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Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:31 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Hello everyone!

I wanted to take a little bit of time to help explain something that I’m asked quite frequently and that many of you who have the ability to speak directly with your deities or spirits as well, may be able to relate to. It's something that can be quite versatile depending on what you want to do and this is simply my experiences with it that I'll be sharing for you. (: Take it as you will~

There is a very common question I get asked all the time and the conversation usually goes something like this (usually it’s in relation to spirits and not deities themselves) :

“Oh, so you can talk to spirits? Like, how does that even work?”

“Well, I talk to them in my head. I know it sounds crazy but that’s what I do.”

“How do you even know that it’s them and not your own thoughts?”

“*struggles to think of a way to explain this* Um….. I just… Know?”

I’m sure many of you have encountered this at some point. Either people do think you’re crazy and think you need to seek out medical attention or they do believe you but they just aren’t sure they understand what you’re trying to get across. Aside from that, maybe YOU don’t even know what’s a genuine reply from a deity or a spirit you’re trying to commune with.

Well, I found this nifty little flow chart that can easily help you with understanding this as well as to explain to others who you might know that wishes to understand your ability to do this.

I also want to stress that it’s alright if you do not have the ability to do this. Everyone has their own ways of doing things and sometimes what one person can do easily; another struggles with. It all takes practice. :D

So this flow chart is giving the example of what some call the “Godphone”. Now, I’ve never really heard it referred to as that but it’s actually a really neat way to refer to this telepathic connection you may be able to develop with your deities or with other spirits as well. Before you try anything like this, of course, it’s important to make sure you protect yourself. There may be better ways to communicate with spirits and deities as well, which you can find on another thread I made here: Spirit Communication: How To Communicate and Stay Protected

The idea of the “Godphone” is a two-way communication through thoughts with your deity (or even spirits as I keep mentioning, as that’s how it works for me). Sometimes it takes a bit of practice to be able to reach this method of communication and that’s alright, just like I mentioned before. This is how your deities may sometimes reach out to you in hopes of getting a message across when they’re not reaching you in your dreams. Though, there’s chance this may pertain to your dreams as well but I’m not entirely sure as I’ve never fully looked into the actual term of “Godphone”. It’s difficult to discern what is simply your mind popping up with random thoughts or what is actually a message from another spiritual/higher being.
So to cut off my babbling, here is the wonderful little chart from a blog about being a Lokean called Loki’s Bruid. You can find the chart here: Godphone Discernment Flowchart

I’m not entirely sure what the UPG stands for…. But this is a really great way to kind of stop and think about what’s going on in hopes of making sure you reach the proper message. I’ve had situations too, where thoughts overlap with my own and honestly I’ve never really had a situation where I can think over my own thoughts without it being a jumbled mess. That’s one of the ways I’ve learned to understand what’s me and what’s not.

Something else I’d like to add on top of this is that if you’re having intrusive thoughts that are negative and also experience other concerns that may pertain to your mental health – It’s very important to seek medical attention NOT JUST if it’s interfering with your relationship with your deity. It’s always important to eliminate any medical concern first before jumping to the conclusion that it’s “magickal” in some way.

So yes! I hope this is helpful and I hope you enjoy it. (: Best of luck~

P.S. This is the blog that I found this on: Loki's Bruid.

Re: Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 9:13 pm
by SnowCat
It's also interesting to see someone walk right through the spirit or deity that you happen to be conversing with.


Re: Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 9:22 pm
by Sakura Blossom
I've never had that happen - at least to my knowledge - because I cannot see. ): But I could imagine that'd be pretty hilarious! I'm going to try working on that, I think. At least, with deities. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable yet with spirits.

Re: Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:25 am
by Xiao Rong
Sakura, "UPG" means Unverified Personal Gnosis, which is any spiritual knowledge you gain from direct experience that is valid for you, but is not necessarily shared by others or backed up by lore. It's perfectly fine to use your UPG in your own practice, but it becomes a problem when one tries to foist one's own UPG on others. For instance, if I had a conversation with Persephone in which she tells me she like cheesecake. No reference to her preference for cheesecake exists in any myth that I can find, and no other worshippers of Persephone have heard anything like it. I can still use cheesecake as an offering, based on my own experience. The problem is when I start trying to tell everyone else that my UPG is fact and everyone else should give her cheesecake too. (for the record, this is merely a hypothetical example). On the other hand, one could argue that all religion started out as someone's UPG.

Re: Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:09 am
by Sakura Blossom
Once again, Xiao saves the day! Haha. (: Thanks! I tried looking all over for the definition of it and I didn't even see it on the actual blog...

Thank you for sharing and for pointing out the importance of the individuality this will bring rather than showing fact. (:

Re: Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:53 pm
by SnowCat
Seeing spirit cats with wings is pretty entertaining too. Especially a certain little gray tabby who continues to be a diva in the afterlife. Pink sparkly wings. Most of the others have chosen something color coordinated. Not Molly. Diva all the way.


Re: Speaking to the Gods/Goddesses and the Spirits

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:16 pm
by Elysium
It's funny, I have bipolar disorder and my psychiatrist likes to ask me if I feel like I talk directly to god. I have yet to come up with a response that doesn't make him alarmed...