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Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:19 am
by Floyd Pinkerton
Has anyone else here heard of the Rainbow Bridge? Do any of you believe it exists? Has anyone else visited the Rainbow Bridge in a dream or a vision before?

A few months ago, I was put under for a medical procedure. I've been given Propofol many times before and never had a reaction, so this wasn't just some drug-induced high. This felt so real; I swear I could feel and smell and hear everything during this. While I was under, I went to the Rainbow Bridge. It was sunny and warm, and all my pets, living and passed, were with me. I was running and playing with them again; I had all the energy in the world and could have run forever. And the amount of happiness I felt...I can't really describe it. Just pure euphoria. Like nothing was wrong or would ever be wrong again. I was so pissed when the nurses woke me up. I wanted to stay there forever.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?

Re: Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:30 am
by Firebird
(image source wikipedia)
Sadly I have never remembered anything while being "under"...
This sounds like such a nice visit, no wonder you were mad at the nurse for waking you up!
There seems to be many stories about rainbow bridges, the one for animals crossing is most common. I especially like the Chumash story of coming to the mainland, this is one of many versions. ... umash.html
Bb, Firebird

Re: Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:52 am
by SnowCat
I think you were given a very special experience.


Re: Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:09 pm
by corvidus
I've had similar experiences, where I've traveled to other places.

There are stories too, that when we travel like this a piece of us stays on the other side -- basically a memory of ourselves impressed into the space/time field/thing.

I bet if you meditated enough, you'd be able to get back there. However, there are dangers to trying to get back, such as making it and deciding you like it there better than here. This basically means you sever your connection with your physical body and die. One I remember was from a magician who traveled to the sphere of the Sun. He very much enjoyed it and met someone who offered him a home there. He suddenly realized that if he said yes, his spirit and soul would be transferred from the Earth to the Sun. Not something he was interested in! :P

Interesting stuff anyways.

Re: Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:44 pm
by Xiao Rong
I've only heard of Bifrost (the Rainbow Bridge in Norse mythology) before, but it seems a little different from what you were describing. What an interesting & beautiful experience, and thank you for sharing!

Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:58 pm
by SirisDerp
Ive heard the term used to describe the passing of a pet or something similar in Norse myths involving the Bifrost.

Personally, I don't believe it. It's nice imagery and a comfort to believe it's where our pets go when they move on. I've always believed they pass on just like we do. The phrase immediately conjures up My Little Pony and unicorns which may be why I have such a hard time getting behind the phrase and meaning.

Re: Rainbow Bridge discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:20 pm
by manshin
I think it's well meaning but I don't personally see it as my truth. I have had my beloved passed ferrets come visit me every once in a while, so I know they can become spirits. But as to where specifically they "live" I can't say.