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Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:04 am
by RosieMoonflower
Just wondering if someone could clarify the difference between the three: ghosts/spirits/angles? Thanks!

Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:18 am
by Jack
Angels is easy - angels are in service to a higher being, with no real will of their own. The difference between a god and a spirit, IMO, is hazier. I tend to go with the word the being itself prefers.

Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:27 am
by RosieMoonflower
Thank you. That's what I think of when I think of angels too. I mainly think of the archangels who are in service to God. But I wanted to see what others thought.

Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:37 pm
by Vesca
Just to add a bit of a twist to this response, it may well depend on which path you're following as to what the answer is to this question.

In some traditions similar to mine, spirits and angels may be formed from human ghosts. Or they may not, it depends on the circumstances and the individual. The difference is where they choose to dwell, and what they do with themselves.

Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:42 am
by SpiritTalker
Ghosts are the spirits of deceased beings who are earth-bound either be choice or obligation, they have not elected to move on.

Spirits are the non-corporeal, conscious essence of beings either currently living, or who have died and passed through the transforming Light (for lack of a better term) that enables them the freedom to move between mundane and etherial worlds.

Angels have not and will not incarnate, being created as messengers and servants To carry out the will of the Deity which created them.

Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 10:43 am
by corvidus
Oooh, interesting replies. I'll add my interpretation for the sake of variety.

Ghosts are memories in the Akasha, which are strong enough to manifest into the mental (as fear or paranoia) or astral plane (as apparitions or, well, ghosts).

Spirits are generally in some way connected with the inter-workings of Nature. There are Earth spirits, elemental spirits, zodiac spirits, planetary spirits, etc. Their office and purpose is to keep Universal Harmony and Balance through the popular metaphor of 'good and evil'.

Angels are manifestations of an Egregore, and are created out of certain qualities of the Egregore. For examples, the 72 Angels of the Shemhamphorash. Each of these 72 Angels embodies a specific ideal or trait of the name YHVH (if I remember correctly). Angels are limited in their actions based on the purpose for which they're created, and the extent of the power invested to them by their creator Egregore. To balance out these 72 Angels, there are 72 Demons.

Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 11:25 am
by SnowCat
That's interesting Corvidus. I know that what Cindy and I encountered in the San Luis Valley was demonic. And two years ago, when we drove through Mesita, which is where that experience took place, two large black dogs appeared out of nowhere, and then disappeared. They seemed to be associated with a particular house. Six of us saw them, so I didn't imagine it. I think there's a dark presence still in that town.

On another note, a small extinct volcano is just outside of the town. I wonder if the volcano is home to a dark spirit. Just pawndering.


Re: Difference between spirits/ghosts/angels?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:44 pm
by Firebird
Angeles and demons sounds like they may belong to another fourm. No disrespect.
I believe there are dark forces and dark energies, as well as good energy and good forces (along with every shade of gray inbetween) and those may be directly related to the egregore of a place. Spirits of all kinds may be drawn to the energies of the genius loci, good spirits ...angels, bad spirits... demons.
As well these energies positive and negative attract all manner of sprites...brownies...fae, etc...Malevolent ones to dark egregores and benevolent to bright egregores.
The term angel or demon for me is too closely related to a Christian ideology and are not the words I use to describe the essence of these kinds of energy.
Spirits could be ghosts and can be good bad or indifferent and as Corvidus points out, manifestation of the akashic records ....and as Spirit talker mentions
SpiritTalker wrote:deceased beings who are earth-bound either be choice or obligation,
I would add taken by tragedy. ...oftentimes a ghost haunts a place because their life was taken so suddenly they do not realize they are dead.
Anyways those are my 2 cents :D
Bb, Firebird