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Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 10:47 am
by Firebird
Ok, whats the deal? Message?
I've removed 4 large wolf spiders from my home in the last week, one of them I think came back thru the kitchen door (which is open frequently) and another one was huge, at least to me it was huge, about the size of a silver dollar. That one I took across the street.
Not a big fan of spiders, why so many in such a short span? They also seem to appear out of nowhere. Like suddenly they are just in the middle of the room.
Bb, ff

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 11:10 am
by SnowCat
I think you should research what it means to have spider as your spirit animal. The fact that they're appearing suddenly, and in multiples, means there's a message for you.


Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:43 pm
by Firebird
Yea, I'm figuring so, by the way they were all black.

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:23 pm
by SnowCat
So they're having a black tie event at your house. Pretty soon you'll see little lady spiders in their sparkly evening gowns. You can mix up some bug juice punch for them.


Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:26 pm
by Tutmosis

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 9:12 am
by jaybirdblue
Spiders are excellent little creatures. Wolf spiders in particular are very unique because they actually take care of their young. The mothers carry their babies on their backs to protect them. So, on top of the overall spider power animal meanings, it could be a nice little sign or reminder of familial love.

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 11:13 pm
by corvidus
firebirdflys wrote:Ok, whats the deal? Message?
I've removed 4 large wolf spiders from my home in the last week, one of them I think came back thru the kitchen door (which is open frequently) and another one was huge, at least to me it was huge, about the size of a silver dollar. That one I took across the street.
Not a big fan of spiders, why so many in such a short span? They also seem to appear out of nowhere. Like suddenly they are just in the middle of the room.
Bb, ff
Haha, I was bite on the forehead by a wolf spider, their poison is fairly potent. Here's my scar ;)


I used a 'Purification Oil' my naturopath physician gave me to get it to heal. So it's interesting, that Purifications and Poisons were brought together for a time. Spiders are a good omen (for me), and a reminder.

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:44 am
by Mr Crowley
If you hate wolf spiders, you love all other type insects. I needed a container of water, and asked someone at a garden center for some. She paused, and said, do not BOTHER my spider. As we walked me over to the shed that had the faucet, I asked what kind, and she said wolfs. She said you never seen one like this. She peeked inside, said there it is, I looked. It was the size of a tarantula. (We don't have them here.) If it hadn't moved, I would have sworn it was fake. I thought she might be in a micro-climate--I have huge camel crickets, 3inch feelers--so I asked it that was common for them to be so big, because I had never seen even close to that side. She said no, never seen on that big, about your spider's size, the garden type varity.

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:53 pm
by Firebird
Dang Corvidus, that must have hurt. But it left a nice 5 pointed flower or star on your head there. :fairy:
That seems pretty significant. Did it swell where you were bit?
jaybirdblue wrote: it could be a nice little sign or reminder of familial love.
thanks for that reminder, it falls in line with wolf energy too and their pack life tendencies. :D
Mr Crowley wrote:If you hate wolf spiders, you love all other type insects
I didn't actually say I hated them, I just rather they weren't in the house, and I really don't want them on me. As for all other insects ummm not ants when they come in the house :P
SnowCat wrote:So they're having a black tie event at your house.
Pretty soon you'll see little lady spiders
ha ha ha , that sounds like trouble, then I'll be having little spider Jr's running around :annoyed:

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:01 pm
by corvidus
firebirdflys wrote:Dang Corvidus, that must have hurt. But it left a nice 5 pointed flower or star on your head there. :fairy:
That seems pretty significant. Did it swell where you were bit?
Not only swollen, but the skin putrefied and blackened haha..
Spider is an interesting archetype ;)

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:27 pm
by SnowCat
I had a wolf spider bite on my inner thigh many years ago. The seam of my uniform pants rubbed it raw, so I had to keep a huge bandage on it for weeks.


Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:48 pm
by nightshroud
oh man the very thought of any spider scares me more then anything else.

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:52 pm
by Firebird
I had a bite on my elbow once and I got a dent similar to corvidus, not quite a cute though. It was quarter size but elongated it had itched like crazy and the dr. shot it w/cortisone. Later the divot sunk almost to the bone it was real sore for a long time, so I started taping a crystal to it. A polished one. It took a couple months or more but it eventually completely healed.
We were bit by the energy of the Goddess guys :D

I started thinking about the implications of wolf, an animal I'm supposed to be working with this year. Since it would be hard for the powers that be to send a real one here to the city, these little critters could be my reminders.
Bb :flyingwitch:

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:44 pm
by FlyingPeregrine
Wolf spiders are very caring toward their young. Perhaps it means something about sacrifice of a mothers love for her children?

Re: Wolf spiders

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:19 am
by smogie_michele
Spiders... nope. Can't do em.
There are very few critters on this earth that scare me, but spiders and those friggin winged cockroaches are what do it for me.

I had a spider bite on my forehead that that ended up swelling so large that I had to call out of work... Cody named it Carlos... for those of you who remember Invader Zim, I called it Pastulio. The scar on my head is identical to Cordivus.