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My past life?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:05 pm
by BaeTheWitch
I keep having a dream that I am a mother of three. I have two sons and a daughter. Their ages are around 16, 6 and the girl is an infant. My husband is dead. I can tell we were Hebrew and this is a very long time ago because we were wearing sandals and patterned robes. We're living in Egypt, (I think) and the home is near water. The dream starts out early in the morning and I ask my oldest son to get water so I can bathe his younger brother. So him and his female friend leave and come back and I bathe him.

I get into an argument (which was in a different language but I knew what I was saying)with the oldest son and he runs out of the home. I finish bathing the middle child and I take him and the baby outside with me to get some supplies. Out of nowhere I hear screaming and things breaking while I'm walking through this outdoor type market and I look back and see these Egyptian men taking the Hebrew children. I can see very detail of them. The sweat falling of their faces and the tears running down the babies and families faces. I grab my son and baby and run through a river and on the other side is a cave.

I climb in and I can see my oldest son and his friend running around and screaming. I call out to him and he says to follow him so I do and as we run I can feel the wind blowing harder and sand partials hitting my face so hard it stings. But I can't run as fast because the river made my robes wet and heavy. We get to the "city" and we bump into two of the men. I start screaming "You can't have her! I'll kill you before you ever touch her!" And it ends. I wake up. The dream is sooooo vivid I wake up crying and sweating and usually gripping my own shirt.

Could this be my past life? Or already one of them?

Re: My past life?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:07 pm
by BaeTheWitch
*atleast not already

Re: My past life?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:57 pm
by Violet
That sounds so vivid and emotional. Do you believe it's a past life memory? From what I have read often those memories come to us through our emotions, and we may fill in the sensory details with what we "know" about the time period through movies and books.

Re: My past life?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:14 pm
by BaeTheWitch
I do believe in them. It's been this same dream for years. The only thing I can't be sure of is the location. Whether it's Egypt or not. Sometimes I find myself doodling wen in bored and after in done I look at my paper and I can see names that I've never even heard of. One in particular is Urie. I think it might been one of my children's names.

Re: My past life?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:35 pm
by Isis3Anubis
Interesting, I feel that outside of our lives there is no such thing as time. So in fact that really could be occurring now only in another dimension. Your soul could be resonating with this story that may have occurred or is currently taking place in that plane. Usually there is a reason why you connect with that other life. "You can't have her!" Is there someone you are trying to protect in this life? It could even be an aspect of yourself you are afraid others might try to take from you.