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Benefits of particular animals

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:52 pm
by Kovyx
So I saw that "benefits of a cat" post from Bychan, and now I'm wondering... does anyone think any other animals have some magickal effects? Dogs, rodents, fish, lizards or snakes... Hhmm...

Re: benefits of particular animals

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:22 am
by Bychan Wulf
All animals have magical effects and eachone of them can teach us something.
Dog gives protection and loyalty
Bees cooperation and community
Fox brings discretion
Froggs shares it's healing energy
Horse-the transformation and ability to change.
Lizard-protects home from diseases
Rabbit- luck and overcoming
Rat-charm, charisma
Fish- strong relationship and golden fish increase money income.

There are others too, but I can't remember them all right now.
Anyway, animals, as totems or physical pets, have this effect.

Re: benefits of particular animals

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:07 am
by moonraingirl
Cool analysis, Bychan.
I believe all living creatures, both animals and plants have healing energy. It depends on personality of a person which speaks to them most. Some people like funny and witty animals like ferrets, some find them annoying and find pleasure and meditation when observing spiders or fish.
They can either enhance our natural characteristics or balance when there is an excess of something.
I think that when a person doesn't like any animals, it may be an indication that they are closed spiritually.

Surely plants can have healing abilities, too. Just think of hugging or sitting under a majestic old tree. A walk in a forest. Relaxation of gardening. Or simple hobby of keeping houseplants. It all gives us energy and connects us to Universe and all living creatures

For me personally, I feel most connected to cats and trees. At home there are two plants I feel close to- one is begonia and one dracena tree that is connected to many pleasant memories. And my cat loves to eat its leaves! :twisted:

Re: Benefits of particular animals

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:06 am
by Bychan Wulf
Oh, yeah, I forgot about the plants. They give a balance indeed, and count as living souls, as much as the animals. Thanks for reminding me this, Moon!

The energy we get from each and every living thing, is important for our energetic balance or our evolution through imbalance ( I hope I'm making sense)

Re: Benefits of particular animals

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:58 pm
by Kovyx
Wow *--* that's all pretty cool, and very helpful : D i like rats even more now XD

i'm going to make a comprehensive list o-o