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Is this normal? (Trying to contact Hekate)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:01 pm
by graveghoul
Ive tried on a couple of occasions to meditate but only dont it successfully once (i felt my limbs move out of my body and saw a radiant white/yellow light). Seems more often then not ill get random images popping in my head of people and things ive never met or seen up close and they will only last a second but always very serious in nature, if not, downright angry or aggressive. (Angry bear faces and horse faces with glowing red eyes, angry owls with glowing yellow eyes, elf faces with sharp teeth laughing sinisterly, angry snakes trying to bite me)

Every single time, im trying to communicate with Hekate. There have been a few times ill see (just for a split second) a pale face, dark haired, dark eyed woman looking at me sternly or annoyed, grimacing. I honestly feel it MIGHT be her but dont know for sure.

This morning i tried once more with a guided meditation from youtube and really felt and say nothing worth talking about except when i was about to drift off into REM state i saw my own face in a mirror looking back at me, once again, annoyed with frown lines and brows lowered. It switched over to me looking at myself walking towards me from my bedroom hallway as if i was in a hurry to get somewhere.

What do you suppose im doing wrong and what do you suppose this means?

On a side note, i do work with tarot and pendulum (though im thoroughly convinced it's me who is moving the pendulum) and im also ok at scrying with fire, blank walls, and the darkness behind my eyes when i close my eyelids.
As a matter of fact, once i close my eyes, i automatically start scrying within the darkness that my shut eyes are providing and i use those yellowish/red/blue/green/white colors to create images.

Anyone have any advice? Perhaps im rushing or not trying hard enough?

My goal is just to ask Hekate what she wishes for me and to honestly see if she's still there, watching from afar? I feel ive lost her. :(

Re: Is this normal? (Trying to contact Hekate)

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:45 am
by Seraphin
Hiya onyx,

I think you have to know where are you exactly going. I have two theories about what have you seen in your meditations. First is that your consciousness or astral body perhaps went or travelled too far to the world far beyond our own. Sometimes, when a person goes out of his/her body in his/her sleep, meditation, trance or any kind of consciousness work, the astral body strays or is lured into the lower astral planes, which some call the "phantasmagoric plane." In this plane are negative, monster-like entities, creatures of the night that are always on the lookout for astral bodies that stray into their realm. This lower astral plane may be likened to what Christians call "hell."

I suggest creating an "Astral Temple" or "House of Psyche" will help your consciousness or etheric body not to get into that plane again. I always visit my temple when I'm inviting someone in my spirit community (Guides, Angels, Daemons, Dragons, Orishas or Deities). I visualize a place where my meditative self can go to relax and have a chat with the spirit/entity.

Every visualized place counts as long as it comes from your heart. It's your personal astral place in which can be built at any time, in any place (except for unclean area), in any approach or methods (meditation, astral travel, etc).) and in any language.

Or it could be that what you saw were the inhabitants of the Underworld -- Chthonic Beings. As you may know, Hekate is a Chthonic/ Underworld Deity and you probably went into the dark realms of the Goddess which I don't have the knowledge of what it really looks like (Though, I had experience seeing some beasts including wolves, owls, ostriches, satyrs, etc. when I tried to contact the Mesopotamian Chtonic Goddess and Daemon Lilith). I believe, the perception and sensation regarding otherworlds differs from one practitioner to another. No one from us can really make a blanket statement as to what is and isn't a part of your meditation/contact experience with Hekate. Our methods of communication with our Deities are highly individualized and subjective set of works that it's down to the particular practitioner as to what they do and don't believe in.