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"Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:55 pm
by Oddball
Ever have a crystal give you a definite "wow, this totally works" moment?

I was feeling nervous - like something was after me - so I rooted through my childhood rock collection and noticed a smooth, dark blue rock. Picked it up and boom, I instantly felt comforted and protected. Turns out it was sodalite. Not bad for a little rock!

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:53 pm
by evil ed
If you decide to work with them, be prepared to get used to it! :lol:


Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:25 am
by bluejay_1919
Hi there!! You're positive posts always bring a smile to my face. I have alot of trouble at night with sleep and "unwanted visitors ". I was given a malachite carved bird (it's small) by my daughter. It's to help protect me from several things, psychic and whatnot. One night, I was spooked. I had that eerie feeling of someone in the room with me. I couldn't see anything, but I knew I was being watched intensely. I grabbed my malachite bird and gripped it in my hand and closed my eyes tight. I can't explain the feeling I got...not power, or strength, but waves of tingling vibes. I had this image come over me of something trying to touch me...almost like it wanted to take the malachite out of my hands but it couldnt. I eventually fell asleep. Seriously, it was like I was knocked out. I woke up with it still in my hand.

My malachite bird stays by my bed.

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:47 pm
by bluejay_1919
Oops, sorry Oddball! I just realized evil ed wasn't the official poster, hahaha! That's who I was referring to in the beginning of my last post. So sorry!

Really great topic though!

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:02 pm
by SpiritTalker
Oddball, I feel that way about a chunk of Jasper; A very ordinary looking red rock. It is my go-to stone for grounding, putting things right, stabilizing the wobbly knee heebee jeebies, etc.

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:07 pm
by Oddball
Evil Ed - I will! Do you have any favorite rocks? Or do you work with herbs/oils/something else?

Bluejay, I was wondering why you said that when I only posted twice! :lol: Thanks for the compliment, though! And isn't malachite gorgeous?

SpiritTalker - Jasper is awesome! Some people tell me that they pick out rocks because they have a good feeling about them/loooked right. That's how I was with the sodalite!

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:36 am
by evil ed
You're on the right track! The books are a good tool to guide you, but they are no substitute for handling them and "feeling" them. I have my "Go To" stones when I need that little bit of extra "mojo", and this group changes with time. A lot depends on who's been cleansed/charged, and who feels right at the time.

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:50 am
by smogie_michele
Every time I work with Citrine I get that feeling! It is perfect for chasing away the blues, it is hard not to feel happy and energetic while holding on to it.
Another favorite is Blue Lace Agate- When I am having an anxiety attack it helps to calm me down.

I love working with Crystals, I find myself reading up on them more and more every day.

Re: "Wow" Moments with Crystals

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:19 pm
by PistashioQueen
The only crystal whose energy was so strong I felt it work was when I had Black Obsidian. I have had 2 of them but always ended up breaking them. They served their purpose for that time.