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Room Protection Spell?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:51 pm
by beenrango
Hello! I'm away from my room for the summer, and my roommate is there with her not so trustworthy friends. Does anyone have any spell recommendations for protection of my room? Thank you!

Re: Room Protection Spell?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:22 pm
by seidkonacat
Bundles of sage or rosemary (or both, I suppose) hung above a doorway is said to protect a space from negative energy. Salt is also supposed to be protective, as are stones like agate, jasper, quartz, hematite, obsidian, and many others.

But on a more physically practical note, is there any way to install a lock on your door? I'd take a picture of it and head to a local hardware store and see what can be done, if at all possible. My grandmother is a realtor an that's what she would recommend.

Hope you stay safe!!