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What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:41 am
by Bychan Wulf
I read about them in this article: ... nity-wake/
I think everything is possible and tend to believe in such things. Plus that this could be a proof that school ruins us :-P. I'm kidding,I love school,but not every side of it.

I'm curious about your opinion on this guys...;-)

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:30 am
by SpiritTalker
And did you notice the sleazy adds attached at the bottom of the article? It really proves the point.

Star children, indigo kids, walk-ins, avatars, changelings... The theme has been around since, gee, a long time in terms of many generations. There are those souls born among us who have been charged with the task of awakening the common mind, to transform the group mind, to bring forth mass evolution. Yes, it's a real thing.

Like the 100th monkey phenomenon,that when 100 monkeys learn a new behavior, such as washing their food, that behavior is transmitted to the whole colony of monkeys en-masse. And also to other monkey colonies as well, without any contact between colonies. The species evolves. It's a true observation in behavioral studies. It's built in wiring.

Humanity is slowing moving towards our 100th monkey. If we get it before we blow ourselves up, we win. If not, we start over. Supposedly, millions of years ago, the planet Mars was much like Earth, but was destroyed by planetary war. Will we learn from this? I'm counting monkeys.

Evolution is not just an absence of self destructive behaviors, but that's a start. We have to learn who and what we are truly as Beings. Life is so spectacular, and we really do have it within us to be enlightened. That means we are the light.

I think that, as witches, we have an edge. We. Do. Magic. What we do with our magic matters to the whole planet. Settling petty grievances with a spell is for spoiled children in a temper tantrum. What we do with our magic matters. It is that important. It affects the 100th monkey.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:15 pm
by Shekinah
These gifted among us seem to have a time vault of genetic memory that opens around the age of puberty. They awaken to various ancient memories and paranormal abilities either developed in prior life experiences or most probably by coming in tune with an akashic field of collective consciousness. Many of our leading theoretical scientists speak of such a phenomenon in their life that opens avenues of original thought and insights into here-to-fore uncharted concepts. As Witches "wise ones" and "Walkers between Worlds" we also become able to tune in to the infinite Akashic fields and commune with other worldly beings.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:55 pm
by Tutmosis
Yes, actually. I believe I'm one of them. I've met one other, and we are actually spiritual brothers.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:36 am
by moonraingirl
When I was 5 I had a vision in which I told my parents that my soul comes from Sirius and I had a vision about things before incarnation.
I was fascinated by ufo and aliens during my childhood and early teens.

I believe that I am a walk-in, too and I remember the moment it happened. On one occasion, I told my mum that I'm a different soul who desperately needed a body and after the original soul voluntarily agreed we swapped. I was maybe 8 when I told this and my mom was horrified. She asked what happened to the original soul. I told all the memories were preserved and her love will never be forgotten and it was still in the original soul's consciousness.
My mom was totally scared by my words but she did believe me and mentioned it again when I was an adult. She said I spoke in such a way that it was impossible to doubt that it was true. She said that she was even afraid of me a bit.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 11:57 am
by RosieMoonflower
I've considered that I may be a walk in. When I first learned of them, I was searching for something. Something to explain to me why I am the way that I am, because I felt different. But, truthfully, I felt freaked out when I read it! Like, wow, a different soul took over my body? Oh wait, I'm the soul that took over another body?!? It was difficult to process. Then I began to wonder if I was a true walk in, why would that bother me? So I must be me right? But, I have many of the traits; seriously "overactive imagination" as a child, clairaudience, a serious urge to help and heal others, a personal spiritual path that has led me to learn about and believe in ET's and beyond. If I am a walk in, it happened when I was very very young because I have many memories from when I was a child.


Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:12 pm
by Bychan Wulf
RosieMoonflower wrote:But, I have many of the traits; seriously "overactive imagination" as a child, clairaudience, a serious urge to help and heal others, a personal spiritual path that has led me to learn about and believe in ET's and beyond. If I am a walk in, it happened when I was very very young because I have many memories from when I was a child.

I never thought about it like that. Everything you wrote there,also applies to me. The idea of the soul switch in the body,really freaked me out. I decided to wait untill I feel more secure about who I am and what my purpose on this world is,and only then to do further research.

Seing that so many of you also believe in this,assured me this subject is something that is worth researching.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:44 pm
by SpiritTalker
We don't all have to be walk-ins, twin-souls, or star-born to be awakening, spiritually evolving earthlings. I have the idea that many types are working together to steer evolution on this planet, and maybe other planets as well(in the idea that everything's connected). I'm fairly sure Earth is my home port, although I once referred to myself as a Martian, depicting the feelings of a stranger trying to fit in, and for all I know I may have been right, :roll:

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:59 pm
by moonraingirl
I too believe there are many types of souls who share similar characteristics. When I think about my possible star origins now it frightens me a bit, but strangely, the idea of my being a walk-in is not scary at all. It's something I've known since I was young. I had this strange feeling of "falling" into this body and thoughts in the sense: "this is now another soul, my soul has changed". I've felt this way for years. Or perhaps "I knew" is a better phrase. So reading about walk-ins and star children came as a relief to me, something that confimed what I knew before.
What is a bit weird is that although I was very interested in cosmology as a child- Atlas of Solar system was my first book that I had at about age 4- I never tried to contact aliens myself. The idea of doing it doesn't feel right to me at all.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:14 pm
by Bychan Wulf
The feeling of not belonging and not fitting into the world and society is what is mostly talked about. When I first read about Star Children,it seemed like am explanation for my life. That's why I am waiting for the moment I can be sure about myself and analyse this.
moonraingirl wrote:I never tried to contact aliens myself. The idea of doing it doesn't feel right to me at all.
I think this might come from the natural fear of the human being of the unknown. Movies maybe helped a bit too,but if you try to contact them,how can you be sure you contact a peaceful and friendly one? It's like making a random phone-call. You don't know who is the person answering and can't be sure if you should trust or not.
On the other side,if you don't try you will never know ;-)

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:01 pm
by moonraingirl
A nice analogy about the phone, Wulf :)
Exactly, not feeling at home on earth is a very common feeling in spiritual people. How I understand it it's not like I hate the planet itself. I love nature and animals. What feels alien are the majority of people. It's difficult to find a group of people to fit in. Their energy, values and behavior are something that doesn't resonate with me and it's so difficult to be with them. It drains me so much sometimes. I know this sounds really bad, but I really don't feel that I'm superior to them. I'm not saying that I'm better because it's not true, I have my faults like everyone else. It's just that it's not easy to feel at home when the majority of society vibrates on different frequency.
That's why I find this forum so helpful, because it shows that we are not alone, there are plenty of others like us.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:14 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Moon,I read what you wrote and it sounds exactly like if I would have written it. That's exactly how I feel,but I thought this is because of the empath nature.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:42 pm
by moonraingirl
I'm glad that we share this feeling together. It is a sign of empaths, definitely. I guess it's not so important to define the labels though. There are various types of awakened/awaking souls. Some may even be a mix of more "labels", some may not be any of them but may still experience the same things. What is important is to realize that we are here for a reason and that we should try our best to spread positivity.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:43 pm
by AutumnWitch
I believe it's possible and that they exist. I think might possibly be one but I'm not completely certain.

Re: What do you think of the Star Children?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:54 pm
by corvidus
I think along the Buddhist and Taoist theories, that as a Spirit re-incarnating we conform to our reality-perspective here on Earth. With the generations, this will re-name itself. Adept, Master, Star-Child, Someone-Who-Has-Done-This-Before...

I'm starting to think it's not the label which is important, but what the person does with the label ;)