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Help! A Most Peculiar Family History.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:56 pm
by Opal
This is the main reason I signed up for this forum, to receive guidance to uncover what the women of my family possess. I don't know where to start.

My great-grandmother was a self proclaimed clairvoyant. That's about all I know, I guess not a lot of people remember what she did save perform readings on the city bus.

Next comes my mother, her granddaughter, who possesses an almost freakish intuition. She's had several dreams that have ended up being more like premonitions, including a dream about me before I was born.

Now specific instances.

My sister, who was 3 or 4 at the time, was watching my mom unpack a box of some relative's items. The person had just passed away, and even though my sister had never visited their house or seen pictures of it, she pointed to a painting and said "that hung above her couch." My mom was shocked. She was correct, but there was no way she could have ever known.

Fast forward to me. When I was three, although I don't remember this happening, I told my mom that I had met a little girl with red hair named *Maggie. I told her that Maggie said she was watching over me, and that she was related to me. She also told me that she was also born in October. When I told my mother this, she was alarmed because I had never been told about Maggie*, my grandfather's sister who passed away as a toddler.

My niece, a toddler, was visiting us at my parent's house and found a little wooden chair my mom used to play with when she was little and visiting her grandparents. My niece sat down in it and began to rock her body like she expected it to be a rocking chair. When she discovered it wasn't, she was frustrated and said "well it used to rock." Right again. It used to have rockers, but several decades before, my great-grandfather had taken them off.

It seems to be that all of these happenings take place on my mother's side, and more specifically, my grandmother's side. The women in my family, meaning my sister, my mom, and I, tend to have the same dreams on the same nights, or the same "feelings" about things.

Any ideas about what's apparently being inherited?

Re: Help! A Most Peculiar Family History.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:56 pm
by AdastraJunction
Sounds like a form of pre-cognition/Clairvoyance/empathic. Some people just naturally have it and are more sensitive to past events especially where family is concerned. Whether it's inherited or not I do not know but I suppose it is a good possibility. My guess us it's just the way the women in your family are "wired" so to speak, connections with natural magnetic fields and energies most aren't in-tune too.

Re: Help! A Most Peculiar Family History.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:09 am
by SnowCat
I suspect that people with more accessible clairvoyant capabilities have slightly different hard wiring in the brain than those who don't. My daughter and my granddaughters have all demonstrated clairvoyant capabilities. They inherited them from me. I inherited mine from my dad. My mother was about as clairvoyant as a rock. It made my teen years a living hell.
