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What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:16 am
by Mal
I dont really know how to word this. lol. Ritual wise? What is the traditional ritual and should I do a pumpkin carving for the celebration? What are other ideas i can use for the day of the dead? :3 thank you!

Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:17 pm
by AutumnMaidens
*tradition* being the problematic term here. Tradition is defined by exactly which path you follow, are you wiccan, are you celtic pagan?
Other useful pieces of info would be: Are you alone or with a group, are you in the broom closet, do you have a lot of space, room to go outside?


Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:58 pm
by Mal
I apologize, I was not at all specific lol I am wiccan and solitary but I generally asked to know any traditional practice ya know? The stories interest me. And I do my works mainly in a bedroom but I can go in my backyard when I need to. Thank you!

Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:22 am
by Echo_of_shadows
One of the common themes of Samhain is death and rebirth. This is the time that the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest and communication with the other side at this time is popular. Some people perform seances and others host a dumb supper. Pumpkin carving is definitely popular, but why not try carving turnips or beets, which were the original jack o'lanterns.
It can be tricky to find the history and Wiccan traditions behind Halloween because of all of the Hollywood garbage that's out there. Have you checked out Patti Wigington has seven day sabbat "classes" that are emailed to you over the course of a week. It's basically emails filled with links to sabbat articles on the site, but having the links at your fingertips is a bit easier than wading through the site looking for Sabbat information the hard way. ;) I've done most of these classes myself and I enjoyed them.
Keep in mind, just because something is traditional for one person, doesn't mean it has to be tradition for everyone. Being a solitary practitioner gives plenty of room for new traditions. :) Whatever you do for Samhain, I hope you have fun. :fairy:

Bright Blessings,

Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:58 am
by Mal
Thank you so very much Echo! Blessed be!

Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:01 am
by Echo_of_shadows
You're welcome, Mal. :flyingwitch:

Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:31 am
by Holdasown
We make a meal to serve our dead. It's also the time Holda and Wodan begin the Wild Hunt so we make offerings to them and the wights. I will be doing some kind of offering for Hela too. My practice is Heathen/ Germanic pagan based. I will do some kind of mediation too. I am considering making a non-toxic flying ointment to try that night as well.

Re: What would be a good idea for Samhain?

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:07 am
by p3nathan
I'm having a baking party and weather permitting, following that with a few hours just gazing at the stars.