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Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:20 am
by Einarr
I’m really enjoying seeking and learning. I have yet to perform any type of ritual/spell/magic/etc. I have however been preparing and planning. I feel drawn towards elemental and candle magic. The more I look into these the more I feel they resonate with me. I guess my question would be is it possible or common to combine these two types of magic in a spell? I feel that it is possible to write a spell using the two. I do realize that my knowledge is limited and experience less than that, so I’m asking you fine folks.

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:14 am
by MsMollimizz

Candle magick is easy to do, I think the main thing
would be to write out the intent...
Elemental magick on the other hand, if I remember
right, from looking thru my books that it reminds me
of "regular" magick with an Elemental twist. I haven't
looked too much into The Way of Four Spellbook...
I'm still going thru The Way of Four...
I wish you great success in your endeavors !
Gentle Light

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:48 am
by theharmoniouscrow
Einara wrote:I’m really enjoying seeking and learning. I have yet to perform any type of ritual/spell/magic/etc. I have however been preparing and planning. I feel drawn towards elemental and candle magic. The more I look into these the more I feel they resonate with me. I guess my question would be is it possible or common to combine these two types of magic in a spell? I feel that it is possible to write a spell using the two. I do realize that my knowledge is limited and experience less than that, so I’m asking you fine folks.
I'm also new to this whole Path, and still learning and I've not done any rituals etc yet either...
I want to be SURE and FOCUSED and be absolutely clear/happy with what I want to do/say/get done.
I'm also drawn to the elemental magic. Haven't gotten to candle magic in my learning yet.
Good luck!
Remember it's all about the intent, so I am sure that whatever WORKS for you can be combined in that way!

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:12 am
by Einarr
Thanks for the replies. Both of you stressed the intent factor. Yes I do want to be careful to consider my intent and any possible results, whether good or not so good. Example; if my intent is to increase customers in a business endeavor and the result is that the increase is so great that I'm overwhelmed or the customers get substandard service because there are too many of them, than that would be not so good. These are the thoughts that make me so cautious about writing and performing a spell without thorough meditation, thought, planning, and studying.

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:32 am
by theharmoniouscrow
Einara wrote:Thanks for the replies. Both of you stressed the intent factor. Yes I do want to be careful to consider my intent and any possible results, whether good or not so good. Example; if my intent is to increase customers in a business endeavor and the result is that the increase is so great that I'm overwhelmed or the customers get substandard service because there are too many of them, than that would be not so good. These are the thoughts that make me so cautious about writing and performing a spell without thorough meditation, thought, planning, and studying.
Gosh I am exactly the same: a little scared, if I'm honest, of actually doing something in case I cause "harm" :) I think we need to step back not over analyse QUITE so much, eh? But it's very scary, I totally agree.
I'm also working on my meditation and focus first... then I will try something "small" and see how that goes.
If you ever want to chat about it, I'm always around! We can natter together about it!

Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:53 am
by mrsdavid1975
Meditation is a key component if you are newer to working. You MUST meditate and clear your mind of EVERYTHING other than the intent you work. If not, anxieties and questions will come into play .You will foul yourself.

Keep things simple.

Be patient.

You won't be calling higher level entities this Tuesday after only deciding you want to " do witchcraft" on a Thursday. Ya know? It takes a long time to be comfortable.

However, there is no reason you cannot use multiple layers in your work. It's just like making dinner and incorporating foods from a few cultures. Look how thanksgiving food / dinners have evolved. Haha

I use anything I'm connected to. From folk work to root work To sigils .. To elements. If I can connect with it clearly , I use it all.

So just keep it all simple and combine as you wish.

Good luck.

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:56 am
by theharmoniouscrow
mrsdavid1975 wrote:Meditation is a key component if you are newer to working. You MUST meditate and clear your mind of EVERYTHING other than the intent you work. If not, anxieties and questions will come into play .You will foul yourself.

Keep things simple.

Be patient.

You won't be calling higher level entities this Tuesday after only deciding you want to " do witchcraft" on a Thursday. Ya know? It takes a long time to be comfortable.

However, there is no reason you cannot use multiple layers in your work. It's just like making dinner and incorporating foods from a few cultures. Look how thanksgiving food / dinners have evolved. Haha

I use anything I'm connected to. From folk work to root work To sigils .. To elements. If I can connect with it clearly , I use it all.

So just keep it all simple and combine as you wish.

Good luck.
Thanks mrsdavid!

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:58 am
by Einarr
Gosh I am exactly the same: a little scared, if I'm honest, of actually doing something in case I cause "harm" :) I think we need to step back not over analyse QUITE so much, eh? But it's very scary, I totally agree.
I'm also working on my meditation and focus first... then I will try something "small" and see how that goes.
If you ever want to chat about it, I'm always around! We can natter together about it!
I'm so bad about over analyzing. I believe for me something small would be best for me to begin with. I guess part of my anxiety stems from the fact that I'm so elated to be on the path I feel I should be that I do not want to mess it up. You're right, we need to step back not over analyze, and I'll add realize this is not a make it or break it situation, it is just one step of many on our chosen path.

Re: Combining elemental and candle magic

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:02 am
by Einarr
mrsdavid1975 wrote:Meditation is a key component if you are newer to working. You MUST meditate and clear your mind of EVERYTHING other than the intent you work. If not, anxieties and questions will come into play .You will foul yourself.

Keep things simple.

Be patient.

You won't be calling higher level entities this Tuesday after only deciding you want to " do witchcraft" on a Thursday. Ya know? It takes a long time to be comfortable.

However, there is no reason you cannot use multiple layers in your work. It's just like making dinner and incorporating foods from a few cultures. Look how thanksgiving food / dinners have evolved. Haha

I use anything I'm connected to. From folk work to root work To sigils .. To elements. If I can connect with it clearly , I use it all.

So just keep it all simple and combine as you wish.

Good luck.
Thanks, your insight is much appreciated.