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Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:00 am
by Ashrend
I have always had a bad memory, more specifically my short term memory is appalling. If something makes it to long term then I remember it well and easily but otherwise what goes in one ear goes out the other. I've talked to doctors about it but they simply push it to being depression. I know it is its own issue, so what I wanted to ask was if anyone knew of any spell, ritual, crystal, incense, wood, anything, that could help improve my memory.

I have thought on meditation and the kind of thought exercise tulpas do but it doesn't sit right for me so I need something external to at the very least boost my cognitive ability for remembering things as my memory can be so bad at times I forget the very basics of things such as taking my inhaler (which I've been doing since before I could remember as a child), or to take lunch for work. It happens so often and I'm exhausted trying in futility to remember the basics. So if anyone has any suggestions or help I'll gladly take it.

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:20 am
by Hagerman420
I can relate on memory loss, I sometimes just stand there.. listened for over 5 minutes.... then at the end I really don't remember what the person said haha.... just nod my head and say yep.. make it look like I was listening haha..... when this happens I am usually thinking on other things and listening to those thoughts over what is verbally being said to me.

Meditation could help I guess... for me it just puts me into a deep trance of thinking... I usually listen to music while meditating. I just sit on the couch and make myself comfortable then close my eyes and I start seriously thinking haha

Maybe yoga? I don't know the science behind yoga and what it does for your body other than make you feel and look good haha

I recently purchased a Lemurian Seed Crystal aka Lemurian Crystal, so far I have found that it actually works quite well :D, when I am feeling anxious and I hold it in my right hand my anxiousness dissipates and I feel calmer, It seems to be helping me with the way I rep myself and how I present myself to others, I have been more reasonable whereas before no dice on that happening haha, It is said it helps to clear and balance All Chakras.... so maybe you too are off balance and need a *defrag* so to speak... I feel more approachable than I did before and my decisions are more on the ball as well.

I am still learning as I go. Lemurian Crystal could perhaps help you as well.

Mine was enchanted by the person who made the pendant, has Gold Purple and Blue wire around the top and gently encasing the mid section down to the tip of crystal.
A lot of love went into this pendant for sure. I purchased from a ladies personal collection. Have a picture in gems and crystals posts.

Anyways worth a try :)

Have a Great Day.

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:26 am
by SpiritTalker
Gingko biloba is an herbal supplement with some positive results. I have always had the same STM problem, and also have depression. Yeh, it's a pain in the posterior. Now I'm getting older, and that's another assault on short term memory. I use all sorts of memory association clues. And i write things down. I may never have to review the notes, but writing something down is like writing it on the mind. Jotting little notes on my calendar, sticky notes on the 'fridge, and even putting my water glass in the same place after i take my meds, are signals to me. When I was working, I kept a piece of petrified wood fossilized to stone, in my desk. Holding it helps with recall.

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:38 pm
by Ashrend
How long did you have to take the supplement to get results? And was the petrified wood specific to you or could it help me as well?

fire and flames

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:42 pm
by SpiritTalker
Two weeks on the Gingko, and I had read that petrified wood is called the "secretary's stone" for handling hectic days when everybody wants their project first on your list. It helps prioritize, organize and stabilize, helps grounding...saves lives... helps reduce that urge to grin while holding your boss's head under water...thus assists in holding calm thoughts as a hospitable place for memory to imbed...yeh, it works.

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:26 pm
by Hagerman420
I never knew of Gingko biloba. I suffer from severe anxiety and minor depression... Perhaps I too shall look into this.

Thanks ST :)

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:45 am
by Bychan Wulf
Ginko Biloba is frequently used in my country by the older people who start feeling that they can't remember necessary things or by students in the 2 periods of the year when they need to learn a lot and remember everything. The one students take is usually also combined with caffeine, so that they can stay up longer, without OD-ing on coffee. Just be careful with it, because if you have problems with coagulation or blood pressure, it is not a great option. It works by increasing the blood flow in the brain and if you have such problems, instead of a grat memory, yu can get a nice stroke;-)

Using sticky notes, as ST sugested can also work great, especially if you have to keep something in mind for a week or more. Just stick them somewhere whete you have to go many times a day and make sure you read them every day.
Or, what I do, is drawing an X on my hand, where the articulation betwern the hand and the finger is, with a blue pen that when you try to wash your hands makes them blue and you have to scrub really hard to get read of it. I usually ask myself what it was for and untill I finish washing it, I remember. People also usually ask you why you have an X on your hand (every songle place I go to) ot those who are closer and know why you draw them, ask you what fo you have to remember. Answering to the question at least 5 times in a day, really helps not to forget.

A third option, besides supplements, tricks and crystals would he a spell. As I see it, you can't do anything wrong, so you can even use this as an opportunity to practice your own spells. Try to create one and cast it...see what jappens :-)

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:24 am
by Ashrend
Il defo try the supplements and petrified wood when i have some spare cash. i dont know why i didnt think of making my own spell XD dunce moment. il give that a try too thanks peeps

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:08 pm
by SpiritTalker
Yea, like BW says, use supplements with caution, small doses are best, and not for long term use. I have used a tincture, for two weeks then discontinue for 2-6 months. Depends on your metabolism.

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:36 pm
by MsMollimizz
binxyhollow wrote:I have always had a bad memory, more specifically my short term memory is appalling. If something makes it to long term then I remember it well and easily but otherwise what goes in one ear goes out the other. I've talked to doctors about it but they simply push it to being depression. I know it is its own issue, so what I wanted to ask was if anyone knew of any spell, ritual, crystal, incense, wood, anything, that could help improve my memory.
SpiritTalker posted this in another thread and thought this might help you ???
I'm going to try this myself, if it even helps a little that good enough for me...

Set up a candle, ground, center, and focus on the flame for 5 unbelievably long minutes. Let your thoughts do whatever they want for the first day. Then the next day, when you stare at the candle, brainstorm one subject and come back to it when you go off on a tangent. Keep your note book handy and free-associate on that topic. Write it. Chart it. Write in a circle. Write crosswise and up and down on a page. Write backwards. Be inventive. On the 3rd day, let your mind wander where it wants again. Alternate days and mentally wander or brainstorm alternately. This teaches you how your mind works. In a month, you'd have improved your mental self control...and a notebook full of things to explore.

binxyhollow is this short term memory thing from an accident or injury, or
is it just age catching up ?
My problem is from accident, landing on my head from falling sideways off
a run-away horse onto heavily traveled dirt road in Colorado, I think the
altitude may have lent a hand ??? it took me at least an hour if not longer
just to be able to open my eyes !
I call my "problem" gray-outs because I'm still conscious but what the person
is saying makes no sense. Like they are talking to me in Spanish and on mute.
Yet somehow I am able to talk to them, that's no guarantee I'm on the same
subject ! I have several dents and flat spots on my skull...
Hope this opens something helpful !!!
So it ought to be interesting to see how this candle thing will work for me !?!
Will post either way...
Gentle Red Light

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 4:09 am
by Ashrend
Thank you for your suggestion il try it when im back home x my memory has always been an issue, dont know why and doctors wont investigate it as they think its just depression when i know better

fire and flames

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:52 pm
by MsMollimizz

You are the patient...
Speak up and tell them you know the difference
and this is very different and you need this looked at !
Don't take that as an answer, raise you voice a little if its still
the same answer raise your voice louder ! You are paying them,
not the other way around. If need be can you change Drs ? If even
just for a second opinion ?
I had to get forceful with my Dr last week...
and I finally got her to request a referral for pain management
after asking for 6-8 months.
Don't give up, get answers, you deserve it !
Gentle Indigo Light

Re: Memory spell/ritual

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:01 pm
by Ashrend
thank you MsMollimizz i will try