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The Dunnock - Garden Birds - Any Info?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:12 pm
by Vervenna_Marianna
Hi everyone, I'm new here (merry meet). I was wondering about the symbolism of common garden birds? I'd just finished some magick, making myself a 'personal' mojo bag (it's been a while since I performed any magick, I've been a bit busy of late and haven't really had the chance to practice anything really magickal). I finished, felt good and went to sit outside. I live in a big city on what is essentially a building site so it is rare to get wildlife, especially coming up close. Anyway, I was sat outside and a Dunnock (common UK garden bird) appeared. It just walked around for a bit, right next to me, occasionally stopping to look at me curiously before it hopped away. I realise the Dunnock is probably a bit too specific to have a spiritual meaning behind it, so I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any specific, spiritual meaning behind the appearance of common garden birds?

All of the information I can find are on big birds, or magpies, crows, etc, and I can't find much on smaller garden birds. Many thanks for anyone who has any information!

Re: The Dunnock - Garden Birds - Any Info?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:00 pm
by SpiritTalker
Just so y,know, I had to look up what a dunnock bird is, and it is similar to a sparrow. A common garden bird, (like a dunnock or sparrow,) could be a symbol of simplicity, finding joy in the small things in life, and appreciating the blessings of the ordinary and how it fits into the overall balance. I don't know if that means anything in terms of your spell (and I don't want to know any details) but that's how I'd think of it.

Re: The Dunnock - Garden Birds - Any Info?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:52 pm
by Shawn Blackwolf
I do know something about the Dunnock.

What I can say in this thread is the Dunnock is a symbol of a bird famous for it's complex inter - relationships between the males and females of the species,and would represent the bird of polygamous connections.

Due to other habits, including allowing the cuckoo to trade eggs with it's own, it is more threatened than most think, and does not seem to have a strong boundary as far as protecting it's own space, though it can as well be extremely solitary.

It is suggested one leaves seed offerings for it, especially in winter months.

If one took it as a "magical omen/sign," I would posit it arrived as some sort of reminder along these lines, or above concepts.

I hope that helps!