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Very weird and first time experience and questions

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:17 am
by Suhrt
I think I have already shared in this forum how I dream real things. They are events which occur at the same time I'm sleeping, or sometimes in the future. Or sometimes I dream with places, or people, and they I go to those places and meet those people (like years in advance). But they are dreams. Although I can't say they feel exactly like normal dreams, they are still what I would call a dream. The last one I had was less than a month ago and I just told it to a friend as something funny (and even irrational) but a few days ago my friend texted because he was so surprised it happened. The difference I think, is that in these dreams I feel not like I am experiencing the entire dream world, as a character in it, but rather like i am watching, like I am the viewer. Sometimes I participate, but not like things are happening to me, but like someone calls me, or moves me, so I witness what I am supposed to. So, it has a different feel, I can differentiate from both.

But anyways, that point made, the other night I was having a regular dream. It was not those sort of dreams I see what happens or anything. Just, regular, normal dream. At some point in the dream, I go to a movie theater (still a dream) and was gonna watch a movie or something and some people start to talk, an random stuff, i start talking about a course I had in the University and what I learned, stuff real random. But then I felt different, it's like everything froze, and although I was asleep I was like conscious, and I felt a very different bodily conception (this is really hard to put into words, but its like I felt my body, but it was a different body than my physical one) and I felt another entity, coming from my right at a very high speed, i just felt it how it was closer and closer and it was really fast. I tried to stop it, to block it from reaching me, but to no avail. When it reached me I felt like it grabbed my face somehow (I didn't exactly feel hands, or if I did I don't remember) and it started whispering to my ear! I tried to get loose with all my might, but I did hear the phrase "There is a problem with (insert name of person here)", then it started saying what the problem was but before it was a complete sentence with useful information i got loose ad got back to the dream, and then I Just forced myself to wake up. And I was so terrified. The weird thing that person I have only seen once in my life (I didn't say his name to protect his privacy), but I know is very near to my mom. So I'm bewildered by this experience, specially because it's the first time something like this happens to me.

Also, on a side "note"... this is a related story to dream divination but which has nothing to do with that weird experience. With time I have learned to trust my dreams, they are usually very accurate. But I don't usually do ... "I wanna know this" and go to bed and know things. It just happens, ... randomly? I don't know. And on a variety of topics. Like I can dream of myself, a friend, or even about an even which occurs at the other point of the planet. I also dream of past things. A long time ago I even learned to google my dreams and found information on what I had already figured in my dream. But even though precise, I don't get to choose. So, a while ago I really needed to know something, and felt so desparate, I looked for a spell on the EUTM site for revealing a person's intentions on a dream. I followed the instructions as precisely as I could (it involved in visualizing something and falling asleep while doing so, and I'm not good at visualizing and that night had a hard time falling asleep). THen, whatever I dreamed that night, I don't think I dreamt anythig relevant. I didn't repeat the experiment anymore. But then I few nights ago I dreamt with that person, and spoke to me, and in his words answered my questions and anxieties. So I was wondering, because I am unsure, if that was just a dream, dream, in which I just saw what I wanted to see (the content of the message was very positive), or if it was because of that spell I tried and that's the real answer to it.

Thank you for reading my post! I'm very grateful.

Re: Very weird and first time experience and questions

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:05 pm
by SpiritTalker
I think you are the only person who can answer that, because of the different and specific feeling each dream had that you recognize. Personally I don't think a dream-induction spell has to work only on the night you give it a try. It might need to wait for you to get your mind off it so it is free to work, so it then could very well have a delayed effect.

Did you have other specific questions? Please ask.

Re: Very weird and first time experience and questions

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:38 am
by Suhrt
Well my questions are mostly regarding that voice I heard, I can't make anything about it because I've never had such an experience before. So I was hoping someone knew?

Re: Very weird and first time experience and questions

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:47 am
by SpiritTalker
I believe our mind's create our reality, so whether it was a precognitive dream, with the other-worldly voice of precognitive awareness speaking, or it was your desire speaking, makes no difference. The result will still be positive.

Re: Very weird and first time experience and questions

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:27 am
by Suhrt
I didn't understand what you said O_O

Re: Very weird and first time experience and questions

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:31 pm
by SpiritTalker
I'm saying the source doesn't matter. The dream indicates a positive affect.