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I need some ideas ^_^

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:29 pm
by CristryShannon
Hi!! I need some of your help you guys... I'm writing a fantasy novel and I'm out of ideas... Ok so the book is about a girl that died and went to middle state (where souls wait for the final trial) where she meets her guardian angel Uriel and fall in love with him, turns out she is the only normal living daughter of Lilith and lusifer and God punished her to live and die as a human being for ever. So I have to detail this "middle State" but I'm out of ideas...How do you imagine this? Also how would you describe an angel and a demon? And how would you say they make their appearance? I wrote that they appear through extremely white light... Any ideas would be great for inspiration​ and help me finish my book, I can't wait reading your thoughts!! Thanks soooo much
Blessed be )0(

Re: I need some ideas ^_^

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:38 pm
by Ashrend
Angel and demon could look just like any old person, but maybe tiny traits hard to see like horns beneath the hair, tattoded wings for an angel ect. The middle state i liked garth nix version with the ild kingdom series with it being a series of waterfalls called precincts that way just water tugging at your legs towards each waterfall. Tho the middle state could just be literally another world with slight differences such as different physics like lighter gravity or energy being very visual. Or a place where all beings co exsist like the plane if exsistence that faries live on

Re: I need some ideas ^_^

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:53 pm
by corvidus
CristryShannon wrote:So I have to detail this "middle State" but I'm out of ideas...How do you imagine this?
Like a lucid dream. Or like a very, very clear and realistic-feeling dream. Like you don't know if it's real, but you're also 100% sure it's real.

Re: I need some ideas ^_^

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:12 pm
by CristryShannon
Oh I like that!! Maybe I'll mix both, hmm...binxyhollow your idea inspired me for another place I had trouble describing :D corvidus I like your idea it was something I thought too maybe when the girl arrives in middle state she is socked and thinks she is dreaming she can't feel heat or cold so she thinks everything is a dream untill she meets Uriel. So this place I thought of it like a big castle in the middle of nowhere without a doorway out and with limited hallways and rooms for all the dead, saints and special people have their own section and can't meet with Common people unless is God's will and an angel allows common people to meet them, also I imagined low leveled angels working there like in library while higher leveled angels keep the peace in middle state, also people who are probably going to hell are in a different section but they can meet with those who are probably going to heaven in common room... I thought of it as a middle aged castle ugh I'm not sure how to describe it..Red carpets? Chandeliers?