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Animal Spirits

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:21 pm
by Kassandra

Here's an article I found that has pretty comprehensive info about working with animal spirits. Enjoy.

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What is an Animal Totem?

The phrase “animal totem” literally means a symbolic representation of your animal guide; such as a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine, or anything else that depicts your animal guide. A totem could be symbolic for a whole tribe, clan or family – or just an individual. However, the phrase “animal totem” also means “animal guide”, receiving spiritual assistance from an animal.

Shamans throughout the world have relied on the guidance and wisdom of spirit animals for thousands of years. Totems have been used in shamanistic practice as far back as human history stretches, it is one of the oldest forms of magick in the world. Hunters would paint the form of their prey on walls during ceremonies to bless the coming hunt with good fortune, and to acknowledge, bless and thank the spirit of the animal, as well as even ask for its assistance from the spiritual world. Many ancient tribes revered certain animals for their particular characteristics. Animals are embroiled deeply in all the ancient religions, and were often deified.

Do We Have More Than One Animal Totem?

Because our personalities, just like Mother Earth, just like Creator, have many facets, we usually experience more than one totem animal in our lives. Various traditions have differing teachings on whether there is a specific number of totems we experience. The Native American tradition, for one, teaches that we are each connected with nine different animals that accompany us through life as our guides (more on this further down).

We experience the wisdom and assistance of these different animal guides as they come into and out of our lives throughout our journey. They join us during new tasks, changes in direction, lessons to be learnt, and all events involving spiritual growth including simply bettering ourselves in day to day living. Bear in mind that as old totems exit our life, so new totems arrive, and this is the way it must be in order to continue growing and learning. Remember to always give thanks and blessings to a departing or departed totem, when you become aware that its energy is moving away from you.

Despite the changing nature of life and our totems, most traditions agree that we usually experience at least one animal guide who stays with us for our whole life, in the spiritual world and often in physical manifestations. This animal acts as our main guardian spirit (Life Totem). You share a connection with this animal that will show itself in shared characteristics, your dreams, various interactions, and an ongoing interest in the animal throughout your life. This animal guide offers power and wisdom to you, and as you learn to communicate with it, a relationship of respect and trust will develop and deepen. It is with you to assist you in your soul’s purpose in life during this manifestation.

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Photo source

Animal Totem or Witch’s Familiar --What's the Difference?

Most people have encountered and recognize the popular image of a witch and her black cat. A familiar is an animal that physically lives with a witch, and assists her/him in her magickal workings. Traditionally, witches worked primarily with cats, but a familiar could be any animal living with the witch – a dog, rabbit, horse, snake, etc. A familiar represents all the good qualities of that animal and is in tune with the witch energetically. It provides the witch with a link to the animal kingdom, and the essence of their power. A witch’s familiar may or may not also be one of her animal totems, likewise her animal totem may or may not join her in physical form.

How Can One Work with Animal Totems?

Obviously you cannot always work with a physical familiar, for obvious reasons (space limitation, for one). Therefore, shamans / energy workers / witches find working with animal totems in the astral of huge benefit. You can at any time call on the animal kingdom for assistance – it can be as simple as asking a question and going for a walk in nature, or as complicated as a full ritual to acknowledge a specific power animal – as long as you make the effort to open up to the natural world.


You may choose to work with an animal totem specifically for one magickal working that would benefit from that animal’s medicine, guidance and power. In terms of healing, many animals have unique resistance to certain diseases, and drawing upon that animal’s energy helps us/our patient be more resistant to it as well. Some animals are archetypal symbols of healing, like the snake, as it sheds its old skin and moves into the new. As a symbol for transformation, by meditating and focusing on the snake during times of illness, it can assist in accelerating the healing process.

Animals that appear to us at times of illness can also be providing us with vital clues as to the best way to focus our healing energies. You may also find that the spirit of a power animal may choose at times to enter the consciousness of one who has walked the “Medicine Way” (or in other words, works with the Animal Kingdom energies) for many years, and align itself to aid in healings. This is part of the initiation process of Animal Medicine, and brings great power to the healer.

Quarter Guardian

Some animals are associated with the quarters (four elements) and can be called in to activate the quarters.
Advisors & Guides: Totem animals are also great advisors and can be called on for help in particular situations. They can lead us and help us in sacred quests and journeys, as well as bring us direction about situations, choices, decisions and activities we’re involved in. A closer study of their characteristics and behaviours provides clues and insights as to what our own behaviours and actions should be in particular situations.


You can also personally select a “power animal” – i.e. a totem animal to work with within the astral for a time (weeks, months or years) in order to learn specifically from that animal. All animals that come to us are teachers. They teach us about our own potentials, about energies at play within our lives and about our spiritual paths. We can learn something from every animal, but those that appear to us, and those that we choose to work with, can teach us special wisdoms.


Animals are also protectors, and can be called upon to give us extra strength and energy. They can alert us to trouble, physically and spiritually. Pay attention to what animals appear in your life in order to benefit from their messages of warning. You might find yourself having dreams of conflict in which an animal appears – the animal lets us know what qualities to draw on to handle the conflicts in our life. Protection animals are not always big and ferocious – every animal has its own unique defence strategies and abilities. While bears can be powerful protectors for many aspects of life, the opossum can also serve as a protector, warning that things and people around us are not what they seem to be. We may need to “play possum” in some situations.

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Celtic Totem Animals dvd cover.jpg (40.19 KiB) Viewed 3077 times

How to Meet Your Animal Totem

When you find an animal is speaking strongly to you, that you feel drawn to it, or you find it keeps cropping up (e.g. you see a poster of an eagle, then hear a song about an eagle on the radio, then look out your window to see an eagle fly past), you need to acknowledge and open yourself to it. You can do this very simply by placing pictures or totems (statues/crests etc) in your environment, and learning more about the animal. This will assist your subconscious in being more open to the energy of the totem, and thus allow messages and wisdom to flow to you from your animal more easily, as well as encouraging the energy of the animal to be welcome in your space.


There are several questions you can meditate on if you have not become aware of your animal totem/s yet. Remember that you cannot be wrong! Just trust your intuition and relax as you contemplate the answers:

What animal, bird or insect do you feel most drawn to?
When you go to a nature reserve, park or zoo, what animal are you most interested in seeing?
What animal do you most often see (in nature and in your ordinary surroundings – contemplate any interaction, whether images, sounds, or the actual animal)?
What animal are you currently interested in learning more about?
What animal most frightens you, intrigues you, or makes you feel “out of your comfort zone”?
Have you ever been bitten, scratched or attacked by an animal?
Do you ever have recurring dreams about a particular animal?
Are you drawn to figurines or pictures of a specific animal?

Make a list of animals that have drawn your interest or have left a deep impression on you from paintings, photographs, stories, movies, carvings, etc. This will help you identify what animal/s has/have played a meaningful part in your world.

Keep a journal of the animals present in your dreams or that you encounter through the day for the next month. How did the animal behave? Did you interact with the animal? This will help you identify which animal shows up in your life most frequently.

Find a place where you can be alone to meditate. Sit quietly and ask your animal to make its nature known to you. Feel free to use tools such as incense, smudge, and candles to help you. A particularly helpful meditation is picturing yourself standing in the middle of a large forest glade, with a river and/or lake, or perhaps a cove by the sea. Ask your guide to come to you, as you walk in the surroundings.

Different Traditions

As already discussed, different traditions vary on the specifics when it comes to the exact number of totem animals you work with, and what they are called. Below I list [several views] – the point is to do your own research and go with what suits YOU. It’s a personal choice based on what you resonate with.

Life Totem

Your Life Totem animal is the first totem you should connect with, intuitively, once your understand its significance. Your Life Totem animal is with you throughout your entire incarnation, and is always there for you when you need its abilities. It is possible to have more than one Life Totem animal that join you during your journey.

Primary Life Totem

Your Primary Life Totem represents your key focus at this time – that which you are currently working on, learning, developing. The messages brought to you by your Primary Life Totem are important reminders from the Universe about your present purpose on Earth, and your inner spiritual nature.

Journey Totem

You Journey Totem animal is with you for a specific period of time – whether that be weeks, months or even years, depending on how long it takes you to walk the path and learn the lesson/s that your Journey Totem animal is guiding and assisting you with. You may experience several Journey Totem animals appearing in your life more commonly than all the others, as if by coincidence. When two or three animals suddenly make an appearance in your life, and they share a similar nature, it means that you have established the basis of your path.

Message Totem

A Message Totem arrives suddenly, neutrally, and at random times throughout your life (or maybe even only once). A Journey Totem, in contrast, stays a little longer and tends to slip in and out of your life over a period of time. The Message Totem brings a powerful message of self growth and spiritual awakening – a sudden step forward. The experience will stand out as unique.

Shadow Totem

A Shadow Totem animal is one of a number of totems sent to us to test us, and will be the one that you initially fear. The Shadow Totem represents your inner fears and weaknesses that you need to overcome. Once you are able to see the fascination or attraction in a previously feared, ‘dangerous’ animal, you have succeeded in learning its lesson, and its power and strength will be open to you. For this reason, facing the fears that the Shadow Totem brings out in you can result in major spiritual growth. Failing to face your fears could result in the Shadow Totem being unable to assist you, and in fact force it to work against your life, holding you back from enlightenment.

Spirit Totem

A Spirit Totem is what a Shadow Totem becomes in your life once you have overcome your fear. It is one of your most powerful Animal Totems.

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Photo source

The Native American "Nine Totems" Theory

Each and every person has nine power animals that represent the medicine they carry on this journey/lifetime. For example, a person who is connected with Wolf is a born teacher, pathfinder, innovator and self-starter. If they are not living their truth/not walking their true path, you may find they emulate the opposite of these qualities. The number nine is based on the concept that we are born on Earth with seven directions: East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within (which they teach is inside us AND around us since the entire Universe is inside our consciousness). We have a totem animal in each of the seven directions to teach us the lessons of these directions. The other two animals are the ones that walk on either side of us at all times. We may experience them in recurring dreams, a fascination with them throughout our lives, or simply a recognized “connection.”

In this context, the word “medicine” must be redefined. Medicine is a Native American Indian concept which refers to anything that improves one’s connection to Creator/Great Spirit/The Great Mystery, and all life. This includes physical healing, mind healing and spirit healing. It also encompasses anything that increases or brings about growth in personal power, strength and understanding. It is a way of living that brings healing to Mother Earth and all life forms. Therefore, in essence, Native American medicine means a way of life – walking on Earth in perfect harmony with the Universe.

Animals’ characteristics, behaviours, patterns and even their very appearances, relay messages to us – we just need to learn the language. This is an ancient form of “reading the wyrd”, the way the world worked before technology made us blind and deaf to the natural world around us. This precious information, and gifts of healing, are completely free to us.

When you call on the power or energy of a specific animal, you are asking to be drawn into complete harmony with the strength of its essence. All understanding that we gain, all wisdom that we collect through these valuable interactions with our animal brothers and sisters, is a healing process, and must be approached with both humility and intuitiveness. Certain aspects of the lessons the animals choose to teach us are reflections of our soul lessons. These are essential truths about being human, being vulnerable, and seeking wholeness with all that is. They are a part of the pathway to power. The power lies in the wisdom and understanding of your role in the Great Mystery, and in honouring every living thing as a teacher.

Learning to interact with the Animal Kingdom in this way is about reactivating your instinctual intuitiveness, remembering your innate knowledge of natural truths, learning how to relate to all of the Great Mystery’s creatures, and how to “observe the obvious in the silence.”

Source: article adapted from


Re: Animal Spirits

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:27 pm
by AnaisStar
Great article. Ive been focusing alot on my animal spirit so this is helpful

Re: Animal Spirits

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:07 pm
by Seraphin
Great article Kass.

Totems are a collection of animal spirits that you have a connection and relationship with. It is rare for non-shamans to have totem animals but it has been know to have happened. Shamans however will have a number of animals he has an "alliance" with, which means they will help him out in various ways and gives him access to various healing techniques, beyond those granted by his power animal. Generally in tribal cultures the whole tribe will over time take on the totems of its shamans, which can then be used temporarily by the members of the tribe (say the hunters for instance).

Totem doesn't need to be an animal, it can be pretty much anything, a plant, a mythical animal/spirit, a crystal, etc anything that you have built a lasting relationship can become a totem

For instance my fiancee has a fly agaric mushroom in her. :lol:

Re: Animal Spirits

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 5:34 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Oh! I'm so glad Seraphin posted because I hadn't found this one yet and I was JUST looking into animal totems. I've been interested in finding mine, as I've worked with other spirits but not with my animal spirit. (: I'll read into this article and the information posted when I get a chance! I'm getting ready to head out right now. (:

Re: Animal Spirits

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:57 pm
by AnaisStar
I had an idea of one of mine (the rabbit is already one that Ive worked with for years) that was new.

I kept seeing deer everywhere. I seem to catch them when no one is around, or its too late for them to be seen by someone else. They never run off from me, but keep their distance and just watch me and gracefully walk away. Ive had this happen on so many occasions over the years.

Last week I literally saw four different deer (in public areas) over a two day span. No one else was around either to see them.

I then did a journey twice with two different intentions and made contact with my animal spirit who is YES..a deer. The interesting thing is that it changes from female (doe) to male (stag) frequently, kind of in and out. It took place in my heart, by leaping into my heart space, and stays there with me until I need to call upon in when journeying/meditating.

I THINK it's name is Aesop. I got that name on the second time we made contact, but it wasnt very clear and I didnt feel 100% sure that was its name I was hearing. So hopefully Ill learn more in another mediation.

Re: Animal Spirits

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:35 pm
by Sakura Blossom
This is great! I finally got a chance to read through it, and it's what I've been looking for. Talking to a friend, she said that ancient Native American belief was that if you got bitten by an animal in your dream that it was your totem animal. I'm wondering if that's true, or not, and if it is, mine would be a humming bird. I see it all the time too, and it's also my mom's favorite animal. (: I'm going to try some of these exercises soon, and see what happens!