I'm left with some of their pain and I know how to ease their pain but most people choose to ignore my advice.

Is this just another form of being an empath or is this something else? Am I just thinking too hard about this? Also, any advice from other empaths on how to ease the pain and distress picked up from other people?

Blessings, brothers and sisters

Re: Not quite sure what this skill is... any ideas?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:40 am
by Tutmosis
I recommend shielding yourself. I use the 12th dimensional shield technique. Google it and you should find many articles explaining how to do this.

And yes I think that you have a unique ability. You must learn to master it, lest it masters you.

Re: Not quite sure what this skill is... any ideas?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:57 am
by SpiritTalker
I'd suggest doing an energy cleansing on yourself when you pick up the static, then shield after cleansing.

Yea, I'd say you're an empath, with a spiritual flare. The intuitive empathic ability can feel invasive to the recipient, and they instinctively protect themselves, rejecting the uninvited however well intented presence of the empath. We humans are territorial and herd minded at our lower, self-preservation energy levels.

Being read is basically intruding into the energy field of is emotionally perceived by them like we had walked into the wrong locker room and they are being caught in their skivvies. A reader has to be very sensitive to the personal privacy of the client and pretend like we didn't see anything revealing...or shut our eyes to preserve the dignity of the locker room occupants. Otherwise we're a bit like a peeping Tom. :roll: Normally, folks don't like being caught in their skivvies.

If you can catch hold of how it would feel to be free of the issue, and transfer that good feeling to the person, it may help them want it for themselves after having tasted it. Then they are more likely to be open to change, as opposed to wallowing in the safe familiarity of the known issue.

In my gut I feel that social rules do apply to helping others to accept our psychic invasion. People are more receptive in a homey consultation setting. It creates a safe place to let down their guard, as long as psychic poking and prodding are done gently and with dignity. 1st rule is we cannot comment without their permission.

Arranging the furniture to offer a choice of openness without barriers, or a cubbyhole for enclosure can help. More often we just have to work where we are at the moment and use words to put them at their ease. Instead of phrases using "you feel this or that" we can talk about the feeling, not the person. Say something like "I sense a feeling of...and I feel it would change if X could happen" which gives them the info but not as a personal critique or instruction to shape up.

Re: Not quite sure what this skill is... any ideas?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:23 pm
by moonlass
These are very good suggestions. Thank you all so much for your advice. I will work on shielding and finding more socially acceptable methods of using this skill around other people. Thank you!