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New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:31 am
by Zili
I noticed sometime last year or so that I've developed a dark brown freckle in the center of my palm. I was wondering if there was any significance of its placement in palmistry. Anyone here have experience reading palms?

palm freckle (linking out on the picture of my palm so i don't stretch the board)

Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:59 am
by Shub Niggurath
Dark brown freckles and spots appearing all of a sudden might actually hint at health problems so it needs to be observed and if it grows larger over time I'd suggest seeing a dermatologist. I don't want to dramatize or anything but that's how skin cancer sometimes starts, I just want you to be aware of it for your own good ;)

Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:07 pm
by Zili
I have kept an eye on it since skin cancer runs high in my family, but it has not grown in size or changed in coloration nor has it become raised. Since I have an Irish heritage i do develop freckles almost any time I go out in the sun but never on the palms of my hands, and this is the only one. I did some research last night and found that freckles on the palm of the hand do have meaning or significance in relation to palm reading but I couldn't find the meaning because it correlates with placement and lines and all this other stuff I don't fully grasp.

Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:27 pm
by Shub Niggurath
Okay, if you're aware and you keep an eye on it then I'm relieved :)

When it comes to interpretation, the freckle is placed between your Life, Head and Fate lines, nearest to the Fate line. I'm not an expert in palmistry but I remember I read somewhere that having a freckle on your palm meants that you are talented in many ways, it may also mean being a successful person. So since the freckle is near your Fate line I'd guess that maybe it means that your fate is to be successful as an artist? I don't know, that's just my guess ;)

(Image source:

Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:33 pm
by SnowCat
I agree with Levitating Cat. A palmar surface is an unusual spot for a freckle. I have red haur, hazel eyes and fair skin, so I know freckles very well. That being said, in 2001 I lost a friend to metastatic melanoma. He insisted that the mole on his neck was harmless. Then it was too late. Please don't take any chances.


Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:04 pm
by Zili
I've had to keep an eye on my "spots" for years due to patches of my skin getting darker. I was born without birthmarks but after a bike wreck when I was 7 i developed a spot on my leg that looked like a birthmark. Later on i developed a spot on my back and one on the side of my chest. Test came out clear no cancer on those spots, just pigmentation going crazy. My grand-daddy died from more than one cancer including melanoma so we're careful (especially now that my mom has leukemia and lung cancer). As long as the freckles are painless, flat, pretty circular in shape, and of a uniform color (for each spot), and don't grow in size they're harmless.

Levitating, thanks for the info making me feel reassured about spending so much time on my art, jewelry, and writing :D

Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:03 pm
by MsMollimizz

I was reading palmistry for personal pleasure to see if I can
see what's being shown. The only way to alter the outcome
of palmistry is to alter yourself !
Everything that goes on in your head is reflected on your
left(for righty) and what goes on inside is on your right.
That being said, when I fell I developed a red spot on my
index finger's mound. Years later when I started reading this
stuff it refers to an injury/headache (paraphrasing) since the
pain doesn't go away neither does the spot. I can look in my
books but I would imagine you have something going on in
your abdomen ? I'll try to remember to look...
Gentle Light

Re: New Freckles and Palmistry

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:42 pm
by MsMollimizz

My apologies dear Lady...
I got one of my favorite palmistry books out and
I will look tonight. I copied palm to my desktop,
so I will see.
Gentle Light

edited to add:
ill-defined dots may also be found on the plain
of Mars (center of palm)these can indicate places where
there were unresolved wounds to your dignity ! You
have an interesting palm, would you mind if I looked
further ? You also have lots of witch's crosses in your
palm ! Taken from Idiot's Guide to Palmistry