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Jupiter Calendar

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:27 pm
by Chris Fox
Ive created a calendar based on Jupiter-Sun conjunctions. Ive been living by it and will continue to do so.
It results in a 13 month year. I haven't figured out thge lunar implications yet, but that is bound to be interesting.

Here's what Ive posted when I announced the calendar where Im from. It may come across as pompous - but come on, this is Jupiter.


Season of Law

Sunday - September 25
september 15 to october 5

Thursday - October 26
october 16 to november 5

Sunday - November 25
november 15 to december 5

Friday - December 27
december 17 to januari 6

As no man before me would raise himself to uphold this evident gift, I will do do what majestic Jupiter asks of this Earth, so as for the disparately despairing Earthlings to receive what he offers, and rebuild... or anew.

The aim is the connect the realm of self-idea to the power of archetypical, i.e. numerical progressions, in order to create balanced increase of reality.

To make communal spiritual growth, gradual ascent or approach to coherence a constant, i.e. ground it, giving it Earth, stabilizing circuitry.

Time as the works of Hercules.

It is based on the cycle of Sun-Jupiter conjunctions. The feast moves one sign every year.

This gives us a cycle of 12 years and 12 signs, which makes you wonder why this doesn't already rule the processions of pilgrims on Earth.

Venus and Mars will this serve as deities under the auspices of their father, where they belong and are properly known.

The religion could consist in the formative years of the study of the behavior of Venus and Mars during the time of the festival, which lasts 21 days, of which the central one is the suns conjunction to jupiter. Jupiter moves one sign every year, so roughly speaking, the conjunction will shift every year with just over one month. Concentration on that time. Pattern making. Discovery of a spiritual season, hidden just above the fixed path of our Earth Sun Axis.

The first 21 days the congregation will name those days and give them guardians an symbols. Protocol is ancient, why toss it. Continuity is the magic, word.

The standard of what's good around this time is not that life is good, but that philosophy is good, does well. I've installed this calendar out of gratitude for what we as philosophers accomplished the past month or so.

This religion is thus essentially dedicated to us, to the act of philosophizing in unison, which must come to rule man in one way or another.

What Heidegger didn't properly realize, fixated on building, dwelling, thinking, as being in time, is that one builds in time, so that one can dwell like a god - namely, think, transform, cohere within a resonance cage of Earthly prosperity.

It's an aim too 'decadent' to posit - but thats Jupiter.


I hope some of you will join me in celebrating the conjunction festivals!

Re: Jupiter Calendar

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:34 pm
by Chris Fox
The trick behind this calendar is Jupiters 12 year orbit.
It makes for a great compatibility with out solar years.
It means that Jupiter will be in each astrological sign for a year, give or take - evening out very neatly on the whole.

So what we get is years of 13 months, that start progressively later in the solar year, and are marked by consecutive signs.

We are now in the Libra year.
Jupiter in Libra is marked by the victory of Donald Trump, who indeed, has his Jupiter in Libra.
This fall we'll have the feast in Scorpio.

I tremble a bit before the idea... but yeah, it does seem appropriate for where we're heading.

In any case, I hope this calendar can enjoy a place on this wonderful forum.

Thanks be to Jupiter

Re: Jupiter Calendar

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:18 pm
by Chris Fox
The Scorpio year commences at October 26.
It is wise to ask Jupiter then for guidance, and not ask him do fulfill specific goals. He is, as all great Gods, a trickster, and realizes the wishes behind your spoken wish.