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Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:14 am
by Seraphin
I have asked myself these questions a lot: "How can I know if I had a previous life?", "How was my previous life?" And I found out that there are certain signs which hint at the answers to these questions. Here are a few clues to help answer these questions. For some, they might find this useful, however they don't provide detailed information.

Uncommon Talents in your Family

There are many children who are born in families of matematicians or musicians for example, but they don't inherit these realistic talents. A child gets born in such a family and the parents find out they have an unusual artistic or gymnastic talent. No one in the family had such a talent, so it's a low probability that the child inherited such a talent. So most probably, this unusual artistic talent is actually a "remnant" from a previous life, in which the child was a painter or gymnast.

Unexplainable Knowledge

In some cases, people just realize they simply know many things about a certain place or culture. They have never read anything about these, and they can't explain how they know these information. This might be a hint that these people belonged to a certain culture.

True to life examples:
I was told in 1997 by an extraordinary Polish psychic (now dead) and in 2000 by one of my guides that I had been a Mesopotamian scribe, a keeper of esoteric wisdom 4,000 years ago. This was told to me at the time when I was still an unbeliever of reincarnation and past lives.

I just confirmed this later when I joined a pagan community that teaches "Solar Adoration." One of the practices I learned is being performed as an early morning ritual to greet the rising sun. We were instructed to sit facing the East and wait for the sun to rise over the mountains and the forest. As soon as the first rays of the sun appeared over the horizon, we would all stand up and raise our right hands in salute to the sun.

As I did the same gesture, I told the group that I had a strange but precise feeling that I had done this ritual before as a monk in ancient Mesopotamia. I was flabbergasted at the memory of it. It was as if I was transported back to the early civilization of the Fertile Cresent. I could clearly see myself doing that in my ancient caftan. When our lecturer heard that, she smiled at me and said that it's a restatement of the rituals and teachings of Mesoptamia and Egypt told in modern language. Woaahh...I didn't know that :shock: .
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As a child, I knew many things about Mesopotamia and was always saying I miss the place, although I never visited any countries there.

Unexplained Fears and Phobias

There are people suffering of phobias, like fear of spider, darkness, heights, watewr, etc. It is said that these fears are remnants of the memories from a previous life. A serious problem or concern can also be traced to a past-life event or trauma.

True to life examples:

A 25-year-old man had been suffering from a fear of heights (acrophobia) for a long time. He was afraid to climb up the ladders and even some steep stairs or ride a Ferris Wheel. Whenever he looked out even from a second-story window, he would tremble and sweat in fear. There was nothing in his present life that could account for this great fear.

During past-life hypnotic regression, the man saw himself living in the jungle in 14th-century Brazil. He would travel from place to place by swinging on the vines tangled in tall trees like Tarzan. One time, the vine broke and he saw himself plunge into a deadly snare intended to trap and catch animals, causing his death. When he realized that his fear of heights was due to a past-life memory, the fear completely disappeared.

Idiopathic Illness, Diseases and Disorders

Experiences and feelings which had a powerful impact on us in one of our previous lives can somehow come back in this existence, in the form of illnesses, diseases, abnormalities, and physical disorders. Though, it has to be something strong, something that affected us in a previous life. I expect, however, no medical practitioner, as far as I know, ever considers illness or disorders to be caused by a past life experience or by some karmic debt incurred in a previous life.

True to life examples:

Few years ago, a 46-year old man working in a government agency as a legal assistant came to see me together with his wife a for past life regression. The man was suffering from a strange sudden twisting and jerking of his head backwards for no reason. At first, I was really surprised why I was the one who they consulted. I don't have any clues or knowledge about medical issues so I referred them to a neurologist and he discovered that a nerve was causing it and suggested surgery to correct it. The symptom appeared after a reorganization in the company where he was transferred to a supervisor with whom he didn't get along well.

The surgery was scheduled at a hospital near in their place. But when they got there, they were told there was no room available and therefore the surgery was postponed for another date. Since both of them had already applied for a leave of absence that day and had nothing else to do, the wife, a former classmate in one of my seminars I attended, suggested to see me again, because she thought his husband's illness could be due to a previous life event. Although she's a biology teacher in highschool, she believed in reincarnation and past lives. Fortunately, the man agreed to his wife's suggestion.

Under hypnotic regression I did on him in my house, he went into trance right away and under my guidance he saw that his present boss was a former mortal enemy of him in a previous life. During that lifetime, the two fought each other and he actually saw his present boss hack his neck with a sharp sword. He tried to avoid the blow by jerking back his head but he still got hit and died. I told him while still under hypnosis that this incident happened in a past life and he no longer had to carry that memory. He had to release and forget the man who killed him in the past. As I brought his mind back to the present, I told him he would remember everything, completely healed of his ailment.

When he woke up, he realized everything that had happened to him in a distant past and no longer exhibited the symptom afterwards. Even when he met his boss, the head jerking was no longer there. He was completely cured and healed. The surgery was canceled. And according to him, he has never had a recurrence of the illness.

Strong Affection or Attraction for Another

There are several people even those who are in relationship and same sex get strong connection to other people. The attraction is brought about by their soul memory of a past life lived together. However, some the cases is complicated so I would have advised if anyone is experiencing this to let them go and wait because if you chose to still continue to see them and to lie to your current partner, you have to be prepared for that day when your relationship is discovered. When that time comes you'll be forced to make a decision.

True to life examples:

A colleagues of my fiancee once attended our Friday Circle in which participants underwent a supervised hypnotic regression. Before the exercise, we had a little chit chat about their problem. They were in a relationship but they were both married. As the old cliche says, "they met during the wrong moment of time". But they fell in love with each other unexpectedly and so easily.

Though total strangers, they at once felt comfortable with each other, as though they've known each other for a very, very long time. Their relationship grew so fast, that they themselves never imagined it would reach the highest height!

Now, during the regression me and my fiancee did, we were all stunned about what they saw because both of them had the same vision.

According to the man, in his past life vision, he was a Portuguese soldier of high rank. He had a girlfriend. They were talking in a big house near a big open window. The scene was like Medieval times. From the window he could see the views of a lake or something like that. He told his girlfriend he was going to war. Then the man left to go to war and died.

While in the woman's vision, she was in house near a big window overlooking a sea. She was dressed in a long Portuguese gown. He had a boyfriend who was a soldier, and they were talking near the window. Her boyfriend said he was going to war. In the next scene, she was standing near the window wailing, because she learned that her boyfriend had died in the war.

After that, I recommended them to undergo some counselling and a month later, they decided to part ways because of the fact that they were both married and had their own families. It was the woman who broke off with the guy. She told the guy to wait for her in their next life, that he would surely find her, just wait. Both of them agreed and forced themselves to understand. Though it was really hard for both of them to accept that they couldn't be together in this lifetime. Both of them now had already moved on with their separate lives.

Strong Affinity, Passion and Obsession

Some people feel attracted to some objects they have just seen or places they have never visited. There's a strong urge to want it, to acquire it, to visit there, to live there. When they have the chance to buy the object or even hold or touch it or visit the places they feel attracted to, they feel more than happy, they feel as if they have found the object or place that will complete their lives. Maybe, in one of their previous lives they own the objects or once lived in the place.

True to life examples:

A lesbian physician attended recently our Friday Circle and was been regressed by my fiancee. In all of these, she was either a warrior or at least a leader of warriors or soldiers

First, she saw himself as a male leader in Greece, complete with throne, beard and a crown. She as a man was holding a sword in his hand; then as a leader of Southeastern country during precolonial times, complete with a scarf on his head; then as a young boy being trained to fight some European invaders in a very remote town in an unknown country; and finally, as a soldier, complete with revolver, boots and a horse.

How do these past lives that the physician saw explain or affect her present life?

Believe it or not, the "lady" "doctor" has a passion of collecting guns. She has at least eight guns in her name. (So that means, she has type 3 license). This fascination also extends to bladed weapons such as daggers, swords, spears and such.

When she was 14 years old, she joined a group of elders to hunt birds. Although she had no training in using a gun, she shot the most number of birds.

Unjustifiable or Deep-Seated Hatred, Animosity and Grudge towards Another

If a person hate somebody very much, they are bound to meet that person again in another lifetime. So better forgive your enemies now and release them to highest good. Otherwise, we're bound to meet that person again and again and again, until both learn to forgive and release everything.

True to life examples:
Last Beltane, my fiancee and I had talked briefly about my relationship with my deceased brother and the feelings I had regarding our past lives, and I mentioned that there's a possibility we still have karmic debts that needs to be settled as ness (EUTM member) suggested. After that, my fiancee finally asked me if I'm ready to be regressed and I beamed at her and said yes.

My fiancee put me in a light trance, talked to my subconscious mind to see if my hatred originated in this lifetime or in a previous one. My subconscious mind revealed they began in a past life. My fiancee placed me in a deeper trance, told me to go to that past.

In the regression, I discovered the reason why I hated my elder brother sooooo much. Unlike other people, I was acting so rude and impatient towards him. I would get easily angry and even physically attack him at the slightest excuse. I even refused to reconcile with him even until his death. I admitted to my sisters that I felt I was being unfair to him but I just couldn't understand my behavior or attitude towards him.

During the past-life regression, I saw myself as one of the slaves in Mesopotamia before. We had a slave master who was very cruel to us and who would whip or punish us for the slightest offense. I hated the slave master so much that I cursed him and vowed never to forgive him.

My fiancee asked me to move forward in time and asked where I was. I saw myself in a dark place. It took me several minutes to realize that I was in a dungeon or underground torture chamber -- alone. Later I felt the presence of a person who was doing something with my head. I looked down and noticed I still wore the same Mesopotamian slave's clothes. Meaning, I was still in the same lifetime. Suddenly, I felt heavy pressure on both sides of my head. My fiancee asked me to look at the person and to my great surprise and horror, I saw my brother torturing me to death.

Snapping out of my trance, I opened my eyes, I cried to her and hugged her. I saw everything very clearly.

This slave master became my elder brother in this lifetime *Goosebumps*. In this lifetime, during the days when he was still alive, I had the opportunity to continue hating him and exact revenge or to forgive. But obviously, I chose NOT to forgive. My relationship with him never improved. If I just could bring back those time... *Sigh, sniff*
Posted in: ... ml#p197450
As you may know, my siblings had a really hard time with the disconnect between my older brother and me; they didn't understand it, and when he got cancer and was dying they were especially confused by my not running to his side. It was something I didn't go into a lot of detail trying to explain to them; I had no desire to rehash everything that led to my decision, and merely conveyed to my sibs that while I didn't hold any animosity toward our brother anymore, I simply did not wish contact with him either. Although they still don't understand, bless them, they love and respect me enough to know I had valid reasons for letting go like I did.

Thing is, there wasn't any one event or clash between us that led to my decision. I'd just come to an understanding that the relationship was far too unhealthy, and I could no longer just get together with him and act as if everything was fine when it wasn't. Long story, though, and I'll spare you the details. :D

One thing I did while he was still alive (he passed about five years ago -- I was just 21 that time): Periodically I'd check in with myself -- this was before he got sick -- and ask, "If he were to die tomorrow, would I have regrets? Would I wish I'd done things differently?" Answer was always no, and it didn't change when he got sick, nor have I had regrets since.
Posted in: ... er#p196838

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:19 am
by ness
Great post, Seraphin!

I have always had a feeling that I still haven't found my home yet. I don't know if this something that can be attributed to past life... feeling like a nomad.

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:43 am
by Kassandra

Great post, Seraphin.

(into my little grimoire it goes)


Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:00 am
by Seraphin
Thank you both!

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:11 pm
by BabyBear
lol I LOVE this post :D glad you covered so many aspects :D

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:45 am
by Seraphin
There's still some aspects that I'm going to cover so this is still in progress! I'm glad though you LOVE it!

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:39 am
by Muirìn
Very interesting post here Seraphin!
I had such an experience about the affinity to a place I never visited: Japan. I have deep roots in latin and celtic culture, both giving a strong character and a mouth that won't shut if I have to defend an idea, defy orders, etc... All of these are NOT Japanese culture traits, so why would I feel attracted to this country?
Then I went to Tokyo... the second the plane touched the landing strip, I had an overwhelming feeling of being home.
For the first time I discovered another part of me that was extremely reverent, observing of the rules, quiet even. I don't know if I will ever live there, because life takes you places and put obstacles in your way, but I've got to say that this feeling was extreme and definitely made me think of a previous life experience.

I was wondering, since this is still in progress, if you were going to talk about an affinity to an element or something like that (my being born next to the ocean, my love of water and everything that goes with it definitely makes me think of a previous life thing )

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:39 pm
by SnowCat
I've encountered the unexplained knowledge/unexplained fear thing in myself.


Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:02 pm
by azriel
I do not know what category this could go in, but lingering emotions or wounds from a previous life pass into the current one. This can be seen in scars or birthmarks one is born with. Usually they deal with memories that were traumatic and still haunt the person in question. My brother was born with a giant red birthmark on his back and before he was exposed to television, he would detail "dreams" that he had where he was running away from gunfire and he was struck in the back. My mother was spooked and told him to forget about it.


Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:54 pm
by Nightwatcher
Could a lack of certain common/universal fears be a sign? Pretty much everyone I know is afraid of dying in some way or another. I've never been scared in any form. I know that I've had A LOT of past lives, so I'm wondering if because I've died so many times my soul just doesn't fear it anymore.

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:12 pm
by SnowCat
It might be the trauma associated with the manner of death that upsets people. I'd prefer a painless death, but other than that, I don't find death frightening. Unless I'm in the middle of a good mystery. I need to know who dunnit!


Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:57 pm
by Nightwatcher
SnowCat wrote:It might be the trauma associated with the manner of death that upsets people. I'd prefer a painless death, but other than that, I don't find death frightening. Unless I'm in the middle of a good mystery. I need to know who dunnit!

Probably. It's just always confused me when people freak out over death. I'm like "It just happens. *shrug*"

And oh yeah, when you're in the middle of a mystery you just HAVE to know who's the culprit.

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:56 am
by Muirìn
I feel the same about death. I just don't want to die, because I want to find out what comes next (a bit like a mystery ^^ ) but I'm not afraid of it. But I know I could be literally devastated by a loved one's death though

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:10 am
by Seraphin
Muirin, I think affinity to an element could be a possible sign from previous past life too. Perhaps it has something to do with your previous occupation, passion, residence, and such.

As for the birthmarks azriel, apparently, some do have a crucial connection, but perhaps not all. Dr. Ian Stevenson, head of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Virginia, USA actually conducted serious research on relation between reincarnation and birthmarks. He investigated a lot of cases of spontaneous past life remembrance and recall by children and teens. He found remarkable evidence of past life memories and included them in pioneering book "Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation".

Oh and now that you mentioned it, I remembered a case of a woman who has birthmark still appeared on her reincarnated skin. So I'll definitely add that!

Lack of fear from death however could be also a sign as Nightwatcher suggested. Though personally, I have to admit, I'm still afraid of death despite all the knowledge I acquired and experiences I witnessed and the Underworld Deities worked with that tell me I shouldn't be. While not having fear may mean ascending my lowly animalistic self and my attachments to this physical/material world, being afraid on the other hand means I'm still finding reasons to live in this world despite all its misery and stinkiness, and it also makes me focus on what's truly important and "live my life to the full" as an old cliché goes.

Re: Signs from Previous Lives

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:08 pm
by YanaKhan
Great post, Seraphin.
I've experienced some of the signs - I have a phobia of spiders and I have a strong body reaction to seeing someone having loss of breath underwater, even though I don't fear water at all.
I also feel incredibly drawn to Angkor Wat in Cambodia - it fascinates me and I could look at pictures of it for hours every day.