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How to Not Go Against the Threefold Law?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:57 pm
by creativemind243
Hello all! I'm just wondering if I can receive some opinions regarding something that I seem to be having issues with. So, I recently graduated and got a job, and well, I now work in retail so I see lot's of different people on a daily basis. And I am quite shy, but I seem to be coping well with it all thankfully- I even believe it's starting to bring me out of my shell a bit, which is amazing!

Alright, so, the thing is, I'm wanting to be in a relationship. Lol, probably not the direction you all figured this question was going, but hear me out! There's a couple of guys I work with that I seem to be crushing on. And I know spells and whatnot to make someone like you are very much against the threefold law- and I completely understand that. But is there a way, maybe something I can wear like a charm or just something I can carry with me, or a spell or something, to help me seem more attractive? Like, is there a way that I can do this that won't be harmful and won't be going against the threefold law?

I, sadly, don't have any herbs or crystals that I can use, but I do have candles and I can make and charge sigils if need be. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! :flyingwitch:

Re: How to Not Go Against the Threefold Law?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:45 pm
by wiccanii
Hmm, this is a tricky one; to me at least. I don't really think there's a way around it; you'd be making yourself seem more attractive to gain another, not to yourself, and I dont think the threefold law regards that as a positive thing. You'd have to do it purely for yourself, not to attract someone else for it to be positive or neutral.

Re: How to Not Go Against the Threefold Law?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:46 pm
by wiccanii
Oh, not to mention that whatever you do is purely to get around the threefold law. I don't know if it's thar extensive, but who I knows. If I were you, I wouldn't use magick to alter yourself in anyway for those purposes.

Re: How to Not Go Against the Threefold Law?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:06 am
by moonraingirl
Maybe I wouldn't do any spells, but you can try meditation to increase your self love and finding your inner goddess.

Perhaps some mediations with your cycle? For example exploring your mood patterns on different days of cycle. There are apps for that. I've got one called Calendar with 'an icon of pink diary and white flower. I've been taking notes for several months now and I definitely see the patterns. It may connect you with your feminity, with your body and fertility. If you get comfortable with it, I think it may have a positive effect on your charisma, men in general will notice.

I know this because I once went to a lecture made by a woman who made a documentary about accepting your female body. She looks OK, objectively, she is an average woman. But believe me, there's a very strong Sexappeal around her. This was not only my impression, but the boys in group commented on that.
I think this may be a good approach to become attractive in the eyes of men while not messing with anyone's free will.

Re: How to Not Go Against the Threefold Law?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:36 am
by mikezmac
Let's say you did find a way to get his attention and affection. Will it be real? What a bad feeling that would be. In the end you'd never know if he actually loved you.

Relationships are best natural and unaided. Meditation and focusing on self image is a great idea.