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Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:08 pm
by Sakura Blossom
I posted this in Kassandra's topic, about what I personally do for making my own non-chemical version of Febreeze, so I figured I might as well just share it in its own page so it can be seen by others as well! (:

I don't like using Febreeze, especially because my parrot can't be around anything toxic like this.

So I tried to figure out a way to make my new house smell nicely because five guys lived here for two years and never cleaned. Haha! That, and I needed a way to do smudging in this house without burning my sage.

So I came up with this little idea here, and it works really well! I hope you enjoy. (:

BlossomBreeze Spray

Can be used for raising vibrations in the house, as well as making everything smell nice and fresh! (: The nice part too, is that it doesn't get everything oily.

You'll need:

- A spray bottle
- Warm water
- Flowery Essential oils (I personally use rose and geranium together).
- Clary Sage Oil

***Side note: If you don't wish to use the oils, you can use the flowers and the sage itself. I've tried it once, and it worked. Just make sure to remove them from the water, because I made the mistake of leaving them in and they turned into a rotten and yucky smelling mess which really defeats its purpose. Haha.


Fill the bottle with warm water then mix three to five drops of each oil in. Be sure that the oils are equal parts unless you really like one smell better than the other. I personally like the balance and feel it speaks more towards keeping peace and happiness within the home but that's my personal likes for it. You don't have to do that. You do whatever speaks to you! (:

And that's honestly it. You can use it to just make something smell nicer or make a room smell better, or you can use it as a spray smudge instead of saging when that's not possible or you just don't like the smell of burning sage. I found that this spray does wonders after you've accidentally burned something in the kitchen and it's nice to keep on hand.

Another option too, if you don't have a spray bottle is to fill a bowl with hot water and do the same. It works as a natural air freshener. (:


Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:16 am
by TwilightDancer
Thanks for this, I love it!
Clever name too. smiley_dance

Blessed Be :flyingwitch:

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:59 am
by Sakura Blossom
No problem! I'm glad you do! And thank you! Haha. I had originally called it "SakuraBreeze" but I think I like Blossom Breeze better. (:

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:15 pm
by Aderyn
I'm going to try this! :)

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:03 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Awesome! Let me know how it turns out! (:

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:17 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
"Blossom Breeze." That sounds so cute! :)
Sakura Blossom wrote:So I tried to figure out a way to make my new house smell nicely because five guys lived here for two years and never cleaned. Haha!
Your new place sounds like mine was. The kitchen floor looked like it came from a horror movie.
I'd love to try this. It would be worth it to see if it'll combat sock odor. :lol:

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:22 pm
by Pinkpower_80
I love this, thank you for sharing! I live in a small place with 3 kids, 2 of which are teenagers so I could really use this lol. For the smell AND negative attitudes lol.

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:24 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Oh, goodness! Haha! You know what actually works for socks and shoe odor? Try putting a tea bag in it! (: It works to draw out the smell.

And thank you. (:

Yes, I should post pictures of the place. It's not a dump, but it's definitely not America's Most Beautiful Home. Haha! It's got avocado green carpet and wood paneling. I feel like I live in a billiard table. :lol:

Pinkpower :: HAHA! I am laughing so hard right now! Yes, let me know how it effects their attitudes! (: I'm curious to know how that works!

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:35 pm
by Gentle Melody
I really love it! It is amazing loveface

Let me share my funny experience:
Some months ago I did one.
I used fresh mint( I really like its scent :D), I've put part of it in the spray bottle and part on another common bottle, and even after removing the leaves, the part on the common bottle rotted. :lol:
But the spray bottle I've used had perfume(so, it had a little bit of alcohol) and this part of the infusion didn't rotted. So I think if you're using fresh flowers/herbs, adding a little bit of alcohol on it, will make it last longer.

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:21 am
by Pinkpower_80
Ace of Cups wrote:I really love it! It is amazing loveface

But the spray bottle I've used had perfume(so, it had a little bit of alcohol) and this part of the infusion didn't rotted. So I think if you're using fresh flowers/herbs, adding a little bit of alcohol on it, will make it last longer.
That makes perfect sense! I'll try that with some fresh mint leaves & sage leaves I got yesterday.

Re: Sakura's "BlossomBreeze" Spray

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:21 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Haha! I'm glad it's not just me it's happened to! Haha! I can't use alcohol, though, due to the toxicity and strong odor to animals as I have my bird. ): They're incredibly sensitive. It's a good idea!

Let us know how that turns out, Pink!