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Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 12:56 am
by planewalker
I was binge watching some science programing and hit a major earth shattering riddle. OK, You caught me. It was just one of those "Say what?", situations. All you hear on one show is all the galaxies are flying away from each other. Next show you get we're going to be hit by the Andromeda Galaxy. That sounds suspiciously like it's flying towards us. Somebody, please tell me what's up with that.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:03 am
by Shekinah
Yep space/time is expanding at an ever increasing velocity. Galaxies do collide because most are flying through space on differing trajectories. Like shooting a pigeon flying away from you.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:22 am
by Ashrend
Like shelinah said , it's that the andromeda galaxy is moving at a faster trajectory towards are Galaxy , if you have seen the images of other galaxies colliding it is guna be a shit storm and a half


Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:44 am
by planewalker
Yes, I've seen the pictures and now that you point me in the right direction, I feel like an @ss for not thinking about the fact that the speed of the galaxies and space expansion are different, have nothing to do with the speed of light(not counting expansion, if that's what happened) and the science shows are aimed at people that dabble without thinking. Looking back that was one of my better run on sentences. Now, should we have an uprising against the misuse of decimated by the Talking Heads on TV?


Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 12:22 pm
by Ashrend
All rise for the revolution!!! Metaphorical heads will roll!!


Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:16 am
by Luna Bathory
I heard the two galaxies colliding is inevitable, but the galatic cannabilism will be a 1,000 yr light show and will not really effect life on Earth.


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:58 pm
by planewalker
Even though Andromeda is rushing us like a freshman looking for frat house beer, I think we will be a much different species and will have to be doing it from other worlds since earth will be radically changed or gone.


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:05 am
by HopefulChild
I'm going to do my best to assist here. The reality is that there are at current 3-6 prevailing cosmological models. To be more precise, there is evidence in the affirmative that astrophysics as we currently understand it, is woefully inadequate to explain the factual mechanical function of our own solar system, let alone our galaxy or the universe at large.

The top 3 models are:
Big Bang driven expansion model: or General Relativity. Einsteins universe. Big Bang, matter pushing outword and forming things and colliding into each other and making new things until the energy driving the expansion is eaten away by that expansion and then the collective gravity of the universe as a whole will cause a collapsing gravitational reaction and all the matter will be smashed back together until it compresses so much that is causes another big bang and starts all over again.

Infinite Dimensional Model: String theory universe. The big bang is irrelevant because the release of energy is omnipresent and spans across and through all the infinite reach of space and time and dimensions. All things are connected via super strings so the effects we witness in our physical world are the vibrations of activity resonating through all the other dimensions and universes to impact our own, so we will always see a certain amount of conflicting information because there are dimensions connected to ours where everything is so beyond simply Opposite of what we understand, that we can't even imagine it yet, and those interactions and "waves" cause things in our reality that seem utterly inconsistent with everything we think we know.

Perpetual Universe Engine: This is pretty new. Multi-Dimensional realities are theoretically real. The big bang happened when 2 or more dimensions collided with each other and had a matter+antimatter reaction. This reaction created an equal and opposite reaction at the Quantum level, the dimensional string level, and the realativistic level of our physical reality. This equal and opposite reaction was to create a dimensional vacuum that collapses matter and compresses it to super critical causing another, smaller big bang...IF that dimensional big bang is powerful enough, then it escapes the boundaries of the collapsing vaccum and pushes the expansion of the universe. If a new big bang creates dimensions that are too weak in structure to escape the vaccum they are collapsed and destroyed and their matter and strings are torn apart and become part of the pool of dimensional and physical energy and lead to a new super critical big bang, and that process is repeating over and over like the rhythmic cycle of an engine. The Perpetual Universe engine is one of the few cosmological models that allows for a scientific basis for nearly all aspects of human reality to be held in balance. Including past lives, deities, magic, spirit, souls, omni-dimensional collective heavens and hells.

Under all of these models, physical space as we know it is still primarily controlled by the influence of Gravity. Specific and Relative. And if you are a little interested in gravitational effects on a grand scale then you will eventually get to the types of specific gravitational anomalies that exist. Radial, Axial, thermal, Scalar, non-Scalar and Stellar interference. The list is growing every year.

Right now...under relative physics model...our solar system is broken and shouldn't exist. There are 2 probabilities. Our math is bad. Horrible terrible bad. OR...we are still very ignorant of a core component of gravitational mechanics and haven't been able to imagine it yet, to start looking for the missing part.
We are missing mass. So much mass that some math has been floating around for a few decades estimating that the mass we are missing would equal a planet half the size of our star. Basically a planet so big it would pull on our star just the same way our star pulls on our planet and all the other planets.
Lots of people have tried figuring out how, where, and why, and even made models and tried to explain that if there was a massive planet directly opposite to our rotation, then we would never ever bee able to see it from our solar orbit, and we'd only know it was there if we flew out to the edge of our solar system and sat there for a few hundred years until the rotations were far enough along that we should be able to see it. No one can do that.

But most people forget, or never really comprehended that our Star..our Sun, is not stationary. Neither is our solar system , or our galaxy. They are all moving and being affected by the multitude of gravitational influences I've been talking about. The galactic core, just the center of our galaxy, will, over billions of years, shift around, based on gravity, and wobble. Think of a freshly cracked egg in a frying pan. The yolk can be moved around in the white, even as the white is cooking and hardening. Until the white is cooked so solidly that the yolk can't move anymore, then any movement of the pan, has the potential to wobble the core of the egg. At the point that the white part of the egg and the yolk reach stasis ( their relative positions have become fixed to each other) then the whole egg gets moved in the pan. Not the yolk, relative to the white part in which it is still suspended.

There is no way to estimate when our galactic core could reach stasis. Too many factors to ever even guess. With so many other galaxies, still exerting force on us, and us on them (relative model) and quantum entanglement, and string tethering influence, the closest we can get to the truth is that humans, as species have little to no chance of existing long enough fully comprehend what is possible. Just what is probable on a very very very short scale.


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:51 am
by planewalker
I think we have been observing for such a short time with such limited understanding, that everything we think we know is wrong. I would like to have any clue about gravity. At least I'm not alone on that one. All the physicists I've ever heard of are in that boat. I like Einstein just because it's the cosmic dream of Hindu origin. The frat house pot party circa early 70's is also pleasing in that all we see in the universe is the smallest part of somebody else's sub- atomic particle at their Cern. Since I like to believe at least one extreme thing, per day, that has just got to be wrong - Your all my cosmic dream. Now all you have to worry about is what time I set my alarm clock for.