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Would you say my element is fire?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:54 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Someone taught me how to do grounding and protection of myself through meditation, from negative energies and spirits. You're supposed to use different elements, and find which one works for you. Well, when I did it, none of the elements seemed to help. I tried water again, thinking it would be mine as I'm a pisces, but as I was doing it again it turned to a bright gold fire, and this is how I started working with Brigid.

So, would you say fire is my element then? Or would you say it's something different entirely? I haven't really gotten into elements (yet at least) but it is appealing to me, so I'm curious!


Re: Would you say my element is fire?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:08 pm
by creatrix
Were you doing a meditation? You can have multiple elements. Have you done your astrological chart besides just knowing your sun sign Pisces? It might give you insight, maybe you have a fire moon or rising sign for example.

Re: Would you say my element is fire?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:03 pm
by Sakura Blossom
I have not, I was actually just looking at it the other day at the store I go to for my supplies. (: It was calling my name but alas, I have no money to get it done at the moment. Haha!

And yes, it's all through meditation. It's the visualization of yourself as a tree, grounding yourself, and pulling up your element for protection. It's worked really well, and as I said, none of the elements worked until I was on water that turned to the golden fire as Brigid stepped in to help me. (: