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Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham question

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:55 pm
by QuestionableEnergy
My contact for questions is unavailable has anyone read or have advice? I am understanding most but do have a few questions..
1. They talk about being selfless but if you do a spell for yourself (money, luck, anything to gain) isnt that selfish? How can you "justify" cast a spell for yourself? Lets say money spell: Usually you want money for items you want..not need..human nature? We are a family that lives paycheck to paycheck..however there are things we can change our spending on..I would not cast a spell to gain without being completely in need .

2. He talks a lot about raising energy or power with yourself, but then he goes on about being on a different plain and or portal..To me this may seem dangerous. How do you trust the god & goddess for security, and even then cant things (spirits, energy, positive or neg) attach or open doors for them to enter? In my "old " religion we prayed worshiped and yet I still had negative spirits in our house and does these gods & goddess differ?

3. My biggest question is how you become wiccan and or work with the craft without human nature and greed coming into play? It seems that a lot of people will cast for personal intent and or others (with out their knowledge) and to me that inst great intent sometimes. I do cleansing and cast energy circles for protection in my house..however my husband (even if he doesnt agree with all I have studied) understands and has felt the change.

I am a pretty sensible person..and have study many religions..I am asking these question because of other knowledge. I am sure there will be more question to come but I think this is a great start!

Re: solitary Prationer by cunningham question

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:02 pm
by Heartsong
QuestionableEnergy wrote: 1. They talk about being selfless but if you do a spell for yourself (money, luck, anything to gain) isnt that selfish? How can you "justify" cast a spell for yourself? Lets say money spell: Usually you want money for items you want..not need..human nature? We are a family that lives paycheck to paycheck..however there are things we can change our spending on..I would not cast a spell to gain without being completely in need.
Hmm, that's a really good question, and potentially, a complicated one, so I'll try to work out as simple an answer as possible. When you are casting a spell aimed at yourself, the majority of the time, you aren't trying to draw a specific item or emotion your way. Rather, you are calling positive energy into your life, so that you can then bring about the changes. We'll use your money example. Let's say you want money to buy that awesome new game that was just released. If you cast a spell with that purpose in mind, the chances are that the spell will backfire. This is because the energies we work with know exactly what your intentions truly are. Therefore, any witch with a lick of common sense wouldn't cast such a spell. I am of the school of thought that spells are to be used for what we need, and thus should only be cast when we are in need. I'm sure there are many other witches who feel the same, just as you've stated. A money spell cast to get a little extra cash to help with bills would be acceptable, I think, because, again, you need to survive.
2. He talks a lot about raising energy or power with yourself, but then he goes on about being on a different plain and or portal..To me this may seem dangerous. How do you trust the god & goddess for security, and even then cant things (spirits, energy, positive or neg) attach or open doors for them to enter? In my "old " religion we prayed worshiped and yet I still had negative spirits in our house and does these gods & goddess differ?
Ok, there's a couple of questions in there, I think, so let me see. First, yes, working on a different plane can be dangerous, which is why most witches cast protective wards and circles around themselves when working on said planes. Second, If they believe in a deity, they will likely also call on that deity's protection. The gods that pagans often worship aren't really all that different from those of the more popular faiths like Christianity (and I know I'm going to get some evil glares from some people on that one, but hear me out!). What's important is the faith and trust that you have in your deity. Like any relationship, what you put in is what you get out. This is why we practice giving offerings to our gods (whatever they may be), not so much to curry favor, but as a way to show our love and appreciation of them.
3. My biggest question is how you become wiccan and or work with the craft without human nature and greed coming into play? It seems that a lot of people will cast for personal intent and or others (with out their knowledge) and to me that inst great intent sometimes. I do cleansing and cast energy circles for protection in my house..however my husband (even if he doesnt agree with all I have studied) understands and has felt the change.
Darling, we are all human, so our nature is always going to come into play. I say that with love. Wiccans don't advertise that theirs is the best path (if they do, they really aren't what they claim to be). Many followers of the Wiccan path see it as a single road in a multitude of roads that all lead to the same place. I believe Cunningham said that in Living Wicca as well. As I said before, the energies we work with know what are intentions are, good, bad, or ugly. Every intention is personal, I think, because it is our desire that shapes the spell. If the spell is positive, positive energy will be returned, as our Law of Return states. This is also why many of us specifically craft our spells so that harm comes to no one, so that the spell can only work if the outcome benefits all and takes from no one.

I hope that helps a bit. You ask such great questions, love! :flyingwitch:

Re: solitary Prationer by cunningham question

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:25 pm
by QuestionableEnergy
I feel if i didnt ask these questions that this probably would be a destructive path for me. I can see how others view the religion and it doesnt seem right because of what I have studied. So knowledge is power and I want to be strong and confident in my decisions. I understand the answer to the first question. with balance comes great responsibility.

Second answer: Even as a Christian I believed all the religions have a lot of same minded principles. You believe in the god you need and as long as you are good morale and abide by the golden rule its all in one the same. This is why I was asked to leave the church..sadly he who is without guilt cast the first stone does not apply Also so should I cast a circle of protection when I do the cleansing spell you suggested on another post?

Third answer: This might just be me, however anyone could cast so shouldnt thoes beliefs/rules be in placed or thought about even outside Wicca? Its hard for me to understand why people first would not have good intent and all so wanna bring harm. I believe you reap what you sew..and usually in three fold...Who would want to risk that on negative stuff?

Once again if others are offended thats not my intent. I am just trying to figure my path in this journey we call life! Blessings to all and good thoughts sent your way!

Re: Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham question

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:56 pm
by Heartsong
Also so should I cast a circle of protection when I do the cleansing spell you suggested on another post?
It certainly couldn't hurt. I cast a protective circle just as a way to make it second nature. I would definitely cleanse yourself and your aura afterwards, though, since it's very possible some of the psychic "gunk", as I call it, can attach to you, like running your fingers over a dusty window sill and then washing your hands.
This might just be me, however anyone could cast so shouldn't those beliefs/rules be in placed or thought about even outside Wicca? Its hard for me to understand why people first would not have good intent and all so wanna bring harm. I believe you reap what you sow..and usually in three fold...Who would want to risk that on negative stuff?
You are very correct. It should be a common practice throughout all cultures and religions, and I believe that for the most part, it is. You will always have those, however, that don't practice what they preach. "Do unto others" is probably one of the few things I cared to carry over from my Christian days. A very good rule of thumb, I think. :)

Re: Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham question

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:31 pm
by SnowCat
Hi QuestionableEnergy. You've asked some good questions. If you decide that your path lies elswhere, it will be a well-informed decision. May you be blessed in whatever path you choose.


Re: Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham question

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:00 pm
by TheGirlOfSecrets
1) I would say doing a spell for something you want is a bad thing - like some people want money to have a holiday, but if you need to do a money spell because you can't afford simple things like dinner, then that is an issue, so you can do a spell, it's between want and need. Of course some people do love spells and that's ok I think, so long as you really focus, and don't direct it at someone, just a spell to bring love to you. And if you think you have a crush on someone then don't do the spell. That's just my input on things.

2) I would say trust is certainly an issue, if you don't trust your God and Goddess (wether chosen specifically or just using the terms Lord and Lady) then I don't think you're ready to start spells. You shouldn't worry about other things, and no, I don't think you need to worry about other things entering your body. Imagine you are asleep. What enters your body? Nothing, maybe nightmares or dreams enter your brain from the back of your mind, but nothing's going to hurt you. That's what I think, anyway.

3) the Wiccan rede is 'an ye harm none do as ye will' and you seem more drawn to Wicca than Witchcraft, but that's not the point lol. I think greed is actually a good point, I never thought of it like that, but I personally don't think I'm too greedy (hehe) and I don't think I'm a bad Witch either (hehe) so I think for most good hearted people it isn't an issue. If you are naturally more greedy than others then I think you just need to find a way to say to yourself: look, I don't need to be greedy, some people have it way worse than me.

I hope that's helped you (and not offended anyone), its just my thoughts and I hope it's helpful:)

Re: Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham question

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:02 pm
by Garnetsun
Hello, if you still take another answer. Not as beautifully said as Heartsong's though.

1. I don't think doing a spell for ourselves is a bad thing per se. Especially if our primal need and well being are in question. Protection, food, shelter, money for life, bringing love and joy etc.
It is not something truly selfish. Some practicioner may use spells or rituals only for themselves, and that is reprehensible. You may ask for something that will help you, but don't conduct everything around you, you may also help yourself by helping others.

2. Trust is an issue. If you don't trust yourself, the energies you're working with, your deities; it won't work properly. Protecting yourself from negative energies or spirits is essential for casting and rituals.
Heartsong is right by saying we aren't different from monotheism, it is the same base of worshipping and praying. The actions and worshipping may be different, but its not different. Some may even include God in their prayers, or angels -quite in the monotheist religions-.
Protection is essential. I wouldn't try working on another plane if you aren't used to work and be in it. It may be dangerous if you doesn't trust everything around

3. I don't think many will use Wicca or the craft for ill purposes.
To become a Wiccan, for me, it is about trust and belief and harmony. With nature, the Lord and Lady, and to be open to everything that may come to you. It is something to be attuned to, and that happens progressively. You don't become wiccan in a day.
It is also to be selfless sometimes. To work for others, or to whom we are a part of. Protecting and cleansing for your family id a good exemples.
Some may not reamize they are working against the rede, but they might not be open to accept this.
Greed might be good too. If you control it. To be greedy of knowledge, of results is not do bad. But you must control it. Accept limitations, and know when to work on them to pass problematic situations. Be a Warrior in that sense.

Re: Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham question

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:53 pm
by QuestionableEnergy
I thank you all for the input. I understand most people who fallow WICCA are straight minded unselfish people who respect all earthly things. I am just trying to find a balance for my taste. You are all right in your ways! I just tend to think more technical then I probably should. The main thing I think I am trying to say is human nature is a hard thing not to let take over. Specially when what your doing is working! This isnt a post to put any judgement on people just some thoughts and questions from what I have read! Thanks everyone and if you would like to give more opinions and or advice I am willing to hear it all out! :)