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Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:10 am
by loona wynd
So I have been having a problem lately. I mostly burn homemade powdered herbal incenses for my spells and rituals, sometimes also to help me concentrate and focus on the tasks at hand. Lately I haven't been able to get the charcoal blocks to stay lit. They start to pop and crack and I see smoke coming from them but it basically stops there. I've been told to wait till there is a light gray before putting on the incense. Yet again I am not getting to this stage. Any advice?

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:47 am
by Holdasown
Either there is too much moisture or bad tabs. I use Three Kings and keep them in an air tight container. I have had other brands never work.

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:42 am
by loona wynd
Holdasown wrote:Either there is too much moisture or bad tabs. I use Three Kings and keep them in an air tight container. I have had other brands never work.
They have been kinda old. Oh well. I'll add those three tabs to my pack that I am going to use for creating black salt. I opened a new case of charcoal tabs and was able to get it to light very easily this time. Now its giving off a wonderful scent as I work, play, and write. I had a stressful morning so its stress relief incense I made.

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:58 am
by Firebird
I agree with Holda, quality charcoal is the way to go and keeping them dry is essential. Also you might try keeping a flame under it longer, hold it with some tongs and light all sides until you see that it is beginning to glow. Be careful with the lighter as they get hot and I have had the plastic start to melt...that can't be safe :cry: , maybe use 2 or more lighters in the attempt. (or over the flame of a range top?)
I like 3 Kings, but the charcoal I get is is called Self-Lite it is by Char-Lite Products. I get a carton of 100 and pay about 30 -35 dollars for them, they light faster than any I have ever encountered, and they can be lit by scratching them on a strike anywhere box of matches...(these charcoals are a favorite in the Catholic church)The charcoals are much larger than a regular roll of charcoal (about the size of a silver dollar)...they also last longer, and the other thing that is really cool is they break in half easily so they go really far. I find them at a local candle manufacturer (they make those giant beeswax candles the churches use) but not everyone has a candle business right down the street so I will put the link to Char-Lite here.

Blessings, Firebird

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:16 pm
by Holdasown
firebirdflys wrote:

Blessings, Firebird

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:22 pm
by Firebird
A carton lasts me about a year...maybe longer,
it's really more cost effective if you burn incense as much as most of us do! smileydance

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:40 pm
by loona wynd
I opened a new pack. It worked much better. I think that the others ones were old and wet. I also think its possible the self starting things had been scratched off during the move. I do keep them in their packages they come in. Maybe I need something more airtight. What exactly do you use for that?

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:46 pm
by EllaFae
So glad I stumbled upon this thread, so thank you all :) I have had this issue for as long as I can remember. I've tried different charcoal etc but it's never really worked so I gave up with loose incense and stuck with sticks. I think my problem is that they were all cheap and I didn't keep them in an airtight container. Going to scout out some better quality discs and try again!

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:35 pm
by loona wynd
firebirdflys wrote:

Blessings, Firebird
Thats the kind I use. I think they were old. They have been through moves and the like so its possible some of the easy spark stuff had scratched off. The new pack I opened up for my meditation and blessing incenses worked very well. So it was definitely the block.

My issue now is I need to get a better aim and flame. Or I need to use the really long matches you use for lighting home wood stove fires.

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:36 pm
by Holdasown
I put them in a zip lock bag or Tupperware type container.

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:03 pm
by loona wynd
Holdasown wrote:I put them in a zip lock bag or Tupperware type container.
I think I can do that. I have a bunch of ziploc bags in my home. I use them right now for packaging my incenses and my herbs for sale.

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:55 pm
by -Dark-Moon-
Ya, they can be a RPITA (see snowcat for translation).

They do tend to lose their spark a bit when they get exposed to the air for a while.

I'm a fan of the tongs, you can get them going pretty easily just by putting them right in a candle flame for a while. All a bit disappointing if they go out half way through something important ... 'D'oh!

Re: Getting Charcoal Blocks to stay lit

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:31 am
by AnaisStar
Ive always been interested in using the charcoal but havent tried them yet.