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Words and symbols of power.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:01 pm
by ChosenUndead
So I'm new to the whole concept of magic even though it's a part of my culture and family.
I have no one but this site at the moment to even talk about it with.
And from my questions I've garnered that most magic is positive thinking and willing something to happen.
But I also read about symbols, words of power. Rituals and such. And I'm honestly hoping someone here has something that I can experience.
I mean that literally. As most of my experience so far can very easily be dismissed as coincidence, paranoia etc.
For example one page I've apparently lost track of mentioned using words and symbols to create visual and immediate effects.
Wether this was exaggeration or misinterpretation is up to debate but still I'm hopeful someone will have something to teach me?

Re: Words and symbols of power.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:40 pm
by Lasiah
I'm in a similar predicament, I've lived with wiccans and pagans and have seen compelling evidence that it's all true, however at the end of the day there is nothing I can hold onto that I can show people and say "see magick is real". Most are just going to think I'm crazy. I think only a very wise person could prove to the world with no scientific doubt that magic is real, he would probably be a extremely influential person. Until that happens the only thing I think we have to prove it is ourselves, and seeing how we can't 100 percent prove that anything thing even exists except that, that is as good evidence as anything.

Re: Words and symbols of power.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:11 pm
by Xiao Rong
There are indeed words, rituals, and symbols of power, but there is nothing I have ever come across that would immediately, definitively prove that magic is real to a determined skeptic. There are no magic words to conjure fireballs or turn invisible (as cool as that would be) -- magic is not a superpower.

Magic is a subtle art ... it is not about absolute power over the laws of nature, but some gentle nudges here and there in the right places, influencing probability and taking advantage of serendipity to create the desired outcome -- the flap of the butterfly's wings in New York that creates the hurricane in Beijing. In working with runes, the tarot, and raising energy in my coven, I have seen enough so that I think there is really something beyond pure probability at work, although I still have doubts occasionally. That's completely natural.

Magic takes work and skill and is never guaranteed; most Pagans always have some lingering doubts. You will always run into people who will tell you that it's just coincidence or paranoia -- comes with the territory of being a witch. I guess it all just depends on how much tolerance you have for uncertainty; there are plenty of people who can't handle any doubt or ambiguity and walk away from the magical path (which is fine). If you are okay with some doubt from within yourself and from others, then with the right work and preparation, you can experience magic for yourself.

Re: Words and symbols of power.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:33 pm
by Amphitrite
I do have doubts sometimes but then I think, I can't see a microwave working but I know it works. I can see the end result. But I am awful when it comes to proving everything - I will research the slightest thing at the drop of a hat for days to prove the truth to myself!