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Spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:27 am
by Hagerman420
I figure I will share my spell that has removed all feelings for a person whom I fell in love with that should NOT have happened.... it was wrong.

Maybe this spell will work for a few of you too..... You MUST have FULL Emotion! , You MUST feel the WANT to really really have it work for you too.... If you do not feel your emotions and really want to rid yourself of the feeling this will NOT work for you.....

Here is is, Hope maybe it helps others too :)

1,-- Transferring feelings from the Heart to a Binding circle attached with protection to keep the feelings from leaving the circle.

Enter Meditation mode, concentrate upon the feeling at hand that hurts your soul within your heart, Mentally in meditation mode chant "I am washing the feelings of *said person* from my heart to the paper (or whatever you will be using to draw circle and thorns upon) repeat this 10 times while deeply thinking of the feeling that affects you. Now one will draw a circle on a piece of paper (or whatever you want to use) around the circle you will draw thorns, once completed you will enter meditation mode again while resting your left hand on top of the circle, you will them verbally chant 7 times "I am washing the feelings of *said person* from my heart to the paper" afterwards you will open your eyes and slowly remove left hand from the circle on paper.
Within 12 hours you will have NO feelings for *said person*

In Theory I believe this same process could potentially be used to make ones self have NO emotions at all and make the heart only function as it appears and not as it is in spirit, I believe one could become a drone with NO feelings and make thy heart only pump blood to keep the body alive..... The bad to this is that it may not be reversible thus destroying your own being and soul.

I advise Extreme Caution with what feelings you banish, I feel with the protection of the thorns it would be very difficult to break the bind of the feelings. PROCEED with CAUTION.

This spell was a success and I have personally proven it to work 100%.

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:30 am
by corvidus
Hagerman420 wrote: In Theory I believe this same process could potentially be used to make ones self have NO emotions at all and make the heart only function as it appears and not as it is in spirit, I believe one could become a drone with NO feelings and make thy heart only pump blood to keep the body alive..... The bad to this is that it may not be reversible thus destroying your own being and soul.
I completely agree with this analysis. The heart is responsible for processing mental and emotional stimulus. It's a center of consciousness. Slowly divide and destroy consciousness and you'll slowly divide and destroy your physical body.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to do this.

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:31 am
by Hagerman420
corvidus wrote:
Hagerman420 wrote: In Theory I believe this same process could potentially be used to make ones self have NO emotions at all and make the heart only function as it appears and not as it is in spirit, I believe one could become a drone with NO feelings and make thy heart only pump blood to keep the body alive..... The bad to this is that it may not be reversible thus destroying your own being and soul.
I completely agree with this analysis. The heart is responsible for processing mental and emotional stimulus. It's a center of consciousness. Slowly divide and destroy consciousness and you'll slowly divide and destroy your physical body.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to do this.

The pain was too much, I really wanted it gone.... and yes that is harsh , but I believe it could potentially be done

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:32 am
by Bychan Wulf
Nice one! I'm glad I don't have to use it now, or anytime soon. No relationship no problem, right? :lol:

PS: I like the "enter the meditation mode" part. The gamer in you is speaking up ;-)

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:33 am
by Hagerman420
Bychan Wulf wrote:Nice one! I'm glad I don't have to use it now, or anytime soon. No relationship no problem, right? :lol:

PS: I like the "enter the meditation mode" part. The gamer in you is speaking up ;-)


Thanks appreciate it :)

yeah, no relationship no hurt....... unless you hurt someone a long time ago, waited 7 years and figured it was over anfd it was not over and came back and slapped you silly 300% harder haha ( my case)

Have a Great Day
Be Happy Stay Happy

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:37 am
by corvidus
Honestly (from my impartial and outside perspective), the pain isn't gone. You've just managed to transferred it to a piece of paper and block it from your conscious mind. In my personal experience, in time the emotion will resurface when the person is fully prepared to process it.

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:40 am
by Hagerman420
corvidus wrote:Honestly (from my impartial and outside perspective), the pain isn't gone. You've just managed to transferred it to a piece of paper and block it from your conscious mind. In my personal experience, in time the emotion will resurface when the person is fully prepared to process it.

I am not too sure on that... the power of the mind is a very powerful thing, if someone really does not want that person around and doesn't want to relive the pain... they will not alow for it to resurface.... you could also burn the paper too, then the feelings are super history

Be Happy Stay Happy

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:44 am
by corvidus
Well, best of luck either way ;)

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:48 am
by Hagerman420
However as I said proceed with caution...... This can also come back on me in a negative way.... if for some reason the person becomes my friend again ... I may not be able to feel for them like I used too..... thus giving me the worst kind of karma around........... Their are Negatives to every spell... especially when casting it for any purposes revolving around love...... I banished a feeling that was natural to have.... I could very well have brought bad karma towards myself....

I put deep thought into a great many things, I have thought about this from every angle before creating this spell..... I thought I got over the pain.... but then I was forced into reliving the feelings again......... that was what did it for me, I cried so much that night :( I wanted it gone!!

So in the morning I seen a post and it gave me an idea... and that is how I came up with this spell.

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:54 am
by CleverlyDisguised
Just remember that if it is just suppressing the emotions, well it's kind of like putting tinfoil and draino in a soda bottle... the pressure just keeps building until it bursts, catastrophically... it could have SERIOUS repercussions on your psyche

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:58 am
by Hagerman420
CleverlyDisguised wrote:Just remember that if it is just suppressing the emotions, well it's kind of like putting tinfoil and draino in a soda bottle... the pressure just keeps building until it bursts, catastrophically... it could have SERIOUS repercussions on your psyche

Agreed, I was doing a great job of suppressing... it had been a solid month of pain and emotion and I finally got over it, then I got interrogated by older ladies... and it all came rushing back like a tsunami.....

I guess one can only wait and see, however judging by how this person acts towards me I doubt any feelings or friendship will be re made.... this person has their own life and family and has expressed that on more than 1 occasion..... I feel this situation is best left alone.

Be Happy Stay Happy

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:26 pm
by Tutmosis
The mind has the power to block out emotion. The heart in its pure state is pure emotion. Having an active heart and feeling particular emotions is called emotional intelligence.

The heart feels, the mind interprets. You can interfere with the interpretation of the emotions, but not the emotion itself. It is still there, just dim. In any case you've closed your heart and put a huge mental block on it.

Proper healing of emotions involves confronting that emotion with the intention to heal it. There are many ways to do this, and I have a grand technique I've learned from native American spirits to facilitate the healing of your heart and emotion.

In any case, you have burdened your heart more. I know of a healthy technique that can help you get the strength to get over that emotion and heal your heart. If you're interested PM me.

I would like to help.

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:54 pm
by phoelnix
is it also possible to eventually revert the spell? i just want to numb everything until i know i've met someone worth feeling something for again...

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:24 pm
by ThunderFog
phoelnix wrote:is it also possible to eventually revert the spell? i just want to numb everything until i know i've met someone worth feeling something for again...
You shouldn't use magic for this. Not feeling isn't fun I wouldn't recommend it. I didn't feel for a while (not because of magic) and I strongly suggest just looking for other options. Also I personally don't recommend spells that could affect your mental state in general because if you mess up it could cause A LOT of problems.

Re: spell for removing feelings

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:06 am
by NeverMoonAWerewolf
Controlling your emotions to the point of not having them is perfectly fine if you need to. I needed to for a big part of my life. We make more rational decisions then, but that is also the problem which is why it should not be something done when not needed.

You don't need to reverse the spell because it will taper off, usually, when you don't need it anymore. Also, you limited this to the one person,right? No problem in that case. Just remember that magic is will, for the most part, so if you want to feel again it will happen in any case.

We influence mental states all the time, with meditation, spells, watching cat videos, with basically everything we do. We change all the time, and tomorrow you will not be exactly the same person you are today.