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Wicca The Elements And Magick The Guide for Natural Magick

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:36 am
by Echo_of_shadows
"Wicca The Elements And Magick The Guide for Natural Magick"
By Kristina Benson copyright 2005 Equity Press

My first impression of this book was that it was very "Wicca 101," but after reading it in its entirety, I changed my mind. It doesn't have much information on many aspects of Wicca, and what information it does contain, isn't very in depth.
I only recommend this to magical practitioners wishing to add to their collection of recipes. I don't recommend buying it, just borrow it from a friend or the library.
There are several spelling/grammar/punctuation errors. (Just to let you know if such a thing bothers you the way it does me.)