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Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:18 pm
by HopefulChild
I've stated many times that I have little to no firm experience with magic.
sympathetic candle magic and cleansing are the only things I've really done.

The very first magic I attempted was a cleansing. My wife had gotten a reading from a pair of sisters who work together at the same time during a tarot reading.

They both agreed and explained to my wife that there was a spirit of a little boy haunting our home and they could tell he was taking interest in our toddler daughters I guess. Playmates maybe.
Nothing bad ever happened. The older toddler said some creepy things that made us both a little worried, and she would get woken up very often when trying to sleep in her room. We found out from our neighbor that the family who had lived in the house before us did in fact have a special needs child who died in the house. He had Bloom Syndrome from the descriptions given by the neighbor and he passed away inside the very room that our girls have as their bedroom.

I tried to take stock of the house after she told me that. I paid closer attention to noises and shadows, feelings I got, instincts and so on.
Both my wife and I experienced something strange, she with the baby monitor in the girls room and me with a "helper" in the basement. She heard someone whispering and trying to coax the girls to come into their room to play. She went to look and the girls didn't want to go in their room because...uh.."That boy wasn't being nice".
So of course she kind of lost it a bit.
That weekend I was working on a wand in the garage and looked for a scrap of sandpaper I had within reach and couldn't find it. I'm left handed (mostly) so I looked and didn't see it where I sat it, so I looked under the stool and saw nothing. I sit on a bar stool when carving to reach the workbench without being hunched over, so I turned to my right in hopes there was a sandpaper in reach on that end of the bench and saw nothing, but I did see a slight shadow cross over mine on the wall. I turned expecting to see one of my sons or my wife, but no one was there, but there were 3 pieces of scrap sandpaper. All 3 grades I had available at the time, 60 120 and 240. I was roughing out a shape, 60 is all I had before to remove wood. So someone had dropped all 3 types they could find on the bench within my reach.

In my opinion even that was nothing to freak out about. It was helpful. A boy of a certain age wants to help other "men" do manly things...seemed perfectly reasonable to me. No stress.

Then the third event capped it off for me.
We were digging a garden patch near the stone wall in the back yard. I dug up a little "package". When I unwrapped it I got chills. It was an action figure, a toy, a boys toy. The face had been melted off. One hand had been hacked off and a carpet tack had been hammered into the chest. The figure was bound with a pinkish string. It was wrapped inside of a plastic wrapper that had come from a pack of "cheese crackers"...I'm sure you know the kind, like bright orange crackers with some salt paste in between the crackers that is supposed to resemble cheese. It's only important that I mention it because we know the records of the house. We know it sat empty for 7 years, so this toy had been buried here for more than 7 years at a minimum. The figure was wrapped so well that the writing on the snack wrapper could still be read and the little figure wasn't dirty or muddy, nor did it look like it had been buried in the ground for 7 years. Just the outside of the wrapper looked worn. I threw the whole deal in the garbage can and the next day was trash day so it got set out.
While I was throwing it away I spoke a little commitment to release the connection whatever this thing held, to it's current location. I told it to take whatever energy it and intent it carried, to it's new resting place with it, where ever that may be.

That was it for me.
I used a sage smudge, went through every room in the house corner to corner to corner corner starting north and working counterclockwise. I have my own little ritual for "expelling or repelling".
I called on my ancestors, the directions and the elements and my own "strength" to help guide the little boy to the next phase of his journey. The only odd thing that happened was a door I had left opened, closed almost completely when I started compelling and expelling in the new room I went into. So I went back to the last room. Closed the door all the way, consecrated the door frame then re-cleansed that room. From that point on I made sure to close and consecrate each door. Even the closets. And it made MUCH more sense to me why the old lady that ran the bakery where I had worked when I was younger, blessed pennies and put them on top of every door frame.

My wife said that the house felt different as soon as I was done. She said the house was "lighter"... I was thinking terms of weight.

I didn't feel a thing. Nothing seemed different to me.
The next day I got up and came to the kitchen for coffee, the girls were still sleeping and had slept the whole night, and my wife was already up and bouncing around and I thought she had let me sleep in because the kitchen was so bright. But the girls were still asleep and they NEVER sleep past 9am. So I was confused.
She said it was 7:30 am. I was blown away I said why is it so bright outside. She just laughed at me and reminded me that the house was "lighter" after my cleansing. The light coming through the windows did seem brighter. I assumed she just cleaned the windows to mess with me but no, the dozens of tiny little handprints from the girls were still all over the lower half of the windows.

She did a sweetgrass cleansing the next weekend and that Sunday again it just seemed so bright and vibrant in the house.

We haven't had any odd events since then. No one talking to the girls through the baby monitor. No one "at the window" , which is what our oldest toddler used to say, there was a "bad witch" at her window sometimes.
Since that cleansing there has been no more mention of "bad witch".

So if you are thinking about doing it. Just do it and know that it really works. Even if you are worried about feeling silly. I was more concerned with making sure that my family didn't have to deal with the "old baggage" someone else had built up in this house before us.

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:59 pm
by bluejay_1919
Thanks for posting that!! I enjoy reading your posts. I have had nothing but great success with cleansing my home and past home with sage bundles and lavender & sweetgrass. I've also gone into others homes and cleansed their surroundings or belongings.

I've used it for negativity energy, scary entities and antiques that seem to bring with them an owner from the past. I buy antiques quite often for my home and now I always cleanse them before bringing them into my house.

I loved that your wife used the term "lighter" - that is exactly how I describe our home after a cleanse.

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:45 pm
by HopefulChild
What's funny to me is that I didn't consider "cleansing" a form of "magic"... Like changing a tire on a car isn't "mechanics" work. But it is. It really is. It may be the simplest thing you can do, but it is magic, and it is something you have to have confidence in if you want to see results.

That's why I posted this. It was a couple of months after this event that I was complaining to my wife that I just wan't sure I could ever get completely behind magic because I didn't feel I had the faith to back it up. That's when she pointed out to me that I had already succeeded at doing magic at least once that she knew about and her perspective on cleansing changed my outlook and perspective.

I figured maybe someone else would be able to read that it worked for me and then be REALLY confident because if I can do it, your cat, or a hamster can probably do it as well.

I'm still working on my faith, as is evident in several other threads lol.
Thank you for reading it.

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:59 pm
by bluejay_1919
I love your honesty. And it's better late than never that you're working on whatever it is you need to work on to better yourself. I myself, have not done much magically speaking...but now that you've pointed this out, I guess I have been! I do enjoy full moons and all the energy she gives out and I cleanse then too.

Another thing you can do is cleanse yourself with the sage. I do this when I'm feeling pretty negative about something or if I feel kind of stagnate.

I'm actually on the forum not just for myself but for my 8 year old daughter who is without a doubt, a spiritual, little nature witch. She has many gifts and I really just want her to be okay with who she is & not change because kids at school told her to.

She tends to draw spirits into our home. Most are kind and curious but there have been some bad ones. So, since she was 3, she also smudges our home with me. She loves to do her room by herself. She takes full command and she also comments on how light her space feels. She has asked me about magic & I'm never sure what simple acts she could I can tell her she has been doing magic since she was 3 :)

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:35 pm
by Becks
Thank you so much for sharing your personal story. That's an excellent example of needing to cleanse, following your gut and listening and adapting when you need to adjust.

I worked in an old art gallery built in the mid to late 19th century and because of the design of the building it was "susceptible" to negative energies and it required maintenance in a spiritual sense. Pieces of art would come off the wall at night and trigger the alarm-we had a motion sensor. Mirrors fell, and a co-worker saw a little girl in the creepy side room.....that I don't think was a little girl at all. This co-worker of mine was not at all a believer in this stuff and for him to see a little girl and get as scared as he was was strange. On the occasion of cleansing after the "little girl" incident a coworker I trusted was with me and as we finished I could feel that it wasn't gone. The thing ended up attached to the electrical panel and breaker box in the sided room and that took some doing, but after it was gone the light quality in the gallery changed altogether. It "felt lighter" and it was actually "brighter. I know what you mean exactly when you say this. You can feel it, and you can often see the difference.

I love the penny idea HopefulChild. I think that's amazing. Where was this lady from? Do you think it was a family tradition?

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:38 pm
by bluejay_1919
Yes, I'm also curious about this blessed penny above the doors. Can you tell us more about it? How does it help and how do we bless a penny?

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:14 am
by HopefulChild
It was a jewish bakery in Columbus Ohio, The owner was very observant.

The first week I was working there I was unloading a supply truck and the basement had this antique conveyor belt on a swing arm to transport things down to the storage area in the basement. I pushed the swing arm toward the truck and it banged against the door frame and a bunch of pennies fell off the top of the door frame.

I was amused so I started picking up the coins and said something about my lucky day because of the pennies from heaven. The manager Andrew, grabbed my wrist like I was picking up rattlensakes.

He said the owner put those up on the door frames for ghost and spirits. It was supposed to be good luck and to appease the spirits in case they were a jealous or angry type. When something good happened she would put a penny on a door frame or if she thought she saw a spirit she would put a penny on a door frame as she left the room.

That's all I know.
In my opinion now it had to be similar to what I did with the door frame so that the "spirit" wouldn't follow me through the door.

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:08 am
by Becks
Very cool. Thank you for this. I love hearing about different ideas and ways of practice.

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:53 pm
by corvidus
bluejay_1919 wrote:Yes, I'm also curious about this blessed penny above the doors. Can you tell us more about it? How does it help and how do we bless a penny?
Hi all :)
You can bless a penny by saying a prayer over it, just like anything else.

You can also place the pennies in the corners of a room to protect it. I did this while I was living in a college party house a few years ago, and when I moved out I found a black coating building up on one of them..

Another trick with pennies: hold a copper penny to your heart and say a prayer for good luck, then kiss it and toss it behind you. Don't look back!

It's metal magic -- pennies made from mostly copper work best.

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:55 pm
by bluejay_1919
corvidus wrote:
bluejay_1919 wrote:Yes, I'm also curious about this blessed penny above the doors. Can you tell us more about it? How does it help and how do we bless a penny?
Hi all :)
You can bless a penny by saying a prayer over it, just like anything else.

You can also place the pennies in the corners of a room to protect it. I did this while I was living in a college party house a few years ago, and when I moved out I found a black coating building up on one of them..

It's metal magic -- pennies made from mostly copper work best.
Awesome. I wonder if this has anything to do with pennies (and other coins) being left by spirits??

Re: Cleansing a spirit from your home.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:59 am
by HopefulChild
I carry a "giant penny" in my wallet. It's a 1 troy ounce solid copper coin. It's my decision maker. Anytime my wife can't give me an answer on where she would like to go for

It also makes me feel better having it on me. Apparently metals are a thing for me.

I haven't done the pennies on door frames thing in my own house but I have seen it other places as well. Sometimes you just find some coins stuck on top of door frames.