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Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:16 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Hey! I've been around here for almost 3 months now, and I must say that I have never felt so understood and in some extent also free. Thank you all for that!

I am an introvert, but the talkative type (yep,I was also confused when I read that. Apparently it is a real thing) and I do have the tendency to talk or write a maybe noticed that from my always long posts.
One of my problems is that I am never quiet. Even if I don't physically talk, I have arguments with myself in my mind and because of the big number of people around me, I usually choose the inside chat over the outside one.
The thing is, that because I also love writing, I used to kept notebooks or phone notes, which always ended up being read by the exact person I would have loved to keep them away from. Since I started seriously practicing witchcraft, I can't keep track of my thoughts openly, as I am not ready yet for the impact my coming out of the broom closet would have.
This, together with the fact that I want to change myself, to become more open to everything and lose the shyness, determined me to start my own blog.....I wouldn't call it a blog though. I am by far not organised enough to keep a blog, so it will be more of an open diary.

I am planning to write here mostly about my spiritual journey, witch related experiences and info, psychic experiences and from time to time, also about subjects that make my mind going K-boom! (short articles, but I am not planning on keeping the official structure of them)

With all these being said, those who are not already sick of me and still read my long posts, please feel free to answer, comment, be sarcastic or whatever comes to mind. I am open to any kind of ideas, advice and fun.

Thank you for reading! :fairy:

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:39 pm
by SpiritTalker
Heh heh. Hoping you enjoy the freedom to be you.

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:37 pm
by smogie_michele
With all these being said, those who are not already sick of me and still read my long posts, please feel free to answer, comment, be sarcastic or whatever comes to mind. I am open to any kind of ideas, advice and fun.
Silly, I don't think any of us are sick of you. I really enjoy reading your posts.

Enjoy your writing!!

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:55 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Thank you !!! :D

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:15 am
by SnowCat
I walk around the grocery store talking to myself. It's much easier than talking to other people.


Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:29 pm
by Bychan Wulf
SnowCat wrote:I walk around the grocery store talking to myself. It's much easier than talking to other people.

Cheers to that !

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:51 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Today was one of the strangest days I have ever had; not only because of my experiences, but because they were shared by others:

Hearing Music in an empty room

My school has a different program than the others. We start on 7:30, but because there aren't any buses that bring students from other cities at that hour, 5 other students and I have to come at 7 a.m.
Two of those students are in my class and in the building we have the class (we don't move around like in the USA) there was no one else.
I start hearing someone playing piano and look at one of the guys. He looks back at me ( we both played that "piano tiles" game last year.), which means he heard it too. I get up and walk to that sound which comes from the lower floor, from a class. I get in and recogninse the song: it was one written by Mozart, that I also used to play. I couldn't remember the name of the song and repeated the fragment that I remembered, when behind me, that guy came and said the name. I was shocked! I thought I was the only one hearing it, but he did too. I also smelled a female french perfume. When I told about that he seemed lost, so I gave up. Still, the music was someone was really playing the piano in that room and judging by the perfume, the one playing was a women. Not sure what that should mean, but at least I found another person who can hear what others can't. It really is a relief knowing I'm not the only one in my class.

I also tested him, asking him if he noticed something strange during the listening part of the german exam. He said he heared a "Ding" every 10 seconds and wasn't able to concentrate any more. Exactly what I heard, but I got used to this, so I had no problem. Maybe his awakening just started, 'cause he looked really spooked. I calmed him down a little, but I think I'll give him some time to process the whole situation untill telling him more.

Anyway, I'm not the only "weirdo" in the school! smiley_dance

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:46 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Empath abilities improving

Later the same day with the piano playing, one of my friends asks me in the brake if I'd like to talk. We go on the stairs to the attic (the attic is locked, but on those stairs it's quiet, dark, and it gives the people who open their hearts to me the feeling the night usually gives and makes them feel more secure while talking) and she tells me she thinks about suicide. She continues telling me how awful life is, how low her self esteem is and how unsatisfied she is with herself. I usually "turn into a good adviser" ( I don't know how this happens, but I start talking like a "old wise woman who went through more than one life" to cite my friends. I almost never remember what I said to the them) but now, I just couldn't say a word. I've dealt with a family member who wanted to kill herself, so this wasn't the first time-night reason for me to be speechless. Because she was crying, I pet her back and put my head on her shoulder.
I started feeling like I was vibrating very powerful and even looked at my hands to convince myself that I wasn't physically shaking. A few moments later, she tells me that she has no idea what I did to her, but she felt her heart was pounding, that her hands are shaking, but that she felt much better. I was glad she felt better, but I wasn't. I felt dizzy, vibrating like a tuning fork, and almost ready to throw up. My legs felt numb and I wasn't seing her well. It took my more than 5 minutes to regain my sight and my ability to move.
The whole process what different than what I felt before and also, after getting back in class, I didn't feel tired or distracted like I used to. I felt recharged and more grounded than ever.

If that's how my empath ability is going to feel like, I can't complain! If I learn how not to turn green and lose myself like that any more, the gift part of being an empath is truly starting to show up.
2017 really came with improvements!

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:42 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Helpful Spirit or Fae

Today, I wanted to make a dossier for schoolwork, and I needed it before leaving, which was in less than 30 minutes. I wanted to organise all papers and put them in those plastic things that can be attached to the dossier.
I was almost ready, but needed 2 more plastic "bags". I looked everywhere, including through my piano sheets which I felt the need to check over and over again. I settled with the idea that I will have to present it like that today and buy some more plastic bags. While packing everything, I looked for no reason in the direction where the piano sheets were and I saw 1 plastic bag on them. I checked the at least 4 times and it was absolutely impossible for me not to see it when it was in plain sight. ( I am distracted and don't pay attention, but I'm not that blind!)
Anyway, I took it, checked for more, checked between the files one by one, unpacked and put it in its place.
I was thankful for that, but needed one more and thought that it would be awesome to get another one. I look there again, not hoping for anything in particular, but I just felt like it, and I saw another plastic bag.
Okay, maybe first time, it was me not seing it, but this was strange. I was in a hurry so I said "Thanks" and left.
I am sure something helped me by putting those there. I have no idea who or what it was, or why it chose that particular spot to place both of them.

Note: I have been helped in simmilar ways before, but I blamed Murphy's law which stated that if you look for something you won't be able to find it, untill you forget about it or don't need it any more. My lack of attention was also an excuse. This time, it was too strange to be just this.
Maybe it will reveal itself to me, but I think it will wait untill I'm ready. At the moment, I think I would probably faint or have a heart attack.

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:10 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Animals and kids
I noticed that pets, mostly cats and dogs and also toddlers are attracted to me. I can't complain, I like it, but it also seems that with the I can have some sort of a non-verbal communication. I am very shy, so talking to new people or pets while being watched by others, makes it pretty impossible.
I noticed that both kids and pets watch me right in the same and then just trust me.
I even met a few toddlers that hugged me for no reason, and the parents were surprised, because they never did this before. My tutors child smiles at me and tries to copy what I do and she and so claims that it is unusual behaviour for him. I'm not sure what it means, but I totally love it!

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:55 pm
by IsaacIcarus
I'm enjoying reading these, I hope that's not inappropriate. Seems like you live a very spiritually active life! I'm glad you've found a safe haven and outlet here.

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:28 am
by Bychan Wulf
Thank you for reading!
I'm still at the "understanding" part of my journey, and yeah, I very thankful to have found this place too :-)

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:42 am
by RosieMoonflower
BW, I don't know if it's the same for toddlers, because I'm rarely around toddlers. But, totally the same for me with animals. It's like they are drawn to me for some reason!


Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:03 pm
by Bychan Wulf
I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's kinda sweet how they can communicate like that. If only adults could have a non-verbal communication; It'd be so helpful sometimes!

Re: Inside BW's hectic mind

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:10 pm
by Bychan Wulf
The lost Pentacle
I don't know about the others, but my pentacle is the only material thing that I care about.
Well, apparently I'm clumsy enough to lose it. How can I lose the only thing I care about? And what kind of witch loses her pentacle? That's my protection and my "I'm Pagan and I'm proud" statement. ( People still call it David's Star, but I just assume they can't see well enough to count the 5 heads.) Good thing my shield and head are both attached to me...I'd be capable of losing them too.
I guess I will have to cast my first "lost and found" spell now. Everything has a start..