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Prodromal Dreams: Warnings & Guidance for Healing

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:13 pm
by Kassandra

Some of our dreams may be prodromal dreams about our health. These kinds of dreams could warn about illness, but they can also show us a path to healing, unique to each of our personal karma/termperaments/past lives/current situation. The video below is an example of how prodromal dreams led a woman to a path to healing.


One of the most important reasons to invite dreams back into your life is their role in warning of illness and sickness. The accounts of this phenomenon have been documented for thousands of years. Aristotle wrote that the “beginnings of diseases and other distempers which are about to visit the body… must be more evident in the sleeping than the waking state.” Known as prodromal dreams, these warnings come insistently and with increasing nightmarish levels of intensity when not paid attention to. It’s as if the body is saying “Listen up!”

In one account, a man has repetitive dreams about being shot at by a machine gun, the bullets hitting the left side of his lower chest. As Van de Castle reports, “A check up revealed a small tumor on the left lover lobe of his lung... dream workers and psychologists tend to interpret mythological creatures [in dreams] without taking into account the possible body signal. Prodromal dreams can speak in metaphors and symbols. The most common symbol for the body is a house or structure. Where does the action of the dream take place — on the top floor (the head), or in the bathroom (the bowels or kidneys).

In modern society, the car also can be a common sign for the body. Engine trouble? Difficulty accelerating? Blown tires? The metaphors for prodromal dreams are usually very simple, but may be peculiar to you alone; after all the dream is speaking your imaginal language! Vampires bite your throat, and dogs tear at your intestines. Any time a series of dreams repeatedly exposes, claws at, hurts, or bites a part of your body, that is a sign for attention.

If you have a repetitive nightmare like these, and someone close to you reveals that they just had a similar dream, pay attention. Friends, co-workers and our intimate partners may have unconsciously picked up on an early illness and their dreams can communicate this. Is it micro-behaviors that they notice or telepathy? I don’t know, and I don’t really care, to be honest. Getting the message is what matters most.

As dreams come through our bodies, so do our illnesses come into our dreams. Noticing this level of interpretation is crucial to a holistic view of dreams, because the body is often disregarded by both the dream nihilists (“random defragging information of the brain”) and by dream enthusiasts (“a message from my Higher Self about my purpose in the universe”). Sometimes, a dream is just trying to lower our cholesterol so we can get on with the business of life on this planet.

Article excerpted from:
"I dream my life."


Re: Prodromal Dreams: Warnings of Illness & Guidance for Hea

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:15 pm
by Seraphin
Great article Kass!