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Re: Is it sensible to think that "sexuality" actually exists

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:36 pm
by Xiao Rong
As someone who has a passing familiarity with the queer community, I would say that sexuality is a fairly amorphous concept.

First of all, I'll quickly clarify that in common parlance, "sex" is the actual physical characteristics (XX or XY chromosome), "gender" is the identity and set of social characteristics (and stereotypes) that a person can choose. Sexuality is also different, as it refers to preferences about who they are sexually attracted, or their sexual practices themselves (it's a very complex and amorphous concept). All of these are distinct from one another. Thus, I would disqualify your concepts of "Literal" or "Air-Quote Transsexual" (generally people identify as Transgender, regardless of whether or not they have had a sex change operation; this is a gender identity, not a sexuality. There are trans women who are attracted to other women, for example).

As for homosexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality, as you're already aware, this tends to exist on a spectrum.

As for asexuality, this can mean anything from not attracted to either gender, to attraction to people of either gender but low interest in actual sex, to solely interested in romantic love with one gender, etc. This is a very broad term (google it).

Pansexuality is considered to be attraction to people of all gender identities.

I would also consider love to be separate from sexuality.

Is sexuality a fact or a theory? Well, it's a lens through which people experience (or don't experience) the world; I'd consider it a fact the way a rock is a fact. There are plenty of theories on what it means, but that doesn't mean it's not real.

Is all the moral and legal bullshit and hoopla over sexuality worth it? The crap about one-man-one-woman, it's-Adam-and-Eve-not-Adam-and-Steve ain't, but issues of consensual sex are.

Re: Is it sensible to think that "sexuality" actually exists

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:37 pm
by SnowCat
First and foremost, they are people, and deserve respect.


Re: Is it sensible to think that "sexuality" actually exists

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:03 am
by YanaKhan
I think a lot of the crap comes from religion. Like the "not natural attraction to the same sex". I don't think it's unnatural as there are many homosexual animals too, not only human. Everyone deserves to be happy and I'd say whatever makes one happy (if it doesn't harm the other person) is totally natural. To learn to accept the others for who they are is sometimes very hard, as everyone has their own view, but people should learn to treat others the way they want to be treated.

Re: Is it sensible to think that "sexuality" actually exists

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:06 pm
by valerian moon
I would say i'm a hetero dominant bisexual (or pansexual, rather)
but all that got thrown out the window when I met the perfect woman.
I mean, I still am attracted to men more than women, but I can only see myself spending my life with her.
I guess i'm "her-sexual" then loveface