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This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:24 pm
by Heartsong
Has anyone else seen this? I'm fuming after listening and reading about Rush Limbaugh's latest nugget of "wisdom" to the masses. How is this not, in essence, stating that rape is ok?

I'll add that if you are a victim of sexual abuse, you might want to just read and not listen. It's nauseating.

Here's a link to the audio and a small article from the Huffington Post: ... 6&ir=Women

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:53 pm
by Xiao Rong
Awesome. Just awesome. Exactly what we need -- another old fogie telling us about how nonconsensual sex is the best! Don't know how this guy still has a platform from which to spew raw sewage in the form of words.

I just spent the weekend helping with an educational program for the freshmen at the school where I work about sexual assault and I had to spend a whole hour with a bunch of them who all wound up agreeing with each other that consent is such a "gray area" and that "women are just crying rape all the time anyways to get back at guys" and that "women should just take more responsibility for their own rapes". I just wanted to headdesk so bad. (Okay, this wasn't really super related to your post, Heartsong, but I'm just more pissed than usual about people who say this sort of rape apologetic bullsh*t, so I have to vent).

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:07 pm
by Heartsong
Vent away, Xiao, I don't mind (and if anyone else wants to use this thread for that, by all means, go right ahead, because I kinda feel like doing it too).

It blows my mind that people actually listen to this stuff and agree with him on it, not to mention what Xiao wrote. It's frustrating, and infuriating. And to top it all off, I'm pretty sure that the only reason he even said anything along those lines was because he hasn't been in the spotlight lately. So while it might inspire so much-needed discussion, it's ultimately a ploy for publicity that devalues any said discussion, because he isn't giving any weight to his own words. It's a throw away topic to generate some ratings for his radio show. And frankly, that almost pisses me off more than what he actually said.

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:17 pm
by YanaKhan
Right, so if a woman says "yes" it's a "Yes" all the time. And if she says "no" it's most of the times "yes". And I was just wondering why would everyone think the guys are the ones who think about sex all the time. Apparently girls are thinking about it and without rest too!
I wonder what kind of a freak is this guy. He probably would never ever have sex if he doesn't rape a woman. That's why he thinks this sh*t. No other explanation. Swine, just a dirty little nasty horrible disgusting swine!

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:48 pm
by valerian moon
Even some consensual sex is traumatizing if its done wrong..... so nonconsensual sex will def be traumatizing

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:39 pm
by SnowCat
So my PTSD due to sexual abuse isn't real. Gee Rush, if someone chooses to remove you due to the garbage you spew, we can just figure that isn't real. All in favor say AYE!


Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:46 pm
by Heartsong

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:15 pm
by J. Michael Mount
Wanna know an even bigger romance killer: sexual assault.

I swear he'll say anything to get attention at this point. Probably hoping we'll be so enraged that we'll forget he promised to leave the country.

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:53 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I know damn well that I didn't consent to being afraid of almost everything for the rest of my life. What a nauseating maggot. :evil:

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:38 am
by jmorton8
Just to play the devils advocate on this...they could have meant like playing the game and getting the catch and there still being mystery..not opposed to the LT relationship where the couple has established all their boundaries. I didn't hear em...but yeh Rush is the epitome of obnoxious pompous asinine gibberish, yet very occasionally he can sound kind of smart.

As dumb as Rush can be, I have a hard time believing he would condone rape, because yeh any non-consensual sex is rape...right?

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:14 pm
by hecate8
Rush is the king of spewing garbage, but this is over the top, even for him! I would say boycott his advertisers, but I'd have to listen to his show to know who they are, and that would make me puke.

Re: This Guy Says Consent Kills the Romance

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:10 pm
by Sakura Blossom
I'm not... I'm not even going to read it. I can't afford to go on a 'break everything in my path like a pissed off hurricane' tonight. I need to run off to bed soon anyways. I can already tell where it's going, and I don't even want to read through anymore BS this guy has to say. UGH.