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My week of planting for ostara

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:37 am
by blue_moon
I prepared for this since last summer, collecting seeds from different flowers, plants and trees.

In the past i always missed some trees in our young forest (like lindentrees, walnut and chestnut). It still hasn't fully recoverd from industrialisation and the world wars. Trees are young, only few bushes and only at the outskirts. This makes me sad.

So i planed on taking the seeds I've collected to the woods and leave them in places where the trees could grow undisturbed.

The sun was shining so lovely yesturday. After a night of hard frost (the door of my car was frozen i had to get in from the other side). I took my boys for a walk along the little creek that divides our town. (Was tu bussy beeing there, ill have to take pictures for you - it was renaturalised 2 yrs ago and nature really has it back its beautiful)

We've decided to toss some nuts down the dam and sprinkled some flower seeds.

At home we planted tulips and iris in a really big pot ant took care of our herbs.

Today we'll go into the woods. So excited! The boys want to really plant the nuts we will bring. I told them we were giving nature back to nature.

Re: My week of planting for ostara

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:33 am
by Firebird
What a fabulous plan Blue! Nature needs people like you :D
I have started oak trees with the idea of planting them in nature.
I think today is the day I shall work in my puny pathetic garden. Problem here is, much of the ground is root bound by the 2 massive Ash trees and there is way too much shade for most herbs. I have all but given up on most of the yard, but one small run from the kitchen door down the other side of the house gets some light, still there is a fence on the other side so light is about 4 hours in this section, tomatoes do Not like that :(
I may volunteer at my UU church to re-vamp their garden area. I really need to grow a tomato!
Happy planting!

Re: My week of planting for ostara

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:26 am
by Katrinkah
Sounds fun!

Re: My week of planting for ostara

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:12 am
by Myrth
It is still a bit early for planting here, but I did plant a sweet autumn clematis that I had started off a mature plant by layering. It is a bee magnet in late summer when other things aren't blooming, and it really fills in a food gap for them. I decided to add another to cover an old fence this year. If it made it through the winter, I'm hoping it will grow nicely this year.