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On the arch of trees

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:04 pm
by Michigannerdrage
I have heard tell of doors made when two branches from two different trees grow together to form an arch. I was wondering if it is a physical or metaphysical one. Also, if it is a physical doorway, how would one open it? Oh, and if it is a physical door, where does it lead?

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:42 pm
by Firebird
I have thought of these as portals to the other world or fairy realms. You could open them with invocation, however I would be clear as to why you are doing it, using specific communications, time limits and protections for yourself.
Another thing they may be used for is a threshold to change ones point of view, or as some sort of passage to an elevated state. Using them as doorways to transformation of the self.
Bb, Firebird

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:03 pm
by corvidus
I think of it as a metaphysical doorway. If you're familiar with trickster characters, or any god of the crossroads, they are the messengers of the gods and the ones responsible for carrying messages between worlds. If we apply this analogy to a door, you have gods on one side and us on the other. IN the doorway, standing on the threshold, are the tricksters and gatekeepers.

Practically, you could try meditating while sitting on a threshold, or visualize a door. What's on the other side? :D

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:59 pm
by Firebird
I was wondering, do you think the trees have to be physically growing together to make the magic portal or is it more of a natural tunnel formed when tree branches bend over creating this arch?
Like these? ... e+a+tunnel
Here are some trees that grow together in this small amusment park in Gilroy.
I had a blast just looking at the trees, and we rode some of the rides.
Bb, Firebird

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:59 pm
by corvidus
firebirdflys wrote:I was wondering, do you think the trees have to be physically growing together to make the magic portal or is it more of a natural tunnel formed when tree branches bend over creating this arch?
From what I understand, the tree itself is just a symbol of connectedness between heaven and earth.

The 'portals' and 'tunnels' and 'threshholds' appear when there are holes in the trees, like this:


I prefer these more than 'arches', because a hole or tunnel is an actual access point to the symbolism of the tree.

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:34 pm
by Kassandra
firebirdflys wrote:I was wondering, do you think the trees have to be physically growing together to make the magic portal or is it more of a natural tunnel formed when tree branches bend over creating this arch?
Like these? ... e+a+tunnel
Here are some trees that grow together in this small amusment park in Gilroy.
I had a blast just looking at the trees, and we rode some of the rides.
Bb, Firebird
Wow, I enjoyed the pics at those links. Trees. Gotta' love 'em.


Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:36 pm
by Kassandra
corvidus wrote:
From what I understand, the tree itself is just a symbol of connectedness between heaven and earth. The 'portals' and 'tunnels' and 'threshholds' appear when there are holes in the trees...I prefer these more than 'arches', because a hole or tunnel is an actual access point to the symbolism of the tree.
Yes, and what really looks portal-like is an old tree that's been struck by lightning, so the outside of the tree is still tree-y, but when you look at the trunk, its bark might have parted some for several layers, creating what looks like an opening that is all blackened from the burn. Some call lightening-struck trees "shaman trees." There's one in a nearby park I frequent and I just love visiting it. I feel like fae folk are partying in there, lol.


Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:55 am
by Firebird
I do really love the effect trees make when they form naturally arched tunnels and walkways, It's nice when they create a passage that can be metaphorically used to enter altered states or as thresholds to other realms.
I am in inclined to agree with corvidus on the holes in trees too. Out of all my strange encounters, the strangest has to be when I had cast my circle on a great little mound that had oak trees growing just off the brow of this hill in a circle, and conveniently one oak at each quarter. When I got to North I stood there addressing this tree and the elements. At the base of this tree was a large hole, a critter could be living there, or fairies. After speaking I paused, took a deep breath to fill my self with the energy when all of a sudden I felt the sensation of falling ...being sucked really, at the same time there was this tremendously loud sound that seemed would accompany a sucking or drawing in kind of action. My stomach leaped into my throat and It felt as if the hole was trying to pull me in. My first instinct was to catch myself from falling. I took one step back and immediately the sound and sensation stoped. It was truly scary. Now that I have more years and experience and less fear under my belt, I have gone back on a few occasions to try again, but What ever it was, hasn't happened again.
That really felt like a portal.
Bb, Firebird

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:11 pm
by Michigannerdrage
Thank you all

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:41 pm
by Firebird
We have a pair of trees that our new apprentice will walk through this Imbolc on his journey to the dedication ritual. It's an oak and a willow, fire and water :flyingwitch:
It will be interesting to note whether he will sense the shift as he passes through this portal.
Especially even more so on this portal like day :D that SL had pointed out numerologically speaking. >>>0202-2020<<<

Blessed openings to all :fairy:

Re: On the arch of trees

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:43 pm
by SapphireRoad
The Arch of Trees ... already good enough!
firebirdflys wrote:When I got to North I stood there addressing this tree and the elements. At the base of this tree was a large hole, a critter could be living there, or fairies. After speaking I paused, took a deep breath to fill my self with the energy when all of a sudden I felt the sensation of falling ...being sucked really, at the same time there was this tremendously loud sound that seemed would accompany a sucking or drawing in kind of action. My stomach leaped into my throat and It felt as if the hole was trying to pull me in. My first instinct was to catch myself from falling. I took one step back and immediately the sound and sensation stoped. It was truly scary. Now that I have more years and experience and less fear under my belt, I have gone back on a few occasions to try again, but What ever it was, hasn't happened again.
That really felt like a portal.
Bb, Firebird
Sounds like energy was strong the similar way when it draws you to astral travel paralysis when asleep.
I mean it'd be drawing you to meditation like that only difference you've got to manage somehow to keep standing on your feet. Could it be something like that?
firebirdflys wrote:It's an oak and a willow, fire and water
The best trees here as well! Never really making any arch together but still they reside with a presence so true.
Sometimes I like to sing... I was borrrrn, by the Willllow... as the song goes by Baby Huey, The change is going to come
Thank you for writing in this topic, it made my day.