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Health issues

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:38 pm
by Jen
My main reason for seeking out something other than Christianity, is my health. I have many health issues. The reason I am putting it in here is because I am fighting to get social security and they told me to be careful what I post to websites of any kind. So being overly causious.

My question is with you guys who have health issues or loved ones with health issues how does wiccan/ witchcraft, ect. help you deal with these issues. I felt a pull towards this and honestly have since I was a child. Which is why my user name is Jen. :D My grandma called me Jen since I was born. Thanks for taking time to read and have a wonderful day!

Re: Health issues

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:23 am
by Seraphin
Witchcraft allows me to tap subtle energies that I can use to heal myself and to heal others. It gives me curative powers of spiritual healing and energetic healing -- which Christianity falsely identified with evil forces. Most Christians are quick to accuse healers of fraud, materialism, greed and in the Ultra-orthodox community, "demonic alliance". Though we all know here in no uncertain terms that healing abilities are not necessarily the work of the devil.

You will note that witches, Wiccans, shamans and Druids alike are the most health conscious and homeopathic bunch of folks because they are aware of the connections, relationship and interactive mechanisms between mind, body and soul, while most people, I'm not saying all, who belong to other religions are the most sickly and weak (that's why these people tend to seek the advice of wise men and women, witch doctors or shamans of their village because they don't know how to take care of their body, address some health issues and/or heal themselves). I don't have to name the religions whose followers and advocates are mainly less-conscious about health and healing.

I believe witchcraft is conducive not only to a healthy body but also to peaceful and quiet mind, and spiritual growth and understanding.

Re: Health issues

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:06 pm
by Jen
That is so true Seraphin. People are so scared of what they do not understand. I have never been one to judge others. I love the differences in others. I love that there are different paths and starting to walk mine. I feel like Christianity may have been the foundation I grew up with. But may not be the one I walk as a adult. Now trying to figure out my way, I thank you for your input. I am reading and looking into what feels right to my heart. Have a great day! :D

Re: Health issues

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:10 pm
by Seraphin
"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged..."

I think this applies to any spiritual path, not just Christianity. What purpose does it serve to aggressively debate and judge the paths of others? Abusing the "right of free speech" to promote one's own beliefs or sense of morality and convince people that it's better or higher or more "right" than those of others, I think, shows a lack of compassion and respect.